Checking in code to perform safety checks on repair dependency graph.
[repair.git] / Repair / RepairCompiler / MCC / IR /
1 package MCC.IR;
2 import java.util.*;
3 import MCC.State;
5 public class GraphAnalysis {
6     Termination termination;
7     static final int WORKS=0;
8     static final int ERR_NOREPAIR=1;
9     static final int ERR_CYCLE=2;
10     static final int ERR_RULE=3;
11     static final int ERR_ABSTRACT=4;
13     public GraphAnalysis(Termination t) {
14         termination=t;
15     }
16     /* This function checks that
17        1) All abstract repairs have a corresponding data structure update
18           that isn't removed.
19        2) All scope nodes have either a consequence node or a compensation
20           node that isn't removed.
21      */
22     public int checkRepairs(Set removed) {
23         Set nodes=new HashSet();
24         nodes.addAll(termination.conjunctions);
25         nodes.removeAll(removed);
26         GraphNode.computeclosure(nodes,removed);
27         Set toretain=new HashSet();
28         toretain.addAll(termination.abstractrepair);
29         toretain.addAll(termination.scopenodes);
30         nodes.retainAll(toretain);
31         /* Nodes is now the reachable set of abstractrepairs */
32         /* Check to see that each has an implementation */
33         for(Iterator it=nodes.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
34             GraphNode gn=(GraphNode);
35             TermNode tn=(TermNode)gn.getOwner();
36             if (tn.getType()==TermNode.RULESCOPE) {
37                 boolean foundnode=false;
38                 for (Iterator edgeit=gn.edges();it.hasNext();) {
39                     GraphNode.Edge edge=(GraphNode.Edge);
40                     GraphNode gn2=edge.getTarget();
41                     if (!removed.contains(gn2)) {
42                         TermNode tn2=(TermNode)gn2.getOwner();
43                         if (tn2.getType()==TermNode.CONSEQUENCE||
44                             tn2.getType()==TermNode.UPDATE) {
45                             foundnode=true;
46                             break;
47                         }
48                     }
49                 }
50                 if (!foundnode)
51                     return ERR_RULE;
52             } else if (tn.getType()==TermNode.ABSTRACT) {
53                 boolean foundnode=false;
54                 for (Iterator edgeit=gn.edges();it.hasNext();) {
55                     GraphNode.Edge edge=(GraphNode.Edge);
56                     GraphNode gn2=edge.getTarget();
57                     if (!removed.contains(gn2)) {
58                         TermNode tn2=(TermNode)gn2.getOwner();
59                         if (tn2.getType()==TermNode.UPDATE) {
60                             foundnode=true;
61                             break;
62                         }
63                     }
64                 }
65                 if (!foundnode)
66                     return ERR_ABSTRACT;
67             } else throw new Error("Unanticipated Node");
68         }
69         return WORKS;
70     }
71     /* This method checks that all constraints have a conjunction nodes
72        and that there are no bad cycles in the abstract portion of the graph.
73      */
74     public int checkAbstract(Set removed) {
75         Vector constraints=termination.state.vConstraints;
76         for(int i=0;i<constraints.size();i++) {
77             Constraint c=(Constraint)constraints.get(i);
78             Set conjunctionset=(Set)termination.conjunctionmap.get(c);
80             boolean foundrepair=false;
81             for(Iterator it=conjunctionset.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
82                 GraphNode gn=(GraphNode);
83                 if (!removed.contains(gn)) {
84                     foundrepair=true;
85                 }
86             }
87             if (!foundrepair)
88                 return ERR_NOREPAIR;
89         }
90         Set abstractnodes=new HashSet();
91         abstractnodes.addAll(termination.conjunctions);
92         abstractnodes.removeAll(removed);
93         GraphNode.computeclosure(abstractnodes,removed);
95         Set tset=new HashSet();
96         tset.addAll(termination.conjunctions);
97         tset.addAll(termination.abstractrepair);
98         tset.addAll(termination.scopenodes);
99         tset.addAll(termination.consequencenodes);
100         abstractnodes.retainAll(tset);
101         Set cycles=GraphNode.findcycles(abstractnodes);
103         for(Iterator it=cycles.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
104             GraphNode gn=(GraphNode);
105             TermNode tn=(TermNode)gn.getOwner();
106             switch(tn.getType()) {
107             case TermNode.CONJUNCTION:
108             case TermNode.ABSTRACT:
109                 return ERR_CYCLE;
110             case TermNode.UPDATE:
111                 throw new Error("No Update Nodes should be here");
112             default:
113             }
114         }
115         return WORKS;
116     }
117 }