Taints the non-acquire RMW's store address with the load part
[oota-llvm.git] / test / tools / llvm-profdata / Inputs / vp-malform2.proftext
1 foo
2 # Func Hash:
3 10
4 # Num Counters:
5 2
6 # Counter Values:
7 999000
8 359800
10 main
11 # Func Hash:
12 16650
13 # Num Counters:
14 4
15 # Counter Values:
16 2
17 2000
18 2000000
19 999000
20 # NumValueKinds
21 1
22 # Value Kind IPVK_IndirectCallTarget
23 0
24 # NumSites
25 3
26 # Values for each site
27 0
28 # !! Malformed value site, missing one value
29 2
30 foo:100
31 1
32 foo2:20000