[ARM] Add support for -sp- FPUs and FPU none to TargetParser
[oota-llvm.git] / lib / Fuzzer / cxx_fuzzer_tokens.txt
1 #
2 ##
3 `
4 ~
5 !
6 @
7 $
8 %
9 ^
10 &
11 *
12 (
13 )
14 _
15 -
16 _
17 =
18 +
19 {
20 }
21 [
22 ]
23 |
24 \
25 ,
26 .
27 /
28 ?
29 >
30 <
31 ;
32 :
33 '
34 "
35 ++
36 --
37 <<
38 >>
39 +=
40 -=
41 *=
42 /=
43 >>=
44 <<=
45 &=
46 |=
47 ^=
48 %=
49 !=
50 &&
51 ||
52 ==
53 >=
54 <=
55 ->
56 0
57 1
58 2
59 3
60 4
61 5
62 6
63 7
64 8
65 9
66 A
67 B
68 C
69 D
70 E
71 F
72 G
73 H
74 I
75 J
76 K
77 L
78 M
79 N
80 O
81 P
82 Q
83 R
84 S
85 T
86 U
87 V
88 W
89 X
90 Y
91 Z
92 a
93 b
94 c
95 d
96 e
97 f
98 g
99 h
100 i
101 j
102 k
103 l
104 m
105 n
106 o
107 p
108 q
109 r
110 s
111 t
112 u
113 v
114 w
115 x
116 y
117 z
118 alignas
119 alignof
120 and
121 and_eq
122 asm
123 auto
124 bitand
125 bitor
126 bool
127 break
128 case
129 catch
130 char
131 char16_t
132 char32_t
133 class
134 compl
135 concept
136 const
137 constexpr
138 const_cast
139 continue
140 decltype
141 default
142 delete
143 do
144 double
145 dynamic_cast
146 else
147 enum
148 explicit
149 export
150 extern
151 false
152 float
153 for
154 friend
155 goto
156 if
157 inline
158 int
159 long
160 mutable
161 namespace
162 new
163 noexcept
164 not
165 not_eq
166 nullptr
167 operator
168 or
169 or_eq
170 private
171 protected
172 public
173 register
174 reinterpret_cast
175 requires
176 return
177 short
178 signed
179 sizeof
180 static
181 static_assert
182 static_cast
183 struct
184 switch
185 template
186 this
187 thread_local
188 throw
189 true
190 try
191 typedef
192 typeid
193 typename
194 union
195 unsigned
196 using
197 virtual
198 void
199 volatile
200 wchar_t
201 while
202 xor
203 xor_eq
204 if
205 elif
206 else
207 endif
208 defined
209 ifdef
210 ifndef
211 define
212 undef
213 include
214 line
215 error
216 pragma
217 override
218 final