1 //===- LLToken.h - Token Codes for LLVM Assembly Files ----------*- C++ -*-===//
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 // This file defines the enums for the .ll lexer.
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 // Tokens with no info.
27 lsquare, rsquare, // [ ]
28 lbrace, rbrace, // { }
30 lparen, rparen, // ( )
31 backslash, // \ (not /)
36 kw_declare, kw_define,
37 kw_global, kw_constant,
39 kw_private, kw_internal, kw_linkonce, kw_weak, kw_appending, kw_dllimport,
40 kw_dllexport, kw_common, kw_default, kw_hidden, kw_protected,
42 kw_external, kw_thread_local,
62 kw_cc, kw_ccc, kw_fastcc, kw_coldcc, kw_x86_stdcallcc, kw_x86_fastcallcc,
86 kw_eq, kw_ne, kw_slt, kw_sgt, kw_sle, kw_sge, kw_ult, kw_ugt, kw_ule,
87 kw_uge, kw_oeq, kw_one, kw_olt, kw_ogt, kw_ole, kw_oge, kw_ord, kw_uno,
90 // Instruction Opcodes (Opcode in UIntVal).
91 kw_add, kw_sub, kw_mul, kw_udiv, kw_sdiv, kw_fdiv,
92 kw_urem, kw_srem, kw_frem, kw_shl, kw_lshr, kw_ashr,
93 kw_and, kw_or, kw_xor, kw_icmp, kw_fcmp, kw_vicmp, kw_vfcmp,
96 kw_trunc, kw_zext, kw_sext, kw_fptrunc, kw_fpext, kw_uitofp, kw_sitofp,
97 kw_fptoui, kw_fptosi, kw_inttoptr, kw_ptrtoint, kw_bitcast,
100 kw_ret, kw_br, kw_switch, kw_invoke, kw_unwind, kw_unreachable,
102 kw_malloc, kw_alloca, kw_free, kw_load, kw_store, kw_getelementptr,
104 kw_extractelement, kw_insertelement, kw_shufflevector, kw_getresult,
105 kw_extractvalue, kw_insertvalue,
107 // Unsigned Valued tokens (UIntVal).
111 // String valued tokens (StrVal).
113 GlobalVar, // @foo @"foo"
114 LocalVar, // %foo %"foo"
115 StringConstant, // "foo"
117 // Type valued tokens (TyVal).
120 APFloat, // APFloatVal
123 } // end namespace lltok
124 } // end namespace llvm