/** * HVAC Auto Off * * Author: dianoga7@3dgo.net * Date: 2013-07-21 */ // Automatically generated. Make future change here. definition( name: "Thermostat Auto Off", namespace: "dianoga", author: "dianoga7@3dgo.net", description: "Automatically turn off thermostat when windows/doors open. Turn it back on when everything is closed up.", category: "Green Living", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience%402x.png", oauth: true ) preferences { section("Control") { input("thermostat", "capability.thermostat", title: "Thermostat") } section("Open/Close") { input("sensors", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Sensors", multiple: true) input("delay", "number", title: "Delay (seconds) before turning thermostat off") } } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { state.changed = false //subscribe(sensors, 'contact', "sensorChange") subscribe(sensors, "contact", sensorChange) } def sensorChange(evt) { log.debug "Desc: $evt.value , $state" if(evt.value == 'open' && !state.changed) { log.debug "Scheduling turn off in $delay seconds" state.scheduled = true; runIn(delay, 'turnOff') } else if(evt.value == 'closed' && (state.changed || state.scheduled)) { if(!isOpen()) { log.debug "Everything is closed, restoring thermostat" state.scheduled = false; unschedule('turnOff') restore() } else { log.debug "Something is still open." } } } def isOpen() { def result = sensors.find() { it.currentValue('contact') == 'open'; } log.debug "isOpen results: $result" return result } def turnOff() { log.debug "Preparing to turn off thermostat due to contact open" if(isOpen()) { log.debug "It's safe. Turning it off." state.thermostatMode = thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode") state.changed = true thermostat.off() log.debug "State: $state" } else { log.debug "Just kidding. The platform did something bad." } } def restore() { log.debug "Setting thermostat to $state.thermostatMode" thermostat.setThermostatMode(state.thermostatMode) state.changed = false }