/** * groveStreams * * Copyright 2014 Yves Racine * * LinkedIn profile: ca.linkedin.com/pub/yves-racine-m-sc-a/0/406/4b/ * * Developer retains all right, title, copyright, and interest, including all copyright, patent rights, trade secret * in the Background technology. May be subject to consulting fees under the Agreement between the Developer and the Customer. * Developer grants a non exclusive perpetual license to use the Background technology in the Software developed for and delivered * to Customer under this Agreement. However, the Customer shall make no commercial use of the Background technology without * Developer's written consent. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * Software Distribution is restricted and shall be done only with Developer's written approval. * * Based on code from Jason Steele & Minollo * Adapted to be compatible with MyEcobee and My Automatic devices which are available at my store: * http://www.ecomatiqhomes.com/#!store/tc3yr * */ definition( name: "groveStreams", namespace: "yracine", author: "Yves Racine", description: "Log to groveStreams and send data streams based on devices selection", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Partner/ecobee.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Partner/ecobee@2x.png" ) preferences { section("About") { paragraph "groveStreams, the smartapp that sends your device states to groveStreams for data correlation" paragraph "Version 2.2.2" paragraph "If you like this smartapp, please support the developer via PayPal and click on the Paypal link below " href url: "https://www.paypal.me/ecomatiqhomes", title:"Paypal donation..." paragraph "Copyright©2014 Yves Racine" href url:"http://github.com/yracine/device-type.myecobee", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"More information..." description: "http://github.com/yracine" } section("Log devices...") { input "temperatures", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Temperatures", required: false, multiple: true input "thermostats", "capability.thermostat", title: "Thermostats", required: false, multiple: true input "ecobees", "device.myEcobeeDevice", title: "Ecobees", required: false, multiple: true input "automatic", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Automatic Connected Device(s)", required: false, multiple: true input "detectors", "capability.smokeDetector", title: "Smoke/CarbonMonoxide Detectors", required: false, multiple: true input "humidities", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Humidity sensors", required: false, multiple: true input "waters", "capability.waterSensor", title: "Water sensors", required: false, multiple: true input "illuminances", "capability.IlluminanceMeasurement", title: "Illuminance sensor", required: false, multiple: true input "locks", "capability.lock", title: "Locks", required: false, multiple: true input "contacts", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Doors open/close", required: false, multiple: true input "accelerations", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Accelerations", required: false, multiple: true input "motions", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Motions", required: false, multiple: true input "presence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Presence", required: false, multiple: true input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "Switches", required: false, multiple: true input "dimmerSwitches", "capability.switchLevel", title: "Dimmer Switches", required: false, multiple: true input "batteries", "capability.battery", title: "Battery-powered devices", required: false, multiple: true input "powers", "capability.powerMeter", title: "Power Meters", required: false, multiple: true input "energys", "capability.energyMeter", title: "Energy Meters", required: false, multiple: true } section("GroveStreams Feed PUT API key...") { input "channelKey", "text", title: "API key" } section("Sending data at which interval in minutes (default=5)?") { input "givenInterval", "number", title: 'Send Data Interval', required: false } } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { subscribe(temperatures, "temperature", handleTemperatureEvent) subscribe(humidities, "humidity", handleHumidityEvent) subscribe(waters, "water", handleWaterEvent) subscribe(waters, "water", handleWaterEvent) subscribe(detectors, "smoke", handleSmokeEvent) subscribe(detectors, "carbonMonoxide", handleCarbonMonoxideEvent) subscribe(illuminances, "illuminance", handleIlluminanceEvent) subscribe(contacts, "contact", handleContactEvent) subscribe(locks, "lock", handleLockEvent) subscribe(accelerations, "acceleration", handleAccelerationEvent) subscribe(motions, "motion", handleMotionEvent) subscribe(presence, "presence", handlePresenceEvent) subscribe(switches, "switch", handleSwitchEvent) subscribe(dimmerSwitches, "switch", handleSwitchEvent) subscribe(dimmerSwitches, "level", handleSetLevelEvent) subscribe(batteries, "battery", handleBatteryEvent) subscribe(powers, "power", handlePowerEvent) subscribe(energys, "energy", handleEnergyEvent) subscribe(energys, "cost", handleCostEvent) subscribe(thermostats, "heatingSetpoint", handleHeatingSetpointEvent) subscribe(thermostats, "coolingSetpoint", handleCoolingSetpointEvent) subscribe(thermostats, "thermostatMode", handleThermostatModeEvent) subscribe(thermostats, "fanMode", handleFanModeEvent) subscribe(thermostats, "thermostatOperatingState", handleThermostatOperatingStateEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "dehumidifierMode", handleDehumidifierModeEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "equipmentStatus", handleEquipmentStatusEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "dehumidifierLevel", handleDehumidifierLevelEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "humidifierMode", handleHumidifierModeEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "humidifierLevel", handleHumidifierLevelEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "fanMinOnTime", handleFanMinOnTimeEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "ventilatorMode", handleVentilatorModeEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "ventilatorMinOnTime", handleVentilatorMinOnTimeEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "programScheduleName", handleProgramNameEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "auxHeat1RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "auxHeat2RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "auxHeat3RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "compCool1RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "compCool2RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "fanRuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "humidifierRuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "dehumidifierRuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "ventilatorRuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(ecobees, "presence", handlePresenceEvent) subscribe(ecobees, "compCool2RuntimeDaily", handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgAverageKmpl",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgDistanceM",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgDurationS",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalDistanceM",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgFuelVolumeL",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalFuelVolumeL",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalDurationS:",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalNbTrips",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalHardAccels",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTotalHardBrakes:",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgScoreSpeeding",handleDailyStats) subscribe(automatic, "yesterdayTripsAvgScoreEvents",handleDailyStats) def queue = [] atomicState.queue=queue if (atomicState.queue==null) { atomicState.queue = [] } atomicState?.poll = [ last: 0, rescheduled: now() ] Integer delay = givenInterval ?: 5 // By default, schedule processQueue every 5 min. log.debug "initialize>scheduling processQueue every ${delay} minutes" //Subscribe to different events (ex. sunrise and sunset events) to trigger rescheduling if needed subscribe(location, "sunrise", rescheduleIfNeeded) subscribe(location, "sunset", rescheduleIfNeeded) subscribe(location, "mode", rescheduleIfNeeded) subscribe(location, "sunriseTime", rescheduleIfNeeded) subscribe(location, "sunsetTime", rescheduleIfNeeded) subscribe(app, appTouch) rescheduleIfNeeded() } def appTouch(evt) { rescheduleIfNeeded() processQueue() def queue = [] atomicState.queue=queue } def rescheduleIfNeeded(evt) { if (evt) log.debug("rescheduleIfNeeded>$evt.name=$evt.value") Integer delay = givenInterval ?: 5 // By default, schedule processQueue every 5 min. BigDecimal currentTime = now() BigDecimal lastPollTime = (currentTime - (atomicState?.poll["last"]?:0)) if (lastPollTime != currentTime) { Double lastPollTimeInMinutes = (lastPollTime/60000).toDouble().round(1) log.info "rescheduleIfNeeded>last poll was ${lastPollTimeInMinutes.toString()} minutes ago" } if (((atomicState?.poll["last"]?:0) + (delay * 60000) < currentTime) && canSchedule()) { log.info "rescheduleIfNeeded>scheduling processQueue in ${delay} minutes.." unschedule schedule("0 0/${delay} * * * ?", processQueue) } // Update rescheduled state if (!evt) { atomicState.poll["rescheduled"] = now() } } def handleTemperatureEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleHumidityEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleHeatingSetpointEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleCoolingSetpointEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleThermostatModeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleFanModeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleHumidifierModeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleHumidifierLevelEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleDehumidifierModeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleDehumidifierLevelEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleVentilatorModeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleFanMinOnTimeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleVentilatorMinOnTimeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleThermostatOperatingStateEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "idle" ? 0 : (it == 'fan only') ? 1 : (it == 'heating') ? 2 : 3 } } def handleDailyStats(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleEquipmentStatusEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleProgramNameEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleWaterEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleSmokeEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleCarbonMonoxideEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleIlluminanceEvent(evt) { log.debug ("handleIlluminanceEvent> $evt.name= $evt.value") queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleLockEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "locked" ? 1 : 0 } } def handleBatteryEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handleContactEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "open" ? 1 : 0 } } def handleAccelerationEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "active" ? 1 : 0 } } def handleMotionEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "active" ? 1 : 0 } } def handlePresenceEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "present" ? 1 : 0 } } def handleSwitchEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it == "on" ? 1 : 0 } } def handleSetLevelEvent(evt) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } def handlePowerEvent(evt) { if (evt.value) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } } def handleEnergyEvent(evt) { if (evt.value) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } } def handleCostEvent(evt) { if (evt.value) { queueValue(evt) { it.toString() } } } private queueValue(evt, Closure convert) { def MAX_QUEUE_SIZE=95000 def jsonPayload = [compId: evt.displayName, streamId: evt.name, data: convert(evt.value), time: now()] def queue queue = atomicState.queue queue << jsonPayload atomicState.queue = queue def queue_size = queue.toString().length() def last_item_in_queue = queue[queue.size() -1] log.debug "queueValue>queue size in chars=${queue_size}, appending ${jsonPayload} to queue, last item in queue= $last_item_in_queue" if (queue_size > MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { processQueue() } } def processQueue() { Integer delay = givenInterval ?: 5 // By default, schedule processQueue every 5 min. atomicState?.poll["last"] = now() if (((atomicState?.poll["rescheduled"]?:0) + (delay * 60000)) < now()) { log.info "processQueue>scheduling rescheduleIfNeeded() in ${delay} minutes.." schedule("0 0/${delay} * * * ?", rescheduleIfNeeded) // Update rescheduled state atomicState?.poll["rescheduled"] = now() } def queue = atomicState.queue def url = "https://grovestreams.com/api/feed?api_key=${channelKey}" log.debug "processQueue" if (queue != []) { log.debug "Events to be sent to groveStreams: ${queue}" try { httpPutJson([uri: url, body: queue]) {response -> if (response.status != 200) { log.debug "GroveStreams logging failed, status = ${response.status}" } else { log.debug "GroveStreams accepted event(s)" // reset the queue queue =[] atomicState.queue = queue } } } catch (groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException e) { // ignore error 200, bogus exception if (e.statusCode != 200) { log.error "Grovestreams: ${e}" } else { log.debug "GroveStreams accepted event(s)" } // reset the queue queue =[] atomicState.queue = queue } catch (e) { def errorInfo = "Error sending value: ${e}" log.error errorInfo // reset the queue queue =[] atomicState.queue = queue } } }