/** * Copyright 2014 Yves Racine * linkedIn profile: ca.linkedin.com/pub/yves-racine-m-sc-a/0/406/4b/ * * Developer retains all right, title, copyright, and interest, including all copyright, patent rights, trade secret * in the Background technology. May be subject to consulting fees under the Agreement between the Developer and the Customer. * Developer grants a non exclusive perpetual license to use the Background technology in the Software developed for and delivered * to Customer under this Agreement. However, the Customer shall make no commercial use of the Background technology without * Developer's written consent. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * Take a series of actions in case of smoke or CO2 alert, i.e. turn on/flash the lights, turn on the siren, unlock the doors, turn * off the thermostat(s), turn off the alarm system, etc. * * Software Distribution is restricted and shall be done only with Developer's written approval. * * N.B. Compatible with MyEcobee device available at * http://www.ecomatiqhomes.com/#!store/tc3yr */ // Automatically generated. Make future change here. definition( name: "FireCO2Alarm", namespace: "yracine", author: "yracine@yahoo.com", description: "In case of a fire/CO2 alarm,turn on all the lights/turn off all thermostats, unlock the doors, disarm the alarm system & open the garage door when CO2 is detected ", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience%402x.png" ) preferences { page(name: "actionsSettings", title: "actionsSettings") page(name: "otherSettings", title: "OtherSettings") } def actionsSettings() { dynamicPage(name: "actionsSettings", install: false, uninstall: true, nextPage: "otherSettings") { section("About") { paragraph "FireCO2Alarm, the smartapp that executes a series of actions when a Fire or CO2 alarm is triggerred" paragraph "Version 1.3" paragraph "If you like this smartapp, please support the developer via PayPal and click on the Paypal link below " href url: "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=yracine%40yahoo%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Maisons%20ecomatiq&no_note=0¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest", title:"Paypal donation..." paragraph "Copyright©2014 Yves Racine" href url:"http://github.com/yracine/device-type.myecobee", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"More information..." description: "http://github.com/yracine" } section("When these smoke/CO2 detector trigger, the following actions will be taken...") { input "smoke_detectors", "capability.smokeDetector", title: "Which Smoke/CO2 detector(s)?", multiple: true } section("Unlock the doors [optional]") { input "locks", "capability.lock", multiple: true, required: false } section("Open this Garage Door in case of CO2...") { input "garageSwitch", "capability.switch", title: "Which Garage Door Switch", required: false } section("Only If this Garage's Contact is closed") { input "garageMulti", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which Garage Door Contact", required: false } section("Turn off the thermostat(s) [optional]") { input "tstat", "capability.thermostat", title: "Thermostat(s)", multiple: true, required: false } section("Disarm the alarm system if armed [optional]") { input "alarmSwitch", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Alarm System", required: false } section("Flash/turn on the lights...") { input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "These lights", multiple: true input "numFlashes", "number", title: "This number of times (default 20)", required: false } section("Time settings in milliseconds [optional]") { input "givenOnFor", "number", title: "On for (default 1000)", required: false input "givenOffFor", "number", title: "Off for (default 1000)", required: false } section("And activate the siren [optional]") { input "securityAlert", "capability.alarm", title: "Security Alert", required: false, multiple:true } section("Clear alarm threshold (default = 1 min) to revert actions[optional]") { input "clearAlarmThreshold", "decimal", title: "Number of minutes after clear alarm", required: false } } } def otherSettings() { dynamicPage(name: "otherSettings", title: "Other Settings", install: true, uninstall: false) { section("Detectors' low battery warning") { input "lowBattThreshold", "number", title: "Low Batt Threshold % (default 10%)", required: false } section("Use Speech capability to warn the residents (optional) ") { input "theVoice", "capability.speechSynthesis", required: false, multiple: true } section("What do I use for the Master on/off switch to enable/disable voice notifications? (optional)") { input "powerSwitch", "capability.switch", required: false } section("Notifications") { input "sendPushMessage", "enum", title: "Send a push notification?", metadata: [values: ["Yes", "No"]], required: false input "phone", "phone", title: "Send a Text Message?", required: false } section([mobileOnly: true]) { label title: "Assign a name for this SmartApp", required: false } } } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { unsubscribe() initialize() } private initialize() { subscribe(smoke_detectors, "smoke", smokeHandler) subscribe(smoke_detectors, "carbonMonoxide", carbonMonoxideHandler) subscribe(smoke_detectors, "battery", batteryHandler) subscribe(locks, "lock", doorUnlockedHandler) subscribe(garageMulti, "contact", garageDoorContact) subscribe(alarmSwitch, "contact", alarmSwitchContact) if (tstat) { subscribe(tstat, "thermostatMode", thermostatModeHandler) } reset_state_variables() } private def reset_state_variables() { state.lastActivated = null state.lastThermostatMode = null if (tstat) { state.lastThermostatMode = " " tstat.each { log.debug "reset_state_variables>thermostat mode reset for $it" state.lastThermostatMode = state.lastThermostatMode + "${it.currentThermostatMode}" + "," } } log.debug "reset_state_variables>state.lastThermostatMode= $state.lastThermostatMode" } def thermostatModeHandler(evt) { log.debug "thermostat mode: $evt.value" } def garageDoorContact(evt) { log.info "garageDoorContact, $evt.name: $evt.value" } def doorUnlockedHandler(evt) { log.debug "Lock ${locks} was: ${evt.value}" } def smokeHandler(evt) { def SMOKE_ALERT = 'detected_SMOKE' def CLEAR_ALERT = 'clear' def CLEAR_SMOKE_ALERT = 'clear_SMOKE' def DETECTED_ALERT = 'detected' def TESTED_ALERT = 'tested' log.trace "$evt.value: $evt, $settings" String theMessage if (evt.value == TESTED_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} was tested for smoke." send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") takeActions(evt.value) } else if (evt.value == CLEAR_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} is clear of smoke." send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") takeActions(CLEAR_SMOKE_ALERT) } else if (evt.value == DETECTED_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} detected smoke!" send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") takeActions(SMOKE_ALERT) } else { theMessage = ("Unknown event received from ${evt.name}") send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") } } def carbonMonoxideHandler(evt) { def CO2_ALERT = 'detected_CO2' def CLEAR_CO2_ALERT = 'clear_CO2' def CLEAR_ALERT = 'clear' def DETECTED_ALERT = 'detected' def TESTED_ALERT = 'tested' log.trace "$evt.value: $evt, $settings" String theMessage if (evt.value == TESTED_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} was tested for carbon monoxide." send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") } else if (evt.value == CLEAR_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} is clear of carbon monoxide." send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") takeActions(CLEAR_CO2_ALERT) } else if (evt.value == DETECTED_ALERT) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} detected carbon monoxide!" send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") takeActions(CO2_ALERT) } else { theMessage = "Unknown event received from ${evt.name}" send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") } } def batteryHandler(evt) { log.trace "$evt.value: $evt, $settings" String theMessage int battLevel = evt.integerValue log.debug "${evt.displayName} has battery of ${battLevel}" if (battLevel < lowBattThreshold ?: 10) { theMessage = "${evt.displayName} has battery of ${battLevel}" send("FireCO2Alarm>${theMessage}") } } def alarmSwitchContact(evt) { log.info "alarmSwitchContact, $evt.name: $evt.value" } def clearAlert() { def msg if (securityAlert) { securityAlert.off() // Turned off the security alert msg = "turned security alert off" send("FireCO2Alarm>now clear, ${msg}") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.setLevel(40) theVoice.speak(msg) } } /* if (locks) { locks.lock() // Lock the locks send("FireCO2Alarm>Cleared, locked all locks...") } */ if (tstat) { if (state.lastThermostatMode) { def lastThermostatMode = state.lastThermostatMode.toString().split(',') int i = 0 tstat.each { def lastSavedMode = lastThermostatMode[i].trim() if (lastSavedMode) { log.debug "About to set ${it}, back to saved thermostatMode=${lastSavedMode}" if (lastSavedMode == 'cool') { it.cool() } else if (lastSavedMode.contains('heat')) { it.heat() } else if (lastSavedMode == 'auto') { it.auto() } msg = "thermostat ${it}'s mode is now set back to ${lastThermostatMode[i]}" send("FireCO2Alarm>Cleared, ${msg}") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } i++ } } else { tstat.auto() msg = "thermostats set to auto" send("FireCO2Alarm>Cleared, ${msg}") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } } } private takeActions(String alert) { def msg def CO2_ALERT = 'detected_CO2' def SMOKE_ALERT = 'detected_SMOKE' def CLEAR_ALERT = 'clear' def CLEAR_SMOKE_ALERT = 'clear_SMOKE' def CLEAR_CO2_ALERT = 'clear_CO2' def DETECTED_ALERT = 'detected' def TESTED_ALERT = 'tested' // Proceed with the following actions when clear alert if ((alert == CLEAR_SMOKE_ALERT) || (alert == CLEAR_CO2_ALERT)) { def delay = (clearAlarmThreshold ?: 1) * 60 // default is 1 minute // Wait a certain delay before clearing the alert send("FireCO2Alarm>Cleared, wait for ${delay} seconds...") runIn(delay, "clearAlert", [overwrite: false]) if ((alert == CLEAR_CO2_ALERT) && (garageMulti?.currentContact == "open")) { log.debug "garage door is open,about to close it following cleared CO2 alert..." garageSwitch?.on() // Open the garage door if it is closed msg = "closed the garage door following cleared CO2 alert" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.setLevel(50) theVoice.speak(msg) } } return } if ((alert != TESTED_ALERT) && (alert != SMOKE_ALERT) && (alert != CO2_ALERT)) { log.debug "Not in test mode nor smoke/CO2 detected, exiting..." return } // Proceed with the following actions in case of SMOKE or CO2 alert // Reset state variables reset_state_variables() if (securityAlert) { securityAlert.on() // Turned on the security alert msg = "security Alert on" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.setLevel(75) theVoice.speak(msg) } } if (alarmSwitch) { if (alarmSwitch.currentContact == "closed") { log.debug "alarm system is on, about to disarm it..." alarmSwitch.off() // disarm the alarm system msg = "alarm system disarmed" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.setLevel(75) theVoice.speak(msg) } } } if (tstat) { tstat.off() // Turn off the thermostats msg = "turning off all thermostats" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } if (!location.mode.contains('Away')) { if (locks) { locks.unlock() // Unlock the locks if mode is not 'Away' msg = "unlocked the doors" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } if ((alert == CO2_ALERT) && (garageSwitch)) { if (garageMulti?.currentContact == "closed") { log.debug "garage door is closed,about to open it following CO2 alert..." garageSwitch.on() // Open the garage door if it is closed msg = "opened the garage door following CO2 alert" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } } } flashLights() // Flash the lights msg = "flashed the lights" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}...") if (theVoice) { theVoice.speak(msg) } def now = new Date().getTime() // Turn the switches on at night astroCheck() if (now > state.setTime) { switches?.on() msg = "turned on the lights" send("FireCO2Alarm>${msg}") if ((theVoice) && (powerSwitch?.currentSwitch == "on")) { // Notify by voice only if the powerSwitch is on theVoice.speak(msg) } } } def astroCheck() { def s = getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: zipCode) state.riseTime = s.sunrise.time state.setTime = s.sunset.time log.debug "rise: ${new Date(state.riseTime)}($state.riseTime), set: ${new Date(state.setTime)}($state.setTime)" } private flashLights() { def doFlash = true def onFor = givenOnFor ?: 1000 def offFor = givenOffFor ?: 1000 def numFlashes = numFlashes ?: 20 log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED IS: ${state.lastActivated}" if (state.lastActivated) { def elapsed = now() - state.lastActivated def sequenceTime = (numFlashes + 1) * (onFor + offFor) doFlash = elapsed > sequenceTime log.debug "DO FLASH: $doFlash, ELAPSED: $elapsed, LAST ACTIVATED: ${state.lastActivated}" } if (doFlash) { log.debug "FLASHING $numFlashes times" state.lastActivated = now() log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED SET TO: ${state.lastActivated}" def initialActionOn = switches.collect { it.currentSwitch != "on" } def delay = 1 L numFlashes.times { log.trace "Switch on after $delay msec" switches.eachWithIndex { s, i -> if (initialActionOn[i]) { s.on(delay: delay) } else { s.off(delay: delay) } } delay += onFor log.trace "Switch off after $delay msec" switches.eachWithIndex { s, i -> if (initialActionOn[i]) { s.off(delay: delay) } else { s.on(delay: delay) } } delay += offFor } } } private send(msg) { if (sendPushMessage != "No") { log.debug("sending push message") sendPush(msg) } if (phoneNumber) { log.debug("sending text message") sendSms(phoneNumber, msg) } log.debug msg }