/** * Smart Alarm is a multi-zone virtual alarm panel, featuring customizable * security zones. Setting of an alarm can activate sirens, turn on light * switches, push notification and text message. Alarm is armed and disarmed * simply by setting SmartThings location 'mode'. * * Please visit for more * information. * * Version 2.4.3 (7/7/2015) * * The latest version of this file can be found on GitHub at: * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2014 Statusbits.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper definition( name: "Smart Alarm", namespace: "statusbits", author: "geko@statusbits.com", description: '''A multi-zone virtual alarm panel, featuring customizable\ security zones. Setting of an alarm can activate sirens, turn on light\ switches, push notification and text message. Alarm is armed and disarmed\ simply by setting SmartThings location 'mode'.''', category: "Safety & Security", iconUrl: "http://statusbits.github.io/icons/SmartAlarm-128.png", iconX2Url: "http://statusbits.github.io/icons/SmartAlarm-256.png", oauth: [displayName:"Smart Alarm", displayLink:"http://statusbits.github.io/smartalarm/"] ) preferences { page name:"pageSetup" page name:"pageAbout" page name:"pageUninstall" page name:"pageStatus" page name:"pageHistory" page name:"pageSelectZones" page name:"pageConfigureZones" page name:"pageArmingOptions" page name:"pageAlarmOptions" page name:"pageNotifications" page name:"pageRemoteOptions" page name:"pageRestApiOptions" } mappings { path("/armaway") { action: [ GET: "apiArmAway" ] } path("/armaway/:pincode") { action: [ GET: "apiArmAway" ] } path("/armstay") { action: [ GET: "apiArmStay" ] } path("/armstay/:pincode") { action: [ GET: "apiArmStay" ] } path("/disarm") { action: [ GET: "apiDisarm" ] } path("/disarm/:pincode") { action: [ GET: "apiDisarm" ] } path("/panic") { action: [ GET: "apiPanic" ] } path("/status") { action: [ GET: "apiStatus" ] } } // Show setup page def pageSetup() { LOG("pageSetup()") if (state.version != getVersion()) { return setupInit() ? pageAbout() : pageUninstall() } if (getNumZones() == 0) { return pageSelectZones() } def alarmStatus = "Alarm is ${getAlarmStatus()}" def pageProperties = [ name: "pageSetup", //title: "Status", nextPage: null, install: true, uninstall: state.installed ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Status") { if (state.zones.size() > 0) { href "pageStatus", title:alarmStatus, description:"Tap for more information" } else { paragraph alarmStatus } if (state.history.size() > 0) { href "pageHistory", title:"Event History", description:"Tap to view" } } section("Setup Menu") { href "pageSelectZones", title:"Add/Remove Zones", description:"Tap to open" href "pageConfigureZones", title:"Configure Zones", description:"Tap to open" href "pageArmingOptions", title:"Arming/Disarming Options", description:"Tap to open" href "pageAlarmOptions", title:"Alarm Options", description:"Tap to open" href "pageNotifications", title:"Notification Options", description:"Tap to open" href "pageRemoteOptions", title:"Remote Control Options", description:"Tap to open" href "pageRestApiOptions", title:"REST API Options", description:"Tap to open" href "pageAbout", title:"About Smart Alarm", description:"Tap to open" } section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]) { label title:"Assign a name", required:false } } } // Show "About" page def pageAbout() { LOG("pageAbout()") def textAbout = "Version ${getVersion()}\n${textCopyright()}\n\n" + "You can contribute to the development of this app by making " + "donation to geko@statusbits.com via PayPal." def hrefInfo = [ url: "http://statusbits.github.io/smartalarm/", style: "embedded", title: "Tap here for more information...", description:"http://statusbits.github.io/smartalarm/", required: false ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageAbout", //title: "About", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("About") { paragraph textAbout href hrefInfo } section("License") { paragraph textLicense() } } } // Show "Uninstall" page def pageUninstall() { LOG("pageUninstall()") def text = "Smart Alarm version ${getVersion()} is not backward compatible " + "with the currently installed version. Please uninstall the " + "current version by tapping the Uninstall button below, then " + "re-install Smart Alarm from the Dashboard. We are sorry for the " + "inconvenience." def pageProperties = [ name: "pageUninstall", title: "Warning!", nextPage: null, uninstall: true, install: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Uninstall Required") { paragraph text } } } // Show "Status" page def pageStatus() { LOG("pageStatus()") def pageProperties = [ name: "pageStatus", //title: "Status", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Status") { paragraph "Alarm is ${getAlarmStatus()}" } if (settings.z_contact) { section("Contact Sensors") { settings.z_contact.each() { def text = getZoneStatus(it, "contact") if (text) { paragraph text } } } } if (settings.z_motion) { section("Motion Sensors") { settings.z_motion.each() { def text = getZoneStatus(it, "motion") if (text) { paragraph text } } } } if (settings.z_movement) { section("Movement Sensors") { settings.z_movement.each() { def text = getZoneStatus(it, "acceleration") if (text) { paragraph text } } } } if (settings.z_smoke) { section("Smoke & CO Sensors") { settings.z_smoke.each() { def text = getZoneStatus(it, "smoke") if (text) { paragraph text } } } } if (settings.z_water) { section("Moisture Sensors") { settings.z_water.each() { def text = getZoneStatus(it, "water") if (text) { paragraph text } } } } } } // Show "History" page def pageHistory() { LOG("pageHistory()") def pageProperties = [ name: "pageHistory", //title: "Event History", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] def history = atomicState.history return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Event History") { if (history.size() == 0) { paragraph "No history available." } else { paragraph "Not implemented" } } } } // Show "Add/Remove Zones" page def pageSelectZones() { LOG("pageSelectZones()") def helpPage = "A security zone is an area of your property protected by a sensor " + "(contact, motion, movement, moisture or smoke)." def inputContact = [ name: "z_contact", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which contact sensors?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputMotion = [ name: "z_motion", type: "capability.motionSensor", title: "Which motion sensors?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputMovement = [ name: "z_movement", type: "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Which movement sensors?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputSmoke = [ name: "z_smoke", type: "capability.smokeDetector", title: "Which smoke & CO sensors?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputMoisture = [ name: "z_water", type: "capability.waterSensor", title: "Which moisture sensors?", multiple: true, required: false ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageSelectZones", //title: "Add/Remove Zones", nextPage: "pageConfigureZones", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Add/Remove Zones") { paragraph helpPage input inputContact input inputMotion input inputMovement input inputSmoke input inputMoisture } } } // Show "Configure Zones" page def pageConfigureZones() { LOG("pageConfigureZones()") def helpZones = "Security zones can be configured as either Exterior, Interior, " + "Alert or Bypass. Exterior zones are armed in both Away and Stay " + "modes, while Interior zones are armed only in Away mode, allowing " + "you to move freely inside the premises while the alarm is armed " + "in Stay mode. Alert zones are always armed and are typically used " + "for smoke and flood alarms. Bypass zones are never armed. This " + "allows you to temporarily exclude a zone from your security " + "system.\n\n" + "You can disable Entry and Exit Delays for individual zones." def zoneTypes = ["exterior", "interior", "alert", "bypass"] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageConfigureZones", //title: "Configure Zones", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Configure Zones") { paragraph helpZones } if (settings.z_contact) { def devices = settings.z_contact.sort {it.displayName} devices.each() { def devId = it.id section("${it.displayName} (contact)") { input "type_${devId}", "enum", title:"Zone Type", metadata:[values:zoneTypes], defaultValue:"exterior" input "delay_${devId}", "bool", title:"Entry/Exit Delays", defaultValue:true } } } if (settings.z_motion) { def devices = settings.z_motion.sort {it.displayName} devices.each() { def devId = it.id section("${it.displayName} (motion)") { input "type_${devId}", "enum", title:"Zone Type", metadata:[values:zoneTypes], defaultValue:"interior" input "delay_${devId}", "bool", title:"Entry/Exit Delays", defaultValue:false } } } if (settings.z_movement) { def devices = settings.z_movement.sort {it.displayName} devices.each() { def devId = it.id section("${it.displayName} (movement)") { input "type_${devId}", "enum", title:"Zone Type", metadata:[values:zoneTypes], defaultValue:"interior" input "delay_${devId}", "bool", title:"Entry/Exit Delays", defaultValue:false } } } if (settings.z_smoke) { def devices = settings.z_smoke.sort {it.displayName} devices.each() { def devId = it.id section("${it.displayName} (smoke)") { input "type_${devId}", "enum", title:"Zone Type", metadata:[values:zoneTypes], defaultValue:"alert" input "delay_${devId}", "bool", title:"Entry/Exit Delays", defaultValue:false } } } if (settings.z_water) { def devices = settings.z_water.sort {it.displayName} devices.each() { def devId = it.id section("${it.displayName} (moisture)") { input "type_${devId}", "enum", title:"Zone Type", metadata:[values:zoneTypes], defaultValue:"alert" input "delay_${devId}", "bool", title:"Entry/Exit Delays", defaultValue:false } } } } } // Show "Arming/Disarming Options" page def pageArmingOptions() { LOG("pageArmingOptions()") def helpArming = "Smart Alarm can be armed and disarmed by setting the home Mode. " + "There are two arming modes - Stay and Away. Interior zones are " + "not armed in Stay mode, allowing you to move freely inside your " + "home." def helpDelay = "Exit and entry delay allows you to exit the premises after arming " + "your alarm system and enter the premises while the alarm system " + "is armed without setting off an alarm. You can optionally disable " + "entry and exit delay when the alarm is armed in Stay mode." def inputAwayModes = [ name: "awayModes", type: "mode", title: "Arm 'Away' in these Modes", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputStayModes = [ name: "stayModes", type: "mode", title: "Arm 'Stay' in these Modes", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputDisarmModes = [ name: "disarmModes", type: "mode", title: "Disarm in these Modes", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputDelay = [ name: "delay", type: "enum", metadata: [values:["30","45","60","90"]], title: "Delay (in seconds)", defaultValue: "30", required: true ] def inputDelayStay = [ name: "stayDelayOff", type: "bool", title: "Disable delays in Stay mode", defaultValue: false, required: true ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageArmingOptions", //title: "Arming/Disarming Options", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Arming/Disarming Options") { paragraph helpArming } section("Modes") { input inputAwayModes input inputStayModes input inputDisarmModes } section("Exit and Entry Delay") { paragraph helpDelay input inputDelay input inputDelayStay } } } // Show "Alarm Options" page def pageAlarmOptions() { LOG("pageAlarmOptions()") def helpAlarm = "You can configure Smart Alarm to take several actions when an " + "alarm is set off, such as turning on sirens and light switches, " + "taking camera snapshots and executing a 'Hello, Home' action." def inputAlarms = [ name: "alarms", type: "capability.alarm", title: "Which sirens?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputSirenMode = [ name: "sirenMode", type: "enum", metadata: [values:["Off","Siren","Strobe","Both"]], title: "Choose siren mode", defaultValue: "Both" ] def inputSwitches = [ name: "switches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Which switches?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputCameras = [ name: "cameras", type: "capability.imageCapture", title: "Which cameras?", multiple: true, required: false ] def hhActions = getHelloHomeActions() def inputHelloHome = [ name: "helloHomeAction", type: "enum", title: "Which 'Hello, Home' action?", metadata: [values: hhActions], required: false ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageAlarmOptions", //title: "Alarm Options", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Alarm Options") { paragraph helpAlarm } section("Sirens") { input inputAlarms input inputSirenMode } section("Switches") { input inputSwitches } section("Cameras") { input inputCameras } section("'Hello, Home' Actions") { input inputHelloHome } } } // Show "Notification Options" page def pageNotifications() { LOG("pageNotifications()") def helpAbout = "You can configure Smart Alarm to notify you when it is armed, " + "disarmed or when an alarm is set off. Notifications can be send " + "using either Push messages, SMS (text) messages and Pushbullet " + "messaging service. Smart Alarm can also notify you with sounds or " + "voice alerts using compatible audio devices, such as Sonos." def inputPushAlarm = [ name: "pushMessage", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: true ] def inputPushStatus = [ name: "pushStatusMessage", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: true ] def inputPhone1 = [ name: "phone1", type: "phone", title: "Send to this number", required: false ] def inputPhone1Alarm = [ name: "smsAlarmPhone1", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone1Status = [ name: "smsStatusPhone1", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone2 = [ name: "phone2", type: "phone", title: "Send to this number", required: false ] def inputPhone2Alarm = [ name: "smsAlarmPhone2", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone2Status = [ name: "smsStatusPhone2", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone3 = [ name: "phone3", type: "phone", title: "Send to this number", required: false ] def inputPhone3Alarm = [ name: "smsAlarmPhone3", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone3Status = [ name: "smsStatusPhone3", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone4 = [ name: "phone4", type: "phone", title: "Send to this number", required: false ] def inputPhone4Alarm = [ name: "smsAlarmPhone4", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: false ] def inputPhone4Status = [ name: "smsStatusPhone4", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: false ] def inputPushbulletDevice = [ name: "pushbullet", type: "device.pushbullet", title: "Which Pushbullet devices?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputPushbulletAlarm = [ name: "pushbulletAlarm", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: true ] def inputPushbulletStatus = [ name: "pushbulletStatus", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: true ] def inputAudioPlayers = [ name: "audioPlayer", type: "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Which audio players?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputSpeechOnAlarm = [ name: "speechOnAlarm", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Alarm", defaultValue: true ] def inputSpeechOnStatus = [ name: "speechOnStatus", type: "bool", title: "Notify on Status Change", defaultValue: true ] def inputSpeechTextAlarm = [ name: "speechText", type: "text", title: "Alarm Phrase", required: false ] def inputSpeechTextArmedAway = [ name: "speechTextArmedAway", type: "text", title: "Armed Away Phrase", required: false ] def inputSpeechTextArmedStay = [ name: "speechTextArmedStay", type: "text", title: "Armed Stay Phrase", required: false ] def inputSpeechTextDisarmed = [ name: "speechTextDisarmed", type: "text", title: "Disarmed Phrase", required: false ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageNotifications", //title: "Notification Options", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Notification Options") { paragraph helpAbout } section("Push Notifications") { input inputPushAlarm input inputPushStatus } section("Text Message (SMS) #1") { input inputPhone1 input inputPhone1Alarm input inputPhone1Status } section("Text Message (SMS) #2") { input inputPhone2 input inputPhone2Alarm input inputPhone2Status } section("Text Message (SMS) #3") { input inputPhone3 input inputPhone3Alarm input inputPhone3Status } section("Text Message (SMS) #4") { input inputPhone4 input inputPhone4Alarm input inputPhone4Status } section("Pushbullet Notifications") { input inputPushbulletDevice input inputPushbulletAlarm input inputPushbulletStatus } section("Audio Notifications") { input inputAudioPlayers input inputSpeechOnAlarm input inputSpeechOnStatus input inputSpeechTextAlarm input inputSpeechTextArmedAway input inputSpeechTextArmedStay input inputSpeechTextDisarmed } } } // Show "Remote Control Options" page def pageRemoteOptions() { LOG("pageRemoteOptions()") def helpRemote = "You can arm and disarm Smart Alarm using any compatible remote " + "control, for example Aeon Labs Minimote." def inputRemotes = [ name: "remotes", type: "capability.button", title: "Which remote controls?", multiple: true, required: false ] def inputArmAwayButton = [ name: "buttonArmAway", type: "number", title: "Which button?", required: false ] def inputArmAwayHold = [ name: "holdArmAway", type: "bool", title: "Hold to activate", defaultValue: false, required: true ] def inputArmStayButton = [ name: "buttonArmStay", type: "number", title: "Which button?", required: false ] def inputArmStayHold = [ name: "holdArmStay", type: "bool", title: "Hold to activate", defaultValue: false, required: true ] def inputDisarmButton = [ name: "buttonDisarm", type: "number", title: "Which button?", required: false ] def inputDisarmHold = [ name: "holdDisarm", type: "bool", title: "Hold to activate", defaultValue: false, required: true ] def inputPanicButton = [ name: "buttonPanic", type: "number", title: "Which button?", required: false ] def inputPanicHold = [ name: "holdPanic", type: "bool", title: "Hold to activate", defaultValue: false, required: true ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageRemoteOptions", //title: "Remote Control Options", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Remote Control Options") { paragraph helpRemote input inputRemotes } section("Arm Away Button") { input inputArmAwayButton input inputArmAwayHold } section("Arm Stay Button") { input inputArmStayButton input inputArmStayHold } section("Disarm Button") { input inputDisarmButton input inputDisarmHold } section("Panic Button") { input inputPanicButton input inputPanicHold } } } // Show "REST API Options" page def pageRestApiOptions() { LOG("pageRestApiOptions()") def textHelp = "Smart Alarm can be controlled remotely by any Web client using " + "REST API. Please refer to Smart Alarm documentation for more " + "information." def textPincode = "You can specify optional PIN code to protect arming and disarming " + "Smart Alarm via REST API from unauthorized access. If set, the " + "PIN code is always required for disarming Smart Alarm, however " + "you can optionally turn it off for arming Smart Alarm." def inputRestApi = [ name: "restApiEnabled", type: "bool", title: "Enable REST API", defaultValue: false ] def inputPincode = [ name: "pincode", type: "number", title: "PIN Code", required: false ] def inputArmWithPin = [ name: "armWithPin", type: "bool", title: "Require PIN code to arm", defaultValue: true ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageRestApiOptions", //title: "REST API Options", nextPage: "pageSetup", uninstall: false ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("REST API Options") { paragraph textHelp input inputRestApi } section("PIN Code") { paragraph textPincode input inputPincode input inputArmWithPin } if (isRestApiEnabled()) { section("REST API Info") { paragraph "App ID:\n${app.id}" paragraph "Access Token:\n${state.accessToken}" } } } } def installed() { LOG("installed()") initialize() state.installed = true } def updated() { LOG("updated()") unschedule() unsubscribe() initialize() } private def setupInit() { LOG("setupInit()") if (state.installed == null) { state.installed = false state.armed = false state.zones = [] state.alarms = [] state.history = [] } else { def version = state.version as String if (version == null || version.startsWith('1')) { return false } } state.version = getVersion() return true } private def initialize() { log.info "Smart Alarm. Version ${getVersion()}. ${textCopyright()}" LOG("settings: ${settings}") clearAlarm() state.delay = settings.delay?.toInteger() ?: 30 state.offSwitches = [] state.history = [] if (settings.awayModes?.contains(location.mode)) { state.armed = true state.stay = false } else if (settings.stayModes?.contains(location.mode)) { state.armed = true state.stay = true } else { state.armed = false state.stay = false } initZones() initButtons() initRestApi() subscribe(location, onLocation) STATE() } private def clearAlarm() { LOG("clearAlarm()") state.alarms = [] settings.alarms*.off() // Turn off only those switches that we've turned on def switchesOff = state.offSwitches if (switchesOff) { LOG("switchesOff: ${switchesOff}") settings.switches.each() { if (switchesOff.contains(it.id)) { it.off() } } state.offSwitches = [] } } private def initZones() { LOG("initZones()") state.zones = [] state.zones << [ deviceId: null, sensorType: "panic", zoneType: "alert", delay: false ] if (settings.z_contact) { settings.z_contact.each() { state.zones << [ deviceId: it.id, sensorType: "contact", zoneType: settings["type_${it.id}"] ?: "exterior", delay: settings["delay_${it.id}"] ] } subscribe(settings.z_contact, "contact.open", onContact) } if (settings.z_motion) { settings.z_motion.each() { state.zones << [ deviceId: it.id, sensorType: "motion", zoneType: settings["type_${it.id}"] ?: "interior", delay: settings["delay_${it.id}"] ] } subscribe(settings.z_motion, "motion.active", onMotion) } if (settings.z_movement) { settings.z_movement.each() { state.zones << [ deviceId: it.id, sensorType: "acceleration", zoneType: settings["type_${it.id}"] ?: "interior", delay: settings["delay_${it.id}"] ] } subscribe(settings.z_movement, "acceleration.active", onMovement) } if (settings.z_smoke) { settings.z_smoke.each() { state.zones << [ deviceId: it.id, sensorType: "smoke", zoneType: settings["type_${it.id}"] ?: "alert", delay: settings["delay_${it.id}"] ] } subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "smoke.detected", onSmoke) subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "smoke.tested", onSmoke) subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "carbonMonoxide.detected", onSmoke) subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "carbonMonoxide.tested", onSmoke) } if (settings.z_water) { settings.z_water.each() { state.zones << [ deviceId: it.id, sensorType: "water", zoneType: settings["type_${it.id}"] ?: "alert", delay: settings["delay_${it.id}"] ] } subscribe(settings.z_water, "water.wet", onWater) } state.zones.each() { def zoneType = it.zoneType if (zoneType == "alert") { it.armed = true } else if (zoneType == "exterior") { it.armed = state.armed } else if (zoneType == "interior") { it.armed = state.armed && !state.stay } else { it.armed = false } } } private def initButtons() { LOG("initButtons()") state.buttonActions = [] if (settings.remotes) { if (settings.buttonArmAway) { def button = settings.buttonArmAway.toInteger() def event = settings.holdArmAway ? "held" : "pushed" state.buttonActions << [button:button, event:event, action:"armAway"] } if (settings.buttonArmStay) { def button = settings.buttonArmStay.toInteger() def event = settings.holdArmStay ? "held" : "pushed" state.buttonActions << [button:button, event:event, action:"armStay"] } if (settings.buttonDisarm) { def button = settings.buttonDisarm.toInteger() def event = settings.holdDisarm ? "held" : "pushed" state.buttonActions << [button:button, event:event, action:"disarm"] } if (settings.buttonPanic) { def button = settings.buttonPanic.toInteger() def event = settings.holdPanic ? "held" : "pushed" state.buttonActions << [button:button, event:event, action:"panic"] } if (state.buttonActions) { subscribe(settings.remotes, "button", onButtonEvent) } } } private def initRestApi() { if (settings.restApiEnabled) { if (!state.accessToken) { def token = createAccessToken() LOG("Created new access token: ${token})") } state.url = "https://graph.api.smartthings.com/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/" log.info "REST API enabled" } else { state.url = "" log.info "REST API disabled" } } private def isRestApiEnabled() { return settings.restApiEnabled && state.accessToken } def onContact(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "contact") } def onMotion(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "motion") } def onMovement(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "acceleration") } def onSmoke(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "smoke") } def onWater(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "water") } private def onZoneEvent(evt, sensorType) { LOG("onZoneEvent(${evt.displayName}, ${sensorType})") def zone = getZoneForDevice(evt.deviceId, sensorType) if (!zone) { log.warn "Cannot find zone for device ${evt.deviceId}" return } if (zone.armed) { state.alarms << evt.displayName if (zone.zoneType == "alert" || !zone.delay || (state.stay && settings.stayDelayOff)) { activateAlarm() } else { myRunIn(state.delay, activateAlarm) } } } def onLocation(evt) { LOG("onLocation(${evt.value})") String mode = evt.value if (settings.awayModes?.contains(mode)) { armAway() } else if (settings.stayModes?.contains(mode)) { armStay() } else if (settings.disarmModes?.contains(mode)) { disarm() } } def onButtonEvent(evt) { LOG("onButtonEvent(${evt.displayName})") if (!state.buttonActions || !evt.data) { return } def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def data = slurper.parseText(evt.data) def button = data.buttonNumber?.toInteger() if (button) { LOG("Button '${button}' was ${evt.value}.") def item = state.buttonActions.find { it.button == button && it.event == evt.value } if (item) { LOG("Executing '${item.action}' button action") "${item.action}"() } } } def armAway() { LOG("armAway()") if (!atomicState.armed || atomicState.stay) { armPanel(false) } } def armStay() { LOG("armStay()") if (!atomicState.armed || !atomicState.stay) { armPanel(true) } } def disarm() { LOG("disarm()") if (atomicState.armed) { state.armed = false state.zones.each() { if (it.zoneType != "alert") { it.armed = false } } reset() } } def panic() { LOG("panic()") state.alarms << "Panic" activateAlarm() } def reset() { LOG("reset()") unschedule() clearAlarm() // Send notification def msg = "${location.name} is " if (state.armed) { msg += "ARMED " msg += state.stay ? "STAY" : "AWAY" } else { msg += "DISARMED." } notify(msg) notifyVoice() } def exitDelayExpired() { LOG("exitDelayExpired()") def armed = atomicState.armed def stay = atomicState.stay if (!armed) { log.warn "exitDelayExpired: unexpected state!" STATE() return } state.zones.each() { def zoneType = it.zoneType if (zoneType == "exterior" || (zoneType == "interior" && !stay)) { it.armed = true } } def msg = "${location.name}: all " if (stay) { msg += "exterior " } msg += "zones are armed." notify(msg) } private def armPanel(stay) { LOG("armPanel(${stay})") unschedule() clearAlarm() state.armed = true state.stay = stay def armDelay = false state.zones.each() { def zoneType = it.zoneType if (zoneType == "exterior") { if (it.delay) { it.armed = false armDelay = true } else { it.armed = true } } else if (zoneType == "interior") { if (stay) { it.armed = false } else if (it.delay) { it.armed = false armDelay = true } else { it.armed = true } } } def delay = armDelay && !(stay && settings.stayDelayOff) ? atomicState.delay : 0 if (delay) { myRunIn(delay, exitDelayExpired) } def mode = stay ? "STAY" : "AWAY" def msg = "${location.name} " if (delay) { msg += "will arm ${mode} in ${state.delay} seconds." } else { msg += "is ARMED ${mode}." } notify(msg) notifyVoice() } // .../armaway REST API endpoint def apiArmAway() { LOG("apiArmAway()") if (!isRestApiEnabled()) { log.error "REST API disabled" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } if (settings.pincode && settings.armWithPin && (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString())) { log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } armAway() return apiStatus() } // .../armstay REST API endpoint def apiArmStay() { LOG("apiArmStay()") if (!isRestApiEnabled()) { log.error "REST API disabled" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } if (settings.pincode && settings.armWithPin && (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString())) { log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } armStay() return apiStatus() } // .../disarm REST API endpoint def apiDisarm() { LOG("apiDisarm()") if (!isRestApiEnabled()) { log.error "REST API disabled" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } if (settings.pincode && (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString())) { log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } disarm() return apiStatus() } // .../panic REST API endpoint def apiPanic() { LOG("apiPanic()") if (!isRestApiEnabled()) { log.error "REST API disabled" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } panic() return apiStatus() } // .../status REST API endpoint def apiStatus() { LOG("apiStatus()") if (!isRestApiEnabled()) { log.error "REST API disabled" return httpError(403, "Access denied") } def status = [ status: state.armed ? (state.stay ? "armed stay" : "armed away") : "disarmed", alarms: state.alarms ] return status } def activateAlarm() { LOG("activateAlarm()") if (state.alarms.size() == 0) { log.warn "activateAlarm: false alarm" return } switch (settings.sirenMode) { case "Siren": settings.alarms*.siren() break case "Strobe": settings.alarms*.strobe() break case "Both": settings.alarms*.both() break } // Only turn on those switches that are currently off def switchesOn = settings.switches?.findAll { it?.currentSwitch == "off" } LOG("switchesOn: ${switchesOn}") if (switchesOn) { switchesOn*.on() state.offSwitches = switchesOn.collect { it.id } } settings.cameras*.take() if (settings.helloHomeAction) { log.info "Executing HelloHome action '${settings.helloHomeAction}'" location.helloHome.execute(settings.helloHomeAction) } def msg = "Alarm at ${location.name}!" state.alarms.each() { msg += "\n${it}" } notify(msg) notifyVoice() myRunIn(180, reset) } private def notify(msg) { LOG("notify(${msg})") log.info msg if (state.alarms.size()) { // Alarm notification if (settings.pushMessage) { mySendPush(msg) } else { sendNotificationEvent(msg) } if (settings.smsAlarmPhone1 && settings.phone1) { sendSms(phone1, msg) } if (settings.smsAlarmPhone2 && settings.phone2) { sendSms(phone2, msg) } if (settings.smsAlarmPhone3 && settings.phone3) { sendSms(phone3, msg) } if (settings.smsAlarmPhone4 && settings.phone4) { sendSms(phone4, msg) } if (settings.pushbulletAlarm && settings.pushbullet) { settings.pushbullet*.push(location.name, msg) } } else { // Status change notification if (settings.pushStatusMessage) { mySendPush(msg) } else { sendNotificationEvent(msg) } if (settings.smsStatusPhone1 && settings.phone1) { sendSms(phone1, msg) } if (settings.smsStatusPhone2 && settings.phone2) { sendSms(phone2, msg) } if (settings.smsStatusPhone3 && settings.phone3) { sendSms(phone3, msg) } if (settings.smsStatusPhone4 && settings.phone4) { sendSms(phone4, msg) } if (settings.pushbulletStatus && settings.pushbullet) { settings.pushbullet*.push(location.name, msg) } } } private def notifyVoice() { LOG("notifyVoice()") if (!settings.audioPlayer) { return } def phrase = null if (state.alarms.size()) { // Alarm notification if (settings.speechOnAlarm) { phrase = settings.speechText ?: getStatusPhrase() } } else { // Status change notification if (settings.speechOnStatus) { if (state.armed) { if (state.stay) { phrase = settings.speechTextArmedStay ?: getStatusPhrase() } else { phrase = settings.speechTextArmedAway ?: getStatusPhrase() } } else { phrase = settings.speechTextDisarmed ?: getStatusPhrase() } } } if (phrase) { settings.audioPlayer*.playText(phrase) } } private def history(String event, String description = "") { LOG("history(${event}, ${description})") def history = atomicState.history history << [time: now(), event: event, description: description] if (history.size() > 10) { history = history.sort{it.time} history = history[1..-1] } LOG("history: ${history}") state.history = history } private def getStatusPhrase() { LOG("getStatusPhrase()") def phrase = "" if (state.alarms.size()) { phrase = "Alarm at ${location.name}!" state.alarms.each() { phrase += " ${it}." } } else { phrase = "${location.name} security is " if (state.armed) { def mode = state.stay ? "stay" : "away" phrase += "armed in ${mode} mode." } else { phrase += "disarmed." } } return phrase } private def getHelloHomeActions() { def actions = location.helloHome?.getPhrases().collect() { it.label } return actions.sort() } private def getAlarmStatus() { def alarmStatus if (atomicState.armed) { alarmStatus = "ARMED " alarmStatus += atomicState.stay ? "STAY" : "AWAY" } else { alarmStatus = "DISARMED" } return alarmStatus } private def getZoneStatus(device, sensorType) { def zone = getZoneForDevice(device.id, sensorType) if (!zone) { return null } def str = "${device.displayName}: ${zone.zoneType}, " str += zone.armed ? "armed, " : "disarmed, " str += device.currentValue(sensorType) return str } private def getZoneForDevice(id, sensorType) { return state.zones.find() { it.deviceId == id && it.sensorType == sensorType } } private def isZoneReady(device, sensorType) { def ready switch (sensorType) { case "contact": ready = "closed".equals(device.currentValue("contact")) break case "motion": ready = "inactive".equals(device.currentValue("motion")) break case "acceleration": ready = "inactive".equals(device.currentValue("acceleration")) break case "smoke": ready = "clear".equals(device.currentValue("smoke")) break case "water": ready = "dry".equals(device.currentValue("water")) break default: ready = false } return ready } private def getDeviceById(id, sensorType) { switch (sensorType) { case "contact": return settings.z_contact?.find() { it.id == id } case "motion": return settings.z_motion?.find() { it.id == id } case "acceleration": return settings.z_movement?.find() { it.id == id } case "smoke": return settings.z_smoke?.find() { it.id == id } case "water": return settings.z_water?.find() { it.id == id } } return null } private def getNumZones() { def numZones = 0 numZones += settings.z_contact?.size() ?: 0 numZones += settings.z_motion?.size() ?: 0 numZones += settings.z_movement?.size() ?: 0 numZones += settings.z_smoke?.size() ?: 0 numZones += settings.z_water?.size() ?: 0 return numZones } private def myRunIn(delay_s, func) { if (delay_s > 0) { def date = new Date(now() + (delay_s * 1000)) runOnce(date, func) LOG("scheduled '${func}' to run at ${date}") } } private def mySendPush(msg) { // sendPush can throw an exception try { sendPush(msg) } catch (e) { log.error e } } private def getVersion() { return "2.4.3" } private def textCopyright() { def text = "Copyright © 2014 Statusbits.com" } private def textLicense() { def text = "This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or " + "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as " + "published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of " + "the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n" + "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " + "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " + "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU " + "General Public License for more details.\n\n" + "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " + "along with this program. If not, see ." } private def LOG(message) { //log.trace message } private def STATE() { //log.trace "state: ${state}" }