import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import; /** * OpenT2T SmartApp Test * * Copyright 2016 OpenT2T * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "OpenT2T SmartApp Test", namespace: "opent2t", author: "OpenT2T", description: "Test app to test end to end SmartThings scenarios via OpenT2T", category: "SmartThings Labs", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "") /** --------------------+---------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------ * Device Type | Attribute Name| Commands | Attribute Values * --------------------+---------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------ * switches | switch | on, off | on, off * motionSensors | motion | | active, inactive * contactSensors | contact | | open, closed * presenceSensors | presence | | present, 'not present' * temperatureSensors | temperature | | * accelerationSensors | acceleration | | active, inactive * waterSensors | water | | wet, dry * lightSensors | illuminance | | * humiditySensors | humidity | | * locks | lock | lock, unlock | locked, unlocked * garageDoors | door | open, close | unknown, closed, open, closing, opening * cameras | image | take | * thermostats | thermostat | setHeatingSetpoint, | temperature, heatingSetpoint, coolingSetpoint, * | | setCoolingSetpoint, | thermostatSetpoint, thermostatMode, * | | off, heat, cool, auto,| thermostatFanMode, thermostatOperatingState * | | emergencyHeat, | * | | setThermostatMode, | * | | fanOn, fanAuto, | * | | fanCirculate, | * | | setThermostatFanMode | * --------------------+---------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------ */ //Device Inputs preferences { section("Allow OpenT2T to control these things...") { input "contactSensors", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which Contact Sensors", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "garageDoors", "capability.garageDoorControl", title: "Which Garage Doors?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "locks", "capability.lock", title: "Which Locks?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "cameras", "capability.videoCapture", title: "Which Cameras?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "motionSensors", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Which Motion Sensors?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "presenceSensors", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Which Presence Sensors", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "Which Switches and Lights?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "thermostats", "capability.thermostat", title: "Which Thermostat?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true input "waterSensors", "capability.waterSensor", title: "Which Water Leak Sensors?", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true } } def getInputs() { def inputList = [] inputList += contactSensors ?: [] inputList += garageDoors ?: [] inputList += locks ?: [] inputList += cameras ?: [] inputList += motionSensors ?: [] inputList += presenceSensors ?: [] inputList += switches ?: [] inputList += thermostats ?: [] inputList += waterSensors ?: [] return inputList } //API external Endpoints mappings { path("/devices") { action: [ GET: "getDevices" ] } path("/devices/:id") { action: [ GET: "getDevice" ] } path("/update/:id") { action: [ PUT: "updateDevice" ] } path("/deviceSubscription") { action: [ POST : "registerDeviceChange", DELETE: "unregisterDeviceChange" ] } path("/locationSubscription") { action: [ POST : "registerDeviceGraph", DELETE: "unregisterDeviceGraph" ] } } def installed() { log.debug "Installing with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updating with settings: ${settings}" //Initialize state variables if didn't exist. if (state.deviceSubscriptionMap == null) { state.deviceSubscriptionMap = [:] log.debug "deviceSubscriptionMap created." } if (state.locationSubscriptionMap == null) { state.locationSubscriptionMap = [:] log.debug "locationSubscriptionMap created." } if (state.verificationKeyMap == null) { state.verificationKeyMap = [:] log.debug "verificationKeyMap created." } unsubscribe() registerAllDeviceSubscriptions() } def initialize() { log.debug "Initializing with settings: ${settings}" state.deviceSubscriptionMap = [:] log.debug "deviceSubscriptionMap created." state.locationSubscriptionMap = [:] log.debug "locationSubscriptionMap created." state.verificationKeyMap = [:] log.debug "verificationKeyMap created." registerAllDeviceSubscriptions() } /*** Subscription Functions ***/ //Subscribe events for all devices def registerAllDeviceSubscriptions() { registerChangeHandler(inputs) } //Endpoints function: Subscribe to events from a specific device def registerDeviceChange() { def subscriptionEndpt = params.subscriptionURL def deviceId = params.deviceId def myDevice = findDevice(deviceId) if (myDevice == null) { httpError(404, "Cannot find device with device ID ${deviceId}.") } def theAtts = myDevice.supportedAttributes try { theAtts.each { att -> subscribe(myDevice,, deviceEventHandler) } "Subscribing for ${myDevice.displayName}" if (subscriptionEndpt != null) { if (state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId] == null) { state.deviceSubscriptionMap.put(deviceId, [subscriptionEndpt]) "Added subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for ${myDevice.displayName}" } else if (!state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId].contains(subscriptionEndpt)) { state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId] << subscriptionEndpt "Added subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for ${myDevice.displayName}" } if (params.key != null) { state.verificationKeyMap[subscriptionEndpt] = params.key "Added verification key: ${params.key} for ${subscriptionEndpt}" } } } catch (e) { httpError(500, "something went wrong: $e") } "Current subscription map is ${state.deviceSubscriptionMap}" "Current verification key map is ${state.verificationKeyMap}" return ["succeed"] } //Endpoints function: Unsubscribe to events from a specific device def unregisterDeviceChange() { def subscriptionEndpt = params.subscriptionURL def deviceId = params.deviceId def myDevice = findDevice(deviceId) if (myDevice == null) { httpError(404, "Cannot find device with device ID ${deviceId}.") } try { if (subscriptionEndpt != null && subscriptionEndpt != "undefined") { if (state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId]?.contains(subscriptionEndpt)) { if (state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId].size() == 1) { state.deviceSubscriptionMap.remove(deviceId) } else { state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId].remove(subscriptionEndpt) } state.verificationKeyMap.remove(subscriptionEndpt) "Removed subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for ${myDevice.displayName}" } } else { state.deviceSubscriptionMap.remove(deviceId) "Unsubscriping for ${myDevice.displayName}" } } catch (e) { httpError(500, "something went wrong: $e") } "Current subscription map is ${state.deviceSubscriptionMap}" "Current verification key map is ${state.verificationKeyMap}" } //Endpoints function: Subscribe to device additiona/removal updated in a location def registerDeviceGraph() { def subscriptionEndpt = params.subscriptionURL if (subscriptionEndpt != null && subscriptionEndpt != "undefined") { subscribe(location, "DeviceCreated", locationEventHandler, [filterEvents: false]) subscribe(location, "DeviceUpdated", locationEventHandler, [filterEvents: false]) subscribe(location, "DeviceDeleted", locationEventHandler, [filterEvents: false]) if (state.locationSubscriptionMap[] == null) { state.locationSubscriptionMap.put(, [subscriptionEndpt]) "Added subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for Location ${}" } else if (!state.locationSubscriptionMap[].contains(subscriptionEndpt)) { state.locationSubscriptionMap[] << subscriptionEndpt "Added subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for Location ${}" } if (params.key != null) { state.verificationKeyMap[subscriptionEndpt] = params.key "Added verification key: ${params.key} for ${subscriptionEndpt}" } "Current location subscription map is ${state.locationSubscriptionMap}" "Current verification key map is ${state.verificationKeyMap}" return ["succeed"] } else { httpError(400, "missing input parameter: subscriptionURL") } } //Endpoints function: Unsubscribe to events from a specific device def unregisterDeviceGraph() { def subscriptionEndpt = params.subscriptionURL try { if (subscriptionEndpt != null && subscriptionEndpt != "undefined") { if (state.locationSubscriptionMap[]?.contains(subscriptionEndpt)) { if (state.locationSubscriptionMap[].size() == 1) { state.locationSubscriptionMap.remove( } else { state.locationSubscriptionMap[].remove(subscriptionEndpt) } state.verificationKeyMap.remove(subscriptionEndpt) "Removed subscription URL: ${subscriptionEndpt} for Location ${}" } } else { httpError(400, "missing input parameter: subscriptionURL") } } catch (e) { httpError(500, "something went wrong: $e") } "Current location subscription map is ${state.locationSubscriptionMap}" "Current verification key map is ${state.verificationKeyMap}" } //When events are triggered, send HTTP post to web socket servers def deviceEventHandler(evt) { def evtDevice = evt.device def evtDeviceType = getDeviceType(evtDevice) def deviceData = []; if ( != null) { def evtData = parseJson( "Received event for ${evtDevice.displayName}, data: ${evtData}, description: ${evt.descriptionText}" } if (evtDeviceType == "thermostat") { deviceData = [name: evtDevice.displayName, id:, status: evtDevice.status, deviceType: evtDeviceType, manufacturer: evtDevice.manufacturerName, model: evtDevice.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(evtDevice, evtDeviceType), locationMode: getLocationModeInfo(), locationId:] } else { deviceData = [name: evtDevice.displayName, id:, status: evtDevice.status, deviceType: evtDeviceType, manufacturer: evtDevice.manufacturerName, model: evtDevice.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(evtDevice, evtDeviceType), locationId:] } def params = [body: deviceData] //send event to all subscriptions urls log.debug "Current subscription urls for ${evtDevice.displayName} is ${state.deviceSubscriptionMap[]}" state.deviceSubscriptionMap[].each { params.uri = "${it}" if (state.verificationKeyMap[it] != null) { def key = state.verificationKeyMap[it] params.header = [Signature: ComputHMACValue(key, groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(params.body))] } log.trace "POST URI: ${params.uri}" log.trace "Header: ${params.header}" log.trace "Payload: ${params.body}" try { httpPostJson(params) { resp -> log.trace "response status code: ${resp.status}" log.trace "response data: ${}" } } catch (e) { log.error "something went wrong: $e" } } } def locationEventHandler(evt) { "Received event for location ${}/${}, Event: ${}, description: ${evt.descriptionText}, apiServerUrl: ${apiServerUrl("")}" switch ( { case "DeviceCreated": case "DeviceDeleted": def evtDevice = evt.device def evtDeviceType = getDeviceType(evtDevice) def params = [body: [eventType:, deviceId:, locationId:]] if ( == "DeviceDeleted" && state.deviceSubscriptionMap[deviceId] != null) { state.deviceSubscriptionMap.remove( } state.locationSubscriptionMap[].each { params.uri = "${it}" if (state.verificationKeyMap[it] != null) { def key = state.verificationKeyMap[it] params.header = [Signature: ComputHMACValue(key, groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(params.body))] } log.trace "POST URI: ${params.uri}" log.trace "Header: ${params.header}" log.trace "Payload: ${params.body}" try { httpPostJson(params) { resp -> log.trace "response status code: ${resp.status}" log.trace "response data: ${}" } } catch (e) { log.error "something went wrong: $e" } } case "DeviceUpdated": default: break } } private ComputHMACValue(key, data) { try { SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA1") Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1") mac.init(secretKeySpec) byte[] digest = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8")) return byteArrayToString(digest) } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { log.error "Invalid key exception while converting to HMac SHA1" } } private def byteArrayToString(byte[] data) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, data) String hash = bigInteger.toString(16) return hash } /*** Device Query/Update Functions ***/ //Endpoints function: return all device data in json format def getDevices() { def deviceData = [] inputs?.each { def deviceType = getDeviceType(it) if (deviceType == "thermostat") { deviceData << [name: it.displayName, id:, status: it.status, deviceType: deviceType, manufacturer: it.manufacturerName, model: it.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(it, deviceType), locationMode: getLocationModeInfo()] } else { deviceData << [name: it.displayName, id:, status: it.status, deviceType: deviceType, manufacturer: it.manufacturerName, model: it.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(it, deviceType)] } } log.debug "getDevices, return: ${deviceData}" return deviceData } //Endpoints function: get device data def getDevice() { def it = findDevice( def deviceType = getDeviceType(it) def device if (deviceType == "thermostat") { device = [name: it.displayName, id:, status: it.status, deviceType: deviceType, manufacturer: it.manufacturerName, model: it.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(it, deviceType), locationMode: getLocationModeInfo()] } else { device = [name: it.displayName, id:, status: it.status, deviceType: deviceType, manufacturer: it.manufacturerName, model: it.modelName, attributes: deviceAttributeList(it, deviceType)] } log.debug "getDevice, return: ${device}" return device } //Endpoints function: update device data void updateDevice() { def device = findDevice( request.JSON.each { def command = it.key def value = it.value if (command) { def commandList = mapDeviceCommands(command, value) command = commandList[0] value = commandList[1] if (command == "setAwayMode") { "Setting away mode to ${value}" if (location.modes?.find { == value }) { location.setMode(value) } } else if (command == "thermostatSetpoint") { switch (device.currentThermostatMode) { case "cool": "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}, ${value}]" device.setCoolingSetpoint(value) break case "heat": case "emergency heat": "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}, ${value}]" device.setHeatingSetpoint(value) break default: httpError(501, "this mode: ${device.currentThermostatMode} does not allow changing thermostat setpoint.") break } } else if (!device) { log.error "updateDevice, Device not found" httpError(404, "Device not found") } else if (!device.hasCommand(command)) { log.error "updateDevice, Device does not have the command" httpError(404, "Device does not have such command") } else { if (command == "setColor") { "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}, ${value}]" device."$command"(hex: value) } else if (value.isNumber()) { def intValue = value as Integer "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}, ${intValue}(int)]" device."$command"(intValue) } else if (value) { "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}, ${value}]" device."$command"(value) } else { "Update: ${device.displayName}, [${command}]" device."$command"() } } } } } /*** Private Functions ***/ //Return current location mode info private getLocationModeInfo() { return [mode: location.mode, supported:] } //Map each device to a type given it's capabilities private getDeviceType(device) { def deviceType def capabilities = device.capabilities log.debug "capabilities: [${device}, ${capabilities}]" log.debug "supported commands: [${device}, ${device.supportedCommands}]" //Loop through the device capability list to determine the device type. capabilities.each { capability -> switch ( { case "switch": deviceType = "switch" //If the device also contains "Switch Level" capability, identify it as a "light" device. if (capabilities.any { == "switch level" }) { //If the device also contains "Power Meter" capability, identify it as a "dimmerSwitch" device. if (capabilities.any { == "power meter" }) { deviceType = "dimmerSwitch" return deviceType } else { deviceType = "light" return deviceType } } break case "garageDoorControl": deviceType = "garageDoor" return deviceType case "lock": deviceType = "lock" return deviceType case "video camera": deviceType = "camera" return deviceType case "thermostat": deviceType = "thermostat" return deviceType case "acceleration sensor": case "contact sensor": case "motion sensor": case "presence sensor": case "water sensor": deviceType = "genericSensor" return deviceType default: break } } return deviceType } //Return a specific device give the device ID. private findDevice(deviceId) { return inputs?.find { == deviceId } } //Return a list of device attributes private deviceAttributeList(device, deviceType) { def attributeList = [:] def allAttributes = device.supportedAttributes allAttributes.each { attribute -> try { def currentState = device.currentState( if (currentState != null) { switch ( { case 'temperature': attributeList.putAll([( currentState.value, 'temperatureScale': location.temperatureScale]) break; default: attributeList.putAll([( currentState.value]) break; } if (deviceType == "genericSensor") { def key = + "_lastUpdated" attributeList.putAll([(key): currentState.isoDate]) } } else { attributeList.putAll([( null]); } } catch (e) { attributeList.putAll([( null]); } } return attributeList } //Map device command and value. //input command and value are from UWP, //returns resultCommand and resultValue that corresponds with function and value in SmartApps private mapDeviceCommands(command, value) { log.debug "mapDeviceCommands: [${command}, ${value}]" def resultCommand = command def resultValue = value switch (command) { case "switch": if (value == 1 || value == "1" || value == "on") { resultCommand = "on" resultValue = "" } else if (value == 0 || value == "0" || value == "off") { resultCommand = "off" resultValue = "" } break // light attributes case "level": resultCommand = "setLevel" resultValue = value break case "hue": resultCommand = "setHue" resultValue = value break case "saturation": resultCommand = "setSaturation" resultValue = value break case "colorTemperature": resultCommand = "setColorTemperature" resultValue = value break case "color": resultCommand = "setColor" resultValue = value // thermostat attributes case "hvacMode": resultCommand = "setThermostatMode" resultValue = value break case "fanMode": resultCommand = "setThermostatFanMode" resultValue = value break case "awayMode": resultCommand = "setAwayMode" resultValue = value break case "coolingSetpoint": resultCommand = "setCoolingSetpoint" resultValue = value break case "heatingSetpoint": resultCommand = "setHeatingSetpoint" resultValue = value break case "thermostatSetpoint": resultCommand = "thermostatSetpoint" resultValue = value break // lock attributes case "locked": if (value == 1 || value == "1" || value == "lock") { resultCommand = "lock" resultValue = "" } else if (value == 0 || value == "0" || value == "unlock") { resultCommand = "unlock" resultValue = "" } break default: break } return [resultCommand, resultValue] }