/** * Auto Humidity Vent * * Copyright 2014 Jonathan Andersson * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition ( name: "Auto Humidity Vent", namespace: "jonathan-a", author: "Jonathan Andersson", description: "When the humidity reaches a specified level, activate one or more vent fans until the humidity is reduced to a specified level.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartthings-device-icons/Appliances/appliances11-icn.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartthings-device-icons/Appliances/appliances11-icn@2x.png" ) preferences { section("Enable / Disable the following functionality:") { input "app_enabled", "bool", title: "Auto Humidity Vent", required:true, defaultValue:true input "fan_control_enabled", "bool", title: "Vent Fan Control", required:true, defaultValue:true } section("Choose a humidity sensor...") { input "humidity_sensor", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Humidity Sensor", required: true } section("Enter the relative humudity level (%) above which the vent fans will activate:") { input "humidity_a", "number", title: "Humidity Activation Level", required: true, defaultValue:70 } section("Enter the relative humudity level (%) below which the vent fans will deactivate:") { input "humidity_d", "number", title: "Humidity Deactivation Level", required: true, defaultValue:65 } section("Select the vent fans to control...") { input "fans", "capability.switch", title: "Vent Fans", multiple: true, required: true } section("Select the vent fan energy meters to monitor...") { input "emeters", "capability.energyMeter", title: "Energy Meters", multiple: true, required: false input "price_kwh", "decimal", title: "Cost in cents per kWh (12 is US avg)", required: true, defaultValue:12 } section("Set notification options:") { input "sendPushMessage", "bool", title: "Push notifications", required:true, defaultValue:false input "phone", "phone", title: "Send text messages to", required: false } } def installed() { log.debug "${app.label} installed with settings: ${settings}" state.app_enabled = false state.fan_control_enabled = false state.fansOn = false state.fansOnTime = now() state.fansLastRunTime = 0 initialize() } def uninstalled() { send("${app.label} uninstalled.") state.app_enabled = false set_fans(false) state.fan_control_enabled = false } def updated() { log.debug "${app.label} updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { if (settings.fan_control_enabled) { if(state.fan_control_enabled == false) { send("Vent Fan Control Enabled.") } else { log.debug "Vent Fan Control Enabled." } state.fan_control_enabled = true } else { if(state.fan_control_enabled == true) { send("Vent Fan Control Disabled.") } else { log.debug "Vent Fan Control Disabled." } state.fan_control_enabled = false } if (settings.app_enabled) { if(state.app_enabled == false) { send("${app.label} Enabled.") } else { log.debug "${app.label} Enabled." } subscribe(humidity_sensor, "humidity", "handleThings") state.app_enabled = true } else { if(state.app_enabled == true) { send("${app.label} Disabled.") } else { log.debug "${app.label} Disabled." } state.app_enabled = false } handleThings() } def handleThings(evt) { log.debug "handleThings()" if(evt) { log.debug "$evt.descriptionText" } def h = 0.0 as BigDecimal if (settings.app_enabled) { h = settings.humidity_sensor.currentValue('humidity') /* //Simulator is broken and requires this work around for testing. if (settings.humidity_sensor.latestState('humidity')) { log.debug settings.humidity_sensor.latestState('humidity').stringValue[0..-2] h = settings.humidity_sensor.latestState('humidity').stringValue[0..-2].toBigDecimal() } else { h = 20 } */ } log.debug "Humidity: $h%, Activate: $humidity_a%, Deactivate: $humidity_d%" def activateFans = false def deactivateFans = false if (settings.app_enabled) { if (state.fansOn) { if (h > humidity_d) { log.debug "Humidity not sufficient to deactivate vent fans: $h > $humidity_d" } else { log.debug "Humidity sufficient to deactivate vent fans: $h <= $humidity_d" deactivateFans = true } } else { if (h < humidity_a) { log.debug "Humidity not sufficient to activate vent fans: $h < $humidity_a" } else { log.debug "Humidity sufficient to activate vent fans: $h >= $humidity_a" activateFans = true } } } if(activateFans) { set_fans(true) } if(deactivateFans) { set_fans(false) } } def set_fans(fan_state) { if (fan_state) { if (state.fansOn == false) { send("${app.label} fans On.") state.fansOnTime = now() if (settings.fan_control_enabled) { if (emeters) { emeters.reset() } fans.on() } else { send("${app.label} fan control is disabled.") } state.fansOn = true } else { log.debug "${app.label} fans already On." } } else { if (state.fansOn == true) { send("${app.label} fans Off.") //state.fansLastRunTime = (now() - state.fansOnTime) // BigInteger ms = new java.math.BigInteger(state.fansLastRunTime) // int seconds = (BigInteger) (((BigInteger) ms / (1000I)) % 60I) // int minutes = (BigInteger) (((BigInteger) ms / (1000I * 60I)) % 60I) // int hours = (BigInteger) (((BigInteger) ms / (1000I * 60I * 60I)) % 24I) // int days = (BigInteger) ((BigInteger) ms / (1000I * 60I * 60I * 24I)) // def sb = String.format("${app.label} cycle: %d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds) // send(sb) if (settings.fan_control_enabled) { fans.off() if (emeters) { log.debug emeters.currentValue('energy') //TODO: How to ensure latest (most accurate) energy reading? //emeters.poll() //[configure, refresh, on, off, poll, reset] // emeters.refresh() //[configure, refresh, on, off, poll, reset] //state.fansLastRunEnergy = emeters.currentValue('energy').sum() state.fansLastRunEnergy = emeters.currentValue('energy') state.fansLastRunCost = ((state.fansLastRunEnergy * price_kwh) / 100.0) send("${app.label} cycle: ${state.fansLastRunEnergy}kWh @ \$${state.fansLastRunCost}") } } else { send("${app.label} fan control is disabled.") } state.fansOn = false state.fansHoldoff = now() } else { log.debug "${app.label} fans already Off." } } } private send(msg) { if (sendPushMessage) { sendPush(msg) } if (phone) { sendSms(phone, msg) } log.debug(msg) }