LATEX := pdflatex -halt-on-error FIGURES := .SUFFIXES : .tex .bbl .aux .eps .ps .dot .pdf .tex.bbl: bibtex $* .tex.aux: latex $* %.eps: ps2epsi $< $@ dot -Tps $< -o $@ %.pdf: dot -Tpdf $< -o $@ %.png: dot -Tpng $< -o $@ %.aux: %.tex $(LATEX) $< %.dotpiece $(FIGHEAD) $(FIGFOOT) # cat $(FIGHEAD) $< $(FIGFOOT) > $@ # latex the paper (default) new: biblinks newpaper # latex + bibtex the paper bib: bibpaper newpaper # save a backup of tex files in BACKUPS bak: backuppaper biblinks: figures $(LATEX) paper.tex $(LATEX) paper.tex bibsuppl: figures $(LATEX) suppl.tex $(LATEX) suppl.tex cl: cover-letter.tex $(LATEX) cover-letter.tex newpaper: figures biblinks $(LATEX) paper.tex suppl: figures bibsuppl $(LATEX) suppl.tex bibpaper: paper.aux paper.bbl latex paper.tex backuppaper: @if [ ! -d BACKUPS ]; then mkdir BACKUPS; fi; \ crtdate=`date '+%m-%d-%y--%H:%M:%S'`; \ bakdir=BACKUPS/$$crtdate; \ mkdir $$bakdir; \ cp *.tex $$bakdir spell: @for i in *.tex; \ do if [ $$i != "paper.tex" ]; then aspell -c $$i -p ./spell.lst; fi;\ done total: pdflatex paper.tex pdflatex paper.tex pdflatex paper.tex @echo ================================================================ pdflatex paper.tex | grep -E 'arning|erfull' @echo ================================================================ figures: $(FIGURES) errinjfig: gnuplot err-inj-fig/nve2latex.cmds epstopdf injectErrorFig.eps mv injectErrorFig.* figures clean: rm -f *.dvi *.log *.aux *.blg *.bbl *~ err-inj-fig/*~ rm -f paper.pdf rm -f injectErrorFig* rm -rf $(PDF_DIR)