MCC files
authordroy <droy>
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 16:13:33 +0000 (16:13 +0000)
committerdroy <droy>
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 16:13:33 +0000 (16:13 +0000)
26 files changed:
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/CDL.cup [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Lexer.lex [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/MDL.cup [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Makefile [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/SDL.cup [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/TDL.cup [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/javadoc.template [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.constraints [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.model [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.struct [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.constraints [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.model [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.struct [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.constraints [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model.dep [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ [new file with mode: 0755]
Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.struct [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/CDL.cup b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/CDL.cup
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..37a93bc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+package MCC;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNode;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNodeVector;
+import java.util.*;
+action code {:
+       public static boolean errors;
+       public static boolean debug;
+       // debugMessage: writes debug production message only if debug = true
+       void debugMessage (String production) {
+               if (debug) {
+                       System.out.println("Applying production: " + production);
+               }
+       }
+       String unescape (String str) {
+           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+           int i;
+           // Note that we skip the first and last characters (they're "'s)
+           for (i = 1; i < str.length() - 1; i++) {
+               if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
+                   i++;
+                   switch (str.charAt(i)) {
+                   case '\"':
+                       sb.append('\"');
+                       break;
+                   case '\'':
+                       sb.append('\'');
+                       break;
+                   case '\\':
+                       sb.append('\\');
+                       break;
+                   case 't':
+                       sb.append('\t');
+                       break;
+                   case 'n':
+                       sb.append('\n');
+                       break;
+                   default:
+                       System.err.print("Error in string literal: ");
+                       System.err.println(str.charAt(i));
+                       System.err.println("Aborting...");
+                       break;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   sb.append(str.charAt(i));
+               }
+           }
+           return sb.toString();
+       }
+init with {: :}
+parser code {:
+       public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol current) {
+               CUP$CDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+               Symbol symbol = (Symbol) current;
+               report_error("CDL: Syntax error at line " + (symbol.line + 1)
+               + ", column " + LineCount.getColumn(symbol.left) + ": " + current.value, current);
+       }
+       public void report_fatal_error (String message, Object info) {
+                done_parsing();
+                report_error(message, info);
+                CUP$CDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+       }
+       public int curPos () {
+               return cur_token.left;
+       }
+       public int curLine (int back) {
+               Stack st = new Stack();
+               int i;
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       st.push(stack.pop());
+               }
+               java_cup.runtime.Symbol s;
+               s = (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) st.peek();
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       stack.push(st.pop());
+               }
+               return LineCount.getLine(s.left);
+       }
+// TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    terminal BAD;
+    terminal String ID;
+    terminal String DECIMAL;
+    terminal String CHAR;
+    terminal String STRING;
+    terminal OPENBRACE;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACE;
+    terminal OPENPAREN;
+    terminal CLOSEPAREN; 
+    terminal OPENBRACKET;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACKET;
+    terminal ADD; 
+    terminal SUB; 
+    terminal MULT; 
+    terminal DIV;
+    terminal NOT;
+    terminal LT;
+    terminal GT;
+    terminal LE;
+    terminal GE;
+    terminal EQ;
+    terminal NE;
+    terminal FORALL;
+    terminal IN;
+    terminal INTEST;
+    terminal COMMA;
+    terminal SIZEOF;
+    terminal DOT;
+    terminal DOTINV;
+    terminal AND;
+    terminal OR;
+    terminal LITERAL;
+    terminal IMPLIES;
+    terminal TRUE;
+    terminal ISVALID;
+    terminal FOR;
+    terminal TO;
+    terminal CAST;
+    terminal PARAM;
+    terminal STRUCTURE;
+    terminal RESERVED;
+    terminal BIT;
+    terminal BYTE;
+    terminal SHORT;
+    terminal LABEL;
+    terminal INT;
+    terminal SUBTYPE;
+    terminal OF;
+    terminal SEMICOLON;
+    terminal COLON;
+    terminal SET;
+    terminal ARROW;
+    terminal MANY;
+    terminal BAR;
+    terminal PARTITION;
+    terminal ELEMENT;
+    terminal DELAY;
+    terminal STATIC;
+    terminal NULL;
+    terminal CRASH;
+// NON-TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               TYPE                    NAME
+nonterminal    ParseNode               constraints;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               constraint;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optcrash;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               quantifiers;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               quantifier;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               set;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               listofliterals;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               literal;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               body;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               predicate;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               setexpr;
+//nonterminal  ParseNode               limitedcompare;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               compare;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               expr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               operator;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               relations;
+//nonterminal  ParseNode               type;
+precedence left OR;
+precedence left AND;
+precedence right EQ, NE; 
+precedence right LT, LE, GE, GT;
+precedence left ADD, SUB;
+precedence left MULT, DIV;
+precedence left NOT;
+precedence left DOT, DOTINV;
+// PRODUCTION RULES  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+constraints ::=
+           constraints:constraints constraint:constraint
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           constraints.addChild(constraint);
+           RESULT = constraints;
+           :}
+           | constraint:constraint
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           ParseNode constraints = new ParseNode("constraints", parser.curLine(1));
+           constraints.addChild(constraint);
+           RESULT = constraints;
+           :}
+           ;
+constraint ::=
+           optcrash:crash OPENBRACKET quantifiers:quantifiers CLOSEBRACKET COMMA body:body SEMICOLON
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           ParseNode constraint = new ParseNode("constraint", parser.curLine(7));
+           if (crash != null) {
+            constraint.addChild(crash);
+           }
+           if (quantifiers != null) {
+            constraint.addChild(quantifiers);
+           }
+           constraint.addChild(body);
+           RESULT = constraint;
+           :}
+           ;
+optcrash ::=
+        CRASH
+        {:
+        debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+        RESULT = new ParseNode("crash", parser.curLine(1));
+        :}
+        | /* nothing */
+        {:
+        debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+        RESULT = null;
+        :}
+        ;
+quantifiers ::=
+           quantifiers:quantifiers COMMA quantifier:quantifier
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           quantifiers.addChild(quantifier);
+           RESULT = quantifiers;
+           :}
+           | quantifier:quantifier
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           ParseNode quantifiers = new ParseNode("quantifiers", parser.curLine(1));
+           quantifiers.addChild(quantifier);
+           RESULT = quantifiers;
+           :}
+           | 
+           {:
+           debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+           RESULT = null;
+           :}
+           ;   
+quantifier ::= 
+          FORALL ID:var IN set:set
+          {:
+          debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+          ParseNode q = new ParseNode("quantifier", parser.curLine(4));
+          q.addChild("forall", parser.curLine(4));
+          q.addChild("var", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+          q.addChild(set);
+          RESULT = q;
+          :}
+          ;
+set ::=
+    ID:setname
+    {:
+    debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+    ParseNode set = new ParseNode("set", parser.curLine(1));
+    set.addChild("name").addChild(setname);
+    RESULT = set;
+    :}
+    | OPENBRACE listofliterals:list CLOSEBRACE
+    {:
+    debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+    ParseNode set = new ParseNode("set", parser.curLine(3));
+    set.addChild(list);
+    RESULT = set;
+    :}
+    ;
+listofliterals ::=
+              listofliterals:list COMMA literal:literal
+              {:
+              debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+              list.addChild(literal);
+              RESULT = list;
+              :}
+              | literal:literal
+              {: 
+              debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+              ParseNode list = new ParseNode("listofliterals", parser.curLine(1));
+              list.addChild(literal);
+              RESULT = list;
+              :}
+              ;
+body ::=
+     body:body1 AND body:body2
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode body = new ParseNode("body", parser.curLine(3));
+       body.addChild("and").addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(body1);
+       body.getChild("and").addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(body2);
+       RESULT = body;
+       :}
+     | body:body1 OR body:body2
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode body = new ParseNode("body", parser.curLine(3));
+       body.addChild("or").addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(body1);
+       body.getChild("or").addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(body2);
+       RESULT = body;
+       :}
+     | NOT body:body1
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode body = new ParseNode("body", parser.curLine(2));
+       body.addChild("not").addChild(body1);
+       RESULT = body;
+       :}
+     | OPENPAREN body:body CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = body;
+       :}
+     | predicate:predicate
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode body = new ParseNode("body", parser.curLine(1));
+       body.addChild(predicate);
+       RESULT = body;
+       :}
+     ;
+predicate ::=
+       ID:var IN setexpr:setexpr
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode inclusion = (new ParseNode("predicate", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("inclusion");
+       inclusion.addChild("quantifiervar", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+       inclusion.addChild(setexpr);
+       RESULT = inclusion.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | SIZEOF OPENPAREN setexpr:setexpr CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(4));
+       expr.addChild("sizeof").addChild(setexpr);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode comparison = (new ParseNode("predicate", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("comparison");
+       comparison.addChild("compare", parser.curLine(2)).addChild(compare);
+       comparison.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       comparison.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = comparison.getRoot();
+       :}
+         ;
+setexpr ::=
+       ID:setname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("setexpr", parser.curLine(1));
+       set.addChild("set").addChild(setname);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+       | ID:var DOT ID:relation
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("setexpr", parser.curLine(3));
+       set.addChild("dot").addChild("quantifiervar", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+       set.getChild("dot").addChild("relation", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(relation);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+       | ID:var DOTINV ID:relation
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("setexpr", parser.curLine(3));
+       set.addChild("dotinv").addChild("quantifiervar", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+       set.getChild("dotinv").addChild("relation", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(relation);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+       ;
+relations ::= 
+        relations:relations DOT ID:relation
+        {:
+        debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+        relations.insertChild(relation);
+        RESULT = relations;
+        :}
+        | relations:relations DOTINV ID:relation
+        {:
+        debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+        relations.insertChild(relation).addChild("inv");
+        RESULT = relations;
+        :}
+        | ID:relation
+        {:
+        debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+        ParseNode relations = new ParseNode("relations", parser.curLine(1));
+        relations.addChild(relation);
+        RESULT = relations;
+        :}
+        ;
+expr ::=
+     ID:var
+     {:
+     debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+     ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(1));        
+     expr.addChild("var").addChild(var);
+     RESULT = expr;
+     :}
+     | OPENPAREN expr:expr CLOSEPAREN 
+     {:
+     debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+     RESULT = expr;
+     :}     
+     | LITERAL OPENPAREN literal:literal CLOSEPAREN
+     {:
+     debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+     ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(4));
+     expr.addChild(literal);
+     RESULT = expr;
+     :}
+     | ID:var DOT relations:relations
+     {:
+     debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+     ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3));
+     ParseNode relation = new ParseNode("relation");
+     expr.addChild(relation);
+     relation.addChild("quantifiervar", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+     relation.addChild(relations);
+     RESULT = expr;
+     :}
+     | ID:var DOTINV relations:relations
+     {:
+     debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+     ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3));
+     ParseNode relation = new ParseNode("relation");
+     expr.addChild(relation);
+     relation.addChild("quantifiervar", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+     relation.addChild(relations);
+     relations.getChildren().elementAt(0).addChild("inv");
+     RESULT = expr;
+     :}
+     | expr:expr1 operator:operator expr:expr2
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode op = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       op.addChild("op").addChild(operator);
+       op.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(expr1);
+       op.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(expr2);
+       RESULT = op.getRoot();
+       :}
+     ;       
+operator ::=
+         ADD 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("add", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         | SUB
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("sub", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         | MULT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("mult", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         | DIV
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("div", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         ;
+compare ::= 
+       LT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("lt", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | GT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("gt", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | LE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("le", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | GE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("ge", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | EQ
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("eq", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | NE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("ne", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       ;
+literal ::=
+        TRUE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("boolean").addChild("true").getRoot();
+       :}
+        | DECIMAL:dec
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("decimal").addChild(dec).getRoot();
+       :}
+        | STRING:str
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("string").addChild(str).getRoot();
+       :}
+        | CHAR:chr
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("char").addChild(chr).getRoot();
+       :}
+        | ID:literal
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("token").addChild(literal).getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9669077
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+package MCC;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+ * A generic command-line interface for 6.035 compilers.  This class
+ * provides command-line parsing for student projects.  It recognizes
+ * the required <tt>-target</tt>, <tt>-debug</tt>, <tt>-opt</tt>, and
+ * <tt>-o</tt> switches, and generates a name for input and output
+ * files.
+ *
+ * @author  le01, 6.035 Staff (<tt></tt>)
+ * @version <tt>$Id:,v 1.1 2003/07/07 16:13:33 droy Exp $</tt>
+ */
+public class CLI {
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should produce its
+     * default output.
+     */
+    public static final int DEFAULT = 0;
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should scan the input
+     * and stop.
+     */
+    public static final int SCAN = 1;
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should scan and parse
+     * its input, and stop.
+     */
+    public static final int PARSE = 2;
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should produce a
+     * high-level intermediate representation from its input, and stop.
+     * This is not one of the segment targets for Fall 2000, but you
+     * may wish to use it for your own purposes.
+     */
+    public static final int INTER = 3;
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should produce a
+     * low-level intermediate representation from its input, and stop.
+     */
+    public static final int LOWIR = 4;
+    /**
+     * Target value indicating that the compiler should produce
+     * assembly from its input.
+     */
+    public static final int ASSEMBLY = 5;
+    /**
+     * Array indicating which optimizations should be performed.  If
+     * a particular element is true, it indicates that the optimization
+     * named in the optnames[] parameter to parse with the same index
+     * should be performed.
+     */
+    public boolean opts[];
+    /**
+     * Vector of String containing the command-line arguments which could
+     * not otherwise be parsed.
+     */
+    public Vector extras;
+    /**
+     * Vector of String containing the optimizations which could not be
+     * parsed.  It is okay to complain about anything in this list, even
+     * without the <tt>-debug</tt> flag.
+     */
+    public Vector extraopts;
+    /**
+     * Name of the file to put the output in.
+     */
+    public String outfile;
+    /**
+     * Name of the file to get input from.  This is null if the user didn't
+     * provide a file name.
+     */
+    public String infile;
+    /**
+     * The target stage.  This should be one of the integer constants
+     * defined elsewhere in this package.
+     */
+    public int target;
+    /**
+     * The debug flag.  This is true if <tt>-debug</tt> was passed on
+     * the command line, requesting debugging output.
+     */
+    public boolean debug;
+    /**
+     * Native MIPS architecture is specified by "-native".  The default
+     * is SPIM.
+     */
+    public boolean fNative;
+    /**
+     * Runs IRVis on final node tree.
+     */
+    public boolean fVis;
+    public String visClass;
+    public String visMethod;
+    /**
+     * Dumps the before and after Node structure to two files that can be diffed.
+     */
+    public boolean fDiff;
+    public String diffFile;
+    /**
+     * Maximum optimization iterations.
+     */
+    public int numIterations = 5;
+    /**
+     * Verbose output
+     */
+    public int verbose;
+    /**
+     * Public constructor.  Sets up default values for all of the
+     * result fields.  Specifically, sets the input and output files
+     * to null, the target to DEFAULT, and the extras and extraopts
+     * arrays to new empty Vectors.
+     */
+    public CLI() {
+        outfile = null;
+        infile = null;
+        target = DEFAULT;
+        extras = new Vector();
+        extraopts = new Vector();
+        fNative = false;
+        fVis = false;
+        verbose = 0;
+        visClass = "";
+        visMethod = "";
+        fDiff = false;
+        diffFile = "";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parse the command-line arguments.  Sets all of the result fields
+     * accordingly. <BR>
+     * <ul>
+     * <li><TT>-target <I>target</I></TT> sets the field based
+     * on the <I>target</I> specified. </li>
+     * <li><TT>scan</TT> or <TT>scanner</TT> specifies CLI.SCAN</li>
+     * <li><TT>parse</TT> specifies CLI.PARSE</li>
+     * <li><TT>inter</TT> specifies CLI.INTER</li>
+     * <li><TT>lowir</TT> specifies CLI.LOWIR</li>
+     * <TT>assembly</TT> or <TT>codegen</TT> specifies CLI.ASSEMBLY</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * The boolean array opts[] indicates which, if any, of the
+     * optimizations in optnames[] should be performed; these arrays
+     * are in the same order.
+     *
+     * @param args Array of arguments passed in to the program's Main
+     *   function.
+     * @param optnames Ordered array of recognized optimization names.  */
+    public void parse(String args[]) {
+        String optnames[] = {};
+        int context = 0;
+        String ext = ".out";
+        opts = new boolean[optnames.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+            if (args[i].equals("-debug")) {
+                context = 0;
+                debug = true;
+           } else if (args[i].equals("-native")) {
+                context = 0;
+                fNative = true;
+            } else if (args[i].equals("-vis")) {
+                context = 4;
+                fVis = true;
+            } else if (args[i].equals("-diff")) {
+                context = 5;
+                fDiff = true;
+            } else if (args[i].equals("-i")) {
+                context = 6;
+            } else if (args[i].equals("-verbose") || args[i].equals("-v")) {
+                context = 0;
+                verbose++;
+            } else if (args[i].equals("-opt"))
+                context = 1;
+            else if (args[i].equals("-o"))
+                context = 2;
+            else if (args[i].equals("-target"))
+                context = 3;
+            else if (context == 1) {
+                boolean hit = false;
+                for (int j = 0; j < optnames.length; j++) {
+                    if (args[i].equals("all") ||
+                        (args[i].equals(optnames[j]))) {
+                        hit = true;
+                        opts[j] = true;
+                   }
+                    if (args[i].equals("-" + optnames[j])) {
+                        hit = true;
+                        opts[j] = false;
+                   }
+               }
+                if (!hit)
+                    extraopts.addElement(args[i]);
+           }
+            else if (context == 2) {
+                outfile = args[i];
+                context = 0;
+           }
+            else if (context == 3) {
+                // Process case insensitive.
+                String argSansCase = args[i].toLowerCase();
+                // accept "scan" and "scanner" due to handout mistake
+                if (argSansCase.equals("scan") || 
+                    argSansCase.equals("scanner"))
+                    target = SCAN;
+                else if (argSansCase.equals("parse"))
+                    target = PARSE;
+                else if (argSansCase.equals("inter"))
+                    target = INTER;
+                else if (argSansCase.equals("lowir"))
+                    target = LOWIR;
+                else if (argSansCase.equals("assembly") ||
+                         argSansCase.equals("codegen"))
+                    target = ASSEMBLY;
+                else
+                    target = DEFAULT; // Anything else is just default
+                context = 0;
+           } else if (context == 4) { // -vis
+                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(args[i], ".");
+                visClass = st.nextToken();
+                visMethod = st.nextToken();
+                context = 0;
+           } else if (context == 5) { // -diff
+                diffFile = args[i]; // argument following is filename
+                context = 0;
+           } else if (context == 6) { // -i <iterations>
+                numIterations = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
+                context = 0;
+            } else {
+               boolean hit = false;
+               for (int j = 0; j < optnames.length; j++) {
+                   if (args[i].equals("-" + optnames[j])) {
+                       hit = true;
+                       opts[j] = true;
+                   }
+               }
+               if (!hit) {
+                   extras.addElement(args[i]);
+               }
+            }
+       }
+        // grab infile and lose extra args
+        int i = 0;
+        while (infile == null && i < extras.size()) {
+            String fn = (String) extras.elementAt(i);
+            if (fn.charAt(0) != '-')
+           {
+                infile = fn;
+                extras.removeElementAt(i);
+           }
+            i++;
+       }
+        // create outfile name
+        switch (target) {
+        case SCAN:
+            ext = ".scan";
+            break;
+        case PARSE:
+            ext = ".parse";
+            break;
+        case INTER:
+            ext = ".ir";
+            break;
+        case LOWIR:
+            ext = ".lowir";
+            break;
+        case ASSEMBLY:
+            ext = ".s";
+            break;
+        case DEFAULT:
+        default:
+            ext = ".out";
+            break;
+        }
+        if (outfile == null && infile != null) {
+            int dot = infile.lastIndexOf('.');
+            int slash = infile.lastIndexOf('/');
+            // Last dot comes after last slash means that the file
+            // has an extention.  Note that the base case where dot
+            // or slash are -1 also work.
+            if (dot <= slash)
+                outfile = infile + ext;
+            else
+                outfile = infile.substring(0, dot) + ext;
+       }
+    }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..7ea9362
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+package MCC;
+import java.util.*;
+import MCC.IR.*;
+ * The main compiler module, which does the following:
+ * <ul>
+ *  <li>
+ *   nothing.
+ *  </li> 
+ * <ul>
+ *
+ * @author <b>Daniel Roy</b> droy (at) mit (dot) edu
+ * @version %I, %G 
+ */
+public class Compiler {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        State state = null;
+        boolean success = true;
+        CLI cli = new CLI();
+        cli.parse(args);
+        printArgInfo(cli); // prints debugging information and warning
+        state = new State();
+        State.currentState = state;
+       State.debug = cli.debug;
+       State.verbose = cli.verbose;
+       State.infile = cli.infile;
+       State.outfile = cli.outfile;
+        /*
+         * added: terminates with an error message if no input file
+         * specified at command line
+         */
+        System.out.println("\nMCC v0.0.1 - MIT LCS (Author: Daniel Roy, Brian Demsky)");
+       if (cli.infile == null) {
+           System.err.println("\nError: no input file specified");
+           System.exit(-1);
+       }
+       if ( == CLI.ASSEMBLY || == CLI.DEFAULT) {
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Compiling " + cli.infile + ".");
+           }
+           success = scan(state) || error(state, "Scanning failed, not attempting to parse.");
+           success = parse(state) || error(state, "Parsing failed, not attempting semantic analysis.");
+           success = semantics(state) || error(state, "Semantic analysis failed, not attempting variable initialization.");
+            (new DependencyBuilder(state)).calculate();
+            try {
+                Vector nodes = new Vector(state.constraintnodes.values());
+                nodes.addAll(state.rulenodes.values());
+                FileOutputStream dotfile;
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(cli.infile + "");
+                GraphNode.useEdgeLabels = true;
+                GraphNode.DOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, nodes);                
+                dotfile.close();
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(cli.infile + "");
+                GraphNode.useEdgeLabels = false;
+                GraphNode.DOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, nodes);                
+                dotfile.close();
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+                System.exit(-1);
+            }
+            try {
+                FileOutputStream gcode = new FileOutputStream(cli.infile + ".cc");
+                NaiveGenerator ng = new NaiveGenerator(state);
+                ng.generate(gcode);
+                gcode.close();
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+                System.exit(-1);
+            }
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Compilation of " + state.infile + " successful.");
+               System.out.println("#SUCCESS#");
+           }
+       } else if ( == CLI.INTER) {
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Semantic analysis for " + cli.infile + ".");
+           }
+           success = scan(state) || error(state, "Scanning failed, not attempting to parse.");
+           success = parse(state) || error(state, "Parsing failed, not attempting semantic analysis.");
+           success = semantics(state) || error(state, "Semantic analysis failed.");
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Semantic analysis of " + state.infile + " successful.");
+               System.out.println("#SUCCESS#");
+           }
+       } else if ( == CLI.PARSE) {
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Parsing " + cli.infile + ".");
+           }
+           success = scan(state) || error(state, "Scanning failed, not attempting to parse.");
+           success = parse(state) || error(state, "Parsing failed.");
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Parsing of " + state.infile + " successful.");
+               System.out.println("#SUCCESS#");
+           }
+        } else if ( == CLI.SCAN) {
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Scanning " + cli.infile + ".");
+           }
+           success = scan(state) || error(state, "Scanning failed.");
+           if (state.debug) {
+               System.out.println("Scanning of " + state.infile + " successful.");
+               System.out.println("#SUCCESS#");
+           }
+        }
+    }
+    private static void printArgInfo(CLI cli) {
+        if (cli.debug) {
+            System.out.println("Printing debugging information...");
+            System.out.println("Input filename: " + cli.infile);
+            System.out.println("Output filename: " + cli.outfile);
+            System.out.print("Target: ");
+            switch( {
+            case CLI.ASSEMBLY:
+                System.out.println("ASSEMBLY");
+                break;
+            case CLI.DEFAULT:
+                System.out.println("DEFAULT");
+                break;
+            case CLI.INTER:
+                System.out.println("INTER");
+                break;
+            case CLI.LOWIR:
+                System.out.println("LOWIR");
+                break;
+            case CLI.PARSE:
+                System.out.println("PARSE");
+                break;
+            case CLI.SCAN:
+                System.out.println("SCAN");
+                break;
+            default:
+                System.out.println("not recognized");
+                break;
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < cli.opts.length; i++) {
+                if (cli.opts[i]) {
+                    System.out.println("Optimization");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < cli.extraopts.size(); i++) {
+            System.err.println("Warning: optimization \"" +
+                               cli.extraopts.elementAt(i) +
+                               "\" not recognized");
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < cli.extras.size(); i++) {
+            System.err.println("Warning: option \"" +
+                               cli.extras.elementAt(i) +
+                               "\" not recognized");
+        }
+    }
+    private static boolean error(State state, String error) {
+       System.err.println(error);
+       if (state.debug) {
+           System.out.println("#ERROR#");
+       }
+       System.exit(-1);
+       return false;
+    }
+    public static boolean semantics(State state) {
+        SimpleIRErrorReporter er = new SimpleIRErrorReporter();
+        SemanticChecker checker = new SemanticChecker();
+       boolean ok = true;
+       try {
+           ok = checker.check(state, er);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+  , e.toString());
+            e.printStackTrace();
+           er.error = true;
+       }
+        if (!ok) {
+  , "Semantic check failed.");
+        }
+       System.out.print(er.toString());
+       return !er.error;
+    }
+    public static void debugMessage(int level, String s) {
+        if (State.currentState.verbose >= level) {
+            System.err.println(s);
+        }
+    }
+    public static boolean parse(State state) {
+        /* parse structure file */
+        try {
+            debugMessage(1, "Parsing structure file");
+            LineCount.reset();
+            FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(state.infile + ".struct");
+            TDLParser parser = new TDLParser(new Lexer(infile));
+            CUP$TDLParser$actions.debug = state.verbose > 1 ;
+            state.ptStructures = (ParseNode) parser.parse().value;
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+            System.err.println("Unable to open file: " + state.infile + ".struct");
+            System.exit(-1);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           //      System.out.println(e);
+           //      e.printStackTrace();
+           return false;
+       }
+        /* parse model file */
+        try {
+            debugMessage(1, "Parsing model file");
+            LineCount.reset();
+            FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(state.infile + ".model");
+            MDLParser parser = new MDLParser(new Lexer(infile));
+            CUP$MDLParser$actions.debug = state.verbose > 1 ;
+            state.ptModel = (ParseNode) parser.parse().value;
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+            System.err.println("Unable to open file: " + state.infile + ".model");
+            System.exit(-1);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           //      System.out.println(e);
+           //      e.printStackTrace();
+           return false;
+       }
+        /* parse space file */
+        try {
+            debugMessage(1, "Parsing space file");
+            LineCount.reset();
+            FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(state.infile + ".space");
+            SDLParser parser = new SDLParser(new Lexer(infile));
+            CUP$SDLParser$actions.debug = state.verbose > 1 ;
+            state.ptSpace = (ParseNode) parser.parse().value;
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+            System.err.println("Unable to open file: " + state.infile + ".space");
+            System.exit(-1);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           //      System.out.println(e);
+           //      e.printStackTrace();
+           return false;
+       }
+        /* parse constraints file */
+        try {
+            debugMessage(1, "Parsing constraints file");
+            LineCount.reset();
+            FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(state.infile + ".constraints");
+            CDLParser parser = new CDLParser(new Lexer(infile));
+            CUP$CDLParser$actions.debug = state.verbose > 1 ;
+            state.ptConstraints = (ParseNode) parser.parse().value;
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+            System.err.println("Unable to open file: " + state.infile + ".constraints");
+            System.exit(-1);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           //      System.out.println(e);
+           //      e.printStackTrace();
+           return false;
+       }
+        boolean success = 
+            !CUP$TDLParser$actions.errors && 
+            !CUP$SDLParser$actions.errors && 
+            !CUP$CDLParser$actions.errors && 
+            !CUP$MDLParser$actions.errors;
+        // if verbosity is on, then output parse trees as .dot files
+        if (success && state.verbose > 0) {
+            try {
+                FileOutputStream dotfile;
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(state.infile + "");
+                ParseNodeDOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, state.ptStructures);                
+                dotfile.close();
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(state.infile + "");
+                ParseNodeDOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, state.ptModel);                
+                dotfile.close();
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(state.infile + "");
+                ParseNodeDOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, state.ptSpace);                
+                dotfile.close();
+                dotfile = new FileOutputStream(state.infile + "");
+                ParseNodeDOTVisitor.visit(dotfile, state.ptConstraints);                
+                dotfile.close();
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+       return success;
+    }
+    public static boolean scan(State state) {
+        FileInputStream infile = null;
+        Lexer lexer;
+        boolean errors = false;
+        String files[] = { new String(state.infile + ".struct"),
+                           new String(state.infile + ".model"),
+                           new String(state.infile + ".constraints"),
+                           new String(state.infile + ".space") };
+        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+            String filename = files[i];
+            try {
+                infile = new FileInputStream(filename);
+            } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+                System.err.println("Unable to open file: " + filename);
+                System.exit(-1);
+            }
+            lexer = new Lexer(infile);
+            try {
+                while (true) {
+                    java_cup.runtime.Symbol symbol;
+                    symbol = lexer.next_token();
+                    if (symbol.sym == Sym.EOF) {
+                        break;
+                    } else if (symbol.sym == Sym.BAD) {
+                        errors = true;
+                    }
+                    if (State.verbose > 2) {
+                        System.out.println("Got token: " + symbol.value);
+                    }
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+       return !errors;
+    }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Lexer.lex b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Lexer.lex
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..8c8d5d0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package MCC;
+%implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner
+%function next_token
+%type java_cup.runtime.Symbol
+%class Lexer
+%state COMMENT
+    return tok(Sym.EOF, null);
+private java_cup.runtime.Symbol tok(int kind, Object value) {
+    return new Symbol(kind, yychar, yychar + yylength(), value, yyline);
+WHITESPACE=[\ \t\b\r\f]
+<YYINITIAL> {WHITESPACE}               {}
+<YYINITIAL> \n                         { LineCount.addLineBreak(yychar+1); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "{"                                { return tok(Sym.OPENBRACE, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "}"                                { return tok(Sym.CLOSEBRACE, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "("                                { return tok(Sym.OPENPAREN, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> ")"                                { return tok(Sym.CLOSEPAREN, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "["                                { return tok(Sym.OPENBRACKET, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "]"                                { return tok(Sym.CLOSEBRACKET, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "+"                                { return tok(Sym.ADD, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "-"                                { return tok(Sym.SUB, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "*"                                { return tok(Sym.MULT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "/"                                { return tok(Sym.DIV, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "<"                                { return tok(Sym.LT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ">"                                { return tok(Sym.GT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "<="                       { return tok(Sym.LE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ">="                       { return tok(Sym.GE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "="                                { return tok(Sym.EQ, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "!="                       { return tok(Sym.NE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "!"                                { return tok(Sym.NOT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> forall                     { return tok(Sym.FORALL, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> in\?                        { return tok(Sym.INTEST, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> in                          { return tok(Sym.IN, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ","                                { return tok(Sym.COMMA, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> sizeof                      { return tok(Sym.SIZEOF, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ".~"                       { return tok(Sym.DOTINV, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "."                                { return tok(Sym.DOT, yytext()); } 
+<YYINITIAL> "and"                      { return tok(Sym.AND, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "or"                       { return tok(Sym.OR, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> literal                    { return tok(Sym.LITERAL, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> param                      { return tok(Sym.PARAM, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "=>"                       { return tok(Sym.IMPLIES, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> true                       { return tok(Sym.TRUE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> isvalid                    { return tok(Sym.ISVALID, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> for                                { return tok(Sym.FOR, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> to                         { return tok(Sym.TO, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> structure                  { return tok(Sym.STRUCTURE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> reserved                   { return tok(Sym.RESERVED, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> label                      { return tok(Sym.LABEL, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> int                                { return tok(Sym.INT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> bit                         { return tok(Sym.BIT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> byte                        { return tok(Sym.BYTE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> subtype                    { return tok(Sym.SUBTYPE, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> of                                 { return tok(Sym.OF, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ";"                                { return tok(Sym.SEMICOLON, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> ":"                                { return tok(Sym.COLON, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> set                                { return tok(Sym.SET, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "->"                       { return tok(Sym.ARROW, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> many                               { return tok(Sym.MANY, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "|"                                { return tok(Sym.BAR, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> partition                  { return tok(Sym.PARTITION, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> element                    { return tok(Sym.ELEMENT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> delay                      { return tok(Sym.DELAY, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> static                     { return tok(Sym.STATIC, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> cast                       { return tok(Sym.CAST, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> short                      { return tok(Sym.SHORT, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> null                       { return tok(Sym.NULL, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> crash                      { return tok(Sym.CRASH, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> {ALPHA}({ALPHA}|{DIGIT})*  { return tok(Sym.ID, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> {DIGIT}+                   { return tok(Sym.DECIMAL, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> \'{CHAR}\'                 { return tok(Sym.CHAR, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> \"{CHAR}*\"                        { return tok(Sym.STRING, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> .                          { System.err.println("Bad token at line " + (yyline + 1) + ": " + yytext()); return tok(Sym.BAD, yytext()); }
+<YYINITIAL> "//"                       { yybegin(COMMENT); }
+<COMMENT>   \n                         { yybegin(YYINITIAL); LineCount.addLineBreak(yychar+1); }
+<YYINITIAL> "/*"                       { yybegin(MLCOMMENT); }
+<MLCOMMENT> "*/"                        { yybegin(YYINITIAL); }
+<MLCOMMENT> \n                         { LineCount.addLineBreak(yychar+1); }
+<MLCOMMENT> .                          { }
+<COMMENT>   .                          { }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..502aceb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package MCC;
+import java.util.*;
+public class LineCount {
+    private static Vector lineBreaks = new Vector();
+    public static void reset() {
+        lineBreaks = new Vector();
+    }
+    public static void addLineBreak (int pos) {
+       lineBreaks.addElement(new Integer(pos));
+    }
+    public static int getLine (int pos) {
+       int i;
+       int a;
+       for (i = 0; i < lineBreaks.size(); i++) {
+           a = ((Integer) lineBreaks.elementAt(i)).intValue();
+           if (pos < a) {
+               return (i + 1);
+           }
+       }
+       return (i + 1);
+    }
+    public static int getColumn (int pos) {
+       int i = 0;
+       int a = 0;
+       for (i = lineBreaks.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
+           a = ((Integer) lineBreaks.elementAt(i)).intValue();
+           if (pos > a) {
+               return pos - a;
+           }
+       }
+       return pos - a ;
+    }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/MDL.cup b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/MDL.cup
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..44a64df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+package MCC;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNode;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNodeVector;
+import java.util.*;
+action code {:
+       public static boolean errors;
+       public static boolean debug;
+       // debugMessage: writes debug production message only if debug = true
+       void debugMessage (String production) {
+               if (debug) {
+                       System.out.println("Applying production: " + production);
+               }
+       }
+       String unescape (String str) {
+           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+           int i;
+           // Note that we skip the first and last characters (they're "'s)
+           for (i = 1; i < str.length() - 1; i++) {
+               if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
+                   i++;
+                   switch (str.charAt(i)) {
+                   case '\"':
+                       sb.append('\"');
+                       break;
+                   case '\'':
+                       sb.append('\'');
+                       break;
+                   case '\\':
+                       sb.append('\\');
+                       break;
+                   case 't':
+                       sb.append('\t');
+                       break;
+                   case 'n':
+                       sb.append('\n');
+                       break;
+                   default:
+                       System.err.print("Error in string literal: ");
+                       System.err.println(str.charAt(i));
+                       System.err.println("Aborting...");
+                       break;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   sb.append(str.charAt(i));
+               }
+           }
+           return sb.toString();
+       }
+init with {: :}
+parser code {:
+       public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol current) {
+               CUP$MDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+               Symbol symbol = (Symbol) current;
+               report_error("MDL: Syntax error at line " + (symbol.line + 1)
+               + ", column " + LineCount.getColumn(symbol.left) + ": " + current.value, current);
+       }
+       public void report_fatal_error (String message, Object info) {
+                done_parsing();
+                report_error(message, info);
+                CUP$MDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+       }
+       public int curPos () {
+               return cur_token.left;
+       }
+       public int curLine (int back) {
+               Stack st = new Stack();
+               int i;
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       st.push(stack.pop());
+               }
+               java_cup.runtime.Symbol s;
+               s = (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) st.peek();
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       stack.push(st.pop());
+               }
+               return LineCount.getLine(s.left);
+       }
+// TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    terminal BAD;
+    terminal String ID;
+    terminal String DECIMAL;
+    terminal String CHAR;
+    terminal String STRING;
+    terminal OPENBRACE;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACE;
+    terminal OPENPAREN;
+    terminal CLOSEPAREN; 
+    terminal OPENBRACKET;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACKET;
+    terminal ADD; 
+    terminal SUB; 
+    terminal MULT; 
+    terminal DIV;
+    terminal NOT;
+    terminal LT;
+    terminal GT;
+    terminal LE;
+    terminal GE;
+    terminal EQ;
+    terminal NE;
+    terminal FORALL;
+    terminal IN;
+    terminal INTEST;
+    terminal COMMA;
+    terminal SIZEOF;
+    terminal DOT;
+    terminal DOTINV;
+    terminal AND;
+    terminal OR;
+    terminal LITERAL;
+    terminal IMPLIES;
+    terminal TRUE;
+    terminal ISVALID;
+    terminal FOR;
+    terminal TO;
+    terminal CAST;
+    terminal PARAM;
+    terminal STRUCTURE;
+    terminal RESERVED;
+    terminal BIT;
+    terminal BYTE;
+    terminal SHORT;
+    terminal LABEL;
+    terminal INT;
+    terminal SUBTYPE;
+    terminal OF;
+    terminal SEMICOLON;
+    terminal COLON;
+    terminal SET;
+    terminal ARROW;
+    terminal MANY;
+    terminal BAR;
+    terminal PARTITION;
+    terminal ELEMENT;
+    terminal DELAY;
+    terminal STATIC;
+    terminal NULL;
+    terminal CRASH;
+// NON-TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               TYPE                    NAME
+nonterminal    ParseNode               rules;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               rule;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               ruletype;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optquantifiers;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               quantifiers;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               quantifier;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               inclusion;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               expr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               literal;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               simple_expr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               location;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               set;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               listofliterals;
+precedence nonassoc OR;
+precedence nonassoc AND;
+precedence nonassoc EQ, NE; 
+precedence nonassoc LT, LE, GE, GT;
+precedence left INTEST;
+precedence left ADD, SUB;
+precedence left MULT, DIV;
+precedence left NOT;
+precedence left DOT;
+// PRODUCTION RULES  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+start with rules;
+rules ::= 
+       rules:rules rule:rule
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       rules.addChild(rule);
+       RESULT = rules;
+       :} 
+       | rule:rule 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode rules = new ParseNode("rules", parser.curLine(1));
+       rules.addChild(rule);
+       RESULT = rules; 
+       :}
+       ;
+rule ::= 
+       ruletype:ruletype OPENBRACKET optquantifiers:quantifiers CLOSEBRACKET 
+               COMMA expr:guard IMPLIES inclusion:inclusion SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode rule = new ParseNode("rule", parser.curLine(9));
+       if (ruletype != null) {
+               rule.addChild(ruletype);
+       }
+       if (quantifiers != null) {
+               rule.addChild(quantifiers);
+       }
+       rule.addChild(guard);
+       rule.addChild(inclusion);
+       RESULT = rule;
+       :}
+       ;
+ruletype ::= 
+       STATIC 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("static", parser.curLine(1));
+       :} 
+       | DELAY 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("delay", parser.curLine(1));
+       :} 
+       | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}        
+       ;
+optquantifiers ::=
+       quantifiers:quantifiers        
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = quantifiers;
+       :}
+       | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+       ;
+quantifiers ::=
+       quantifiers:quantifiers COMMA quantifier:quantifier
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       quantifiers.addChild(quantifier);
+       RESULT = quantifiers;
+       :}
+       | quantifier:quantifier
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode quantifiers = new ParseNode("quantifiers", parser.curLine(1));
+       quantifiers.addChild(quantifier);
+        RESULT = quantifiers;
+       :}
+       ;       
+quantifier ::= 
+       FORALL ID:var IN set:set
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode q = new ParseNode("quantifier", parser.curLine(4));
+       q.addChild("forall", parser.curLine(4));
+       q.addChild("var", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(var);
+       q.addChild(set);
+       RESULT = q;
+       :}
+       | FORALL LT ID:r1 COMMA ID:r2 GT IN ID:relation
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode q = new ParseNode("quantifier", parser.curLine(7));
+       q.addChild("relation", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(relation);
+       q.addChild("left", parser.curLine(5)).addChild(r1);
+       q.addChild("right", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(r2);
+       RESULT = q;
+       :}
+       | FOR ID:var EQ expr:lower TO expr:upper
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode q = new ParseNode("quantifier", parser.curLine(5));
+       q.addChild("for");
+       q.addChild("var", parser.curLine(4)).addChild(var);
+       q.addChild("lower", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(lower);
+       q.addChild("upper", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(upper);
+       RESULT = q;
+       :}
+       ;
+inclusion ::= 
+       expr:expr IN ID:setname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = (new ParseNode("inclusion", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("set");
+       set.addChild(expr);
+       set.addChild("name", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(setname);
+       RESULT = set.getRoot(); 
+       :}
+       | LT expr:r1 COMMA expr:r2 GT IN ID:relationname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode relation = (new ParseNode("inclusion", parser.curLine(7))).addChild("relation");
+       relation.addChild("left").addChild(r1);
+       relation.addChild("right").addChild(r2);
+       relation.addChild("name", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(relationname);
+       RESULT = relation.getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
+simple_expr ::= 
+       location:location
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode se = new ParseNode("simple_expr", parser.curLine(1));
+       se.addChild(location);
+       RESULT = se;
+       :}
+       ;
+location ::=
+       ID:var
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode loc = new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(1));   
+       loc.addChild("var").addChild(var);
+       RESULT = loc;
+       :}
+       | simple_expr:dotexpr DOT ID:field
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode dot = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("dot");
+       dot.addChild(dotexpr);
+       dot.addChild("field", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(field);
+       RESULT = dot.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | simple_expr:dotexpr DOT ID:field OPENBRACKET expr:index CLOSEBRACKET
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode dot = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(6))).addChild("dot");
+       dot.addChild(dotexpr);
+       dot.addChild("field", parser.curLine(4)).addChild(field);
+       dot.addChild("index", parser.curLine(2)).addChild(index);
+       RESULT = dot.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | CAST OPENPAREN ID:type COMMA simple_expr:expr CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode cast = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(6))).addChild("cast");
+       cast.addChild("type").addChild(type);
+       cast.addChild(expr);
+       RESULT = cast.getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
+expr ::= 
+       simple_expr:se 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(1));
+       expr.addChild(se);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | expr:expr INTEST ID:setname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode elementof = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("elementof");
+       elementof.addChild(expr);
+       elementof.addChild("name").addChild(setname);
+       RESULT = elementof.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | LT expr:r1 COMMA expr:r2 GT INTEST ID:relationname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode tupleof = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(7))).addChild("tupleof"); 
+       tupleof.addChild("left").addChild(r1);
+       tupleof.addChild("right").addChild(r2);
+       tupleof.addChild("name").addChild(relationname);
+       RESULT = tupleof.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | OPENPAREN expr:expr CLOSEPAREN 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}     
+       | LITERAL OPENPAREN literal:literal CLOSEPAREN       
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(4));
+       expr.addChild(literal);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr LT expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("lt");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr LE expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("le");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr GT expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("gt");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr GE expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("ge");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr EQ expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("eq");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr NE expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("ne");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr ADD expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("add");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr SUB expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("sub");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr DIV expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("div");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr MULT expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("mult");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr AND expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("and");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | expr:leftexpr OR expr:rightexpr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("and");
+       bool.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(leftexpr);
+       bool.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(rightexpr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | NOT expr:expr 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode bool = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       bool.addChild("op").addChild("not");
+       bool.addChild("left").addChild(expr);
+       RESULT = bool.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | ISVALID OPENPAREN expr:innerexpr CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode expr  = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(4)); 
+       expr.addChild("isvalid").addChild(innerexpr);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | ISVALID OPENPAREN expr:innerexpr COMMA ID:type CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode isvalid = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(6))).addChild("isvalid");
+       isvalid.addChild(innerexpr);
+       isvalid.addChild("type", parser.curLine(2)).addChild(type);
+       RESULT = isvalid.getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;             
+/** standard *********************************/
+literal ::=
+       TRUE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("boolean").addChild("true").getRoot();
+       :}
+       | DECIMAL:dec
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("decimal").addChild(dec).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | STRING:str
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("string").addChild(str).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | CHAR:chr
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("char").addChild(chr).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | ID:literal
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("token").addChild(literal).getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
+set ::=
+       ID:setname
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("set", parser.curLine(1));
+       set.addChild("name").addChild(setname);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+       | OPENBRACE listofliterals:list CLOSEBRACE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("set", parser.curLine(3));
+       set.addChild(list);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+       ;
+listofliterals ::=
+       listofliterals:list COMMA literal:literal
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       list.addChild(literal);
+       RESULT = list;
+       :}
+       | literal:literal
+       {: 
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode list = new ParseNode("listofliterals", parser.curLine(1));
+       list.addChild(literal);
+       RESULT = list;
+       :}
+       ;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Makefile b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/Makefile
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..e63fc9f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Model Constraint Compiler MAKEFILE
+# Auth: Daniel Roy, David Ziegler
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+TARGET = $(PROGRAM)-working
+SCANNER = Lexer
+PARSERS = \ MDLParser.class \ TDLParser.class \ CDLParser.class \ SDLParser.class
+COMPILER_CLASS = Compiler.class
+CLI_CLASS = CLI.class
+OTHER_CLASS = State.class LineCount.class Symbol.class
+IR_CLASS = IR/ParseNode.class IR/ParseNodeVector.class IR/ParseNodeDOTVisitor.class \
+IR/SemanticChecker.class IR/Expr.class IR/VarExpr.class IR/OpExpr.class IR/DotExpr.class \
+IR/LiteralExpr.class IR/IntegerLiteralExpr.class IR/BooleanLiteralExpr.class \
+IR/TokenLiteralExpr.class IR/Descriptor.class IR/TypeDescriptor.class IR/StructureTypeDescriptor.class \
+IR/MissingTypeDescriptor.class IR/ReservedTypeDescriptor.class IR/ArrayDescriptor.class \
+IR/FieldDescriptor.class IR/LabelDescriptor.class IR/ReservedFieldDescriptor.class \
+IR/SymbolTable.class IR/IRException.class IR/Opcode.class IR/SimpleIRErrorReporter.class \
+IR/IRErrorReporter.class IR/SetDescriptor.class IR/MissingSetDescriptor.class \
+IR/RelationDescriptor.class IR/ReservedSetDescriptor.class IR/TokenSetDescriptor.class \
+IR/Quantifier.class IR/SetQuantifier.class IR/ImageSetExpr.class \
+IR/CastExpr.class IR/SizeofExpr.class IR/SetExpr.class IR/VarDescriptor.class \
+IR/LogicStatement.class IR/Predicate.class IR/InclusionPredicate.class \
+IR/ComparisonPredicate.class IR/Constraint.class IR/RelationExpr.class \
+IR/RelationQuantifier.class IR/ForQuantifier.class IR/GraphNode.class \
+IR/DependencyBuilder.class IR/RelationInclusion.class IR/SetInclusion.class \
+IR/TupleOfExpr.class IR/ElementOfExpr.class IR/Rule.class IR/Inclusion.class \
+IR/NaiveGenerator.class IR/CodeWriter.class IR/SymbolTableStack.class
+#MODEL_CLASS = Field.class Literal.class Quantifier.class              \
+#Set.class TypeElement.class                                           \
+#MDElementExpr.class Rule.class Guard.class Type.class                         \
+#ParseException.class ModelInclusionConstraint.class
+ALLCLASSES = *.class IR/*.class
+ALLJAVA = *.java IR/*.java
+.PHONY: java clean all tests javadoc
+all: $(TARGET).tar.gz $(TARGET).jar 
+tests: $(TARGET).tar.gz $(TARGET).jar
+#      ./ scanner
+$(TARGET).tar.gz: $(TARGET).tar
+       gzip $(TARGET).tar -c > $(TARGET).tar.gz
+$(TARGET).tar: $(ALLJAVA) Makefile $(SCANNER).lex 
+       tar cf $@ $(ALLJAVA) Makefile $(SCANNER).lex
+$(TARGET).jar: java
+       jar cf $@ $(ALLCLASSES)
+       rm -f $(ALLCLASSES)
+       rm -f $(SCANNER) $(SCANNER).java
+       rm -f
+       rm -f $(TARGET).tar.gz $(TARGET).tar $(TARGET).jar
+       rm -f *~ IR/*~
+java: $(PARSERS) $(SCANNER).class $(ALL_CLASS)
+parser: $(PARSERS) $(SCANNER).java
+ %.cup
+       java -classpath ../ java_cup.Main -nosummary -symbols $(SYMBOLS) -parser $*Parser < $*.cup
+       javac $(SYMBOLS).java
+       javac -classpath ../ -source 1.4 $<
+ %.lex
+       java -classpath ../ JLex.Main $<
+$(SCANNER).java: $(SCANNER)
+       cp $(SCANNER) $(SCANNER).java
+       rm $(SCANNER)
+       javadoc -package -d ../javadoc/ -windowtitle MCC $(ALLJAVA)
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/SDL.cup b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/SDL.cup
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..6604dcd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+package MCC;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNode;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNodeVector;
+import java.util.*;
+action code {:
+       public static boolean errors;
+       public static boolean debug;
+       // debugMessage: writes debug production message only if debug = true
+       void debugMessage (String production) {
+               if (debug) {
+                       System.out.println("Applying production: " + production);
+               }
+       }
+       String unescape (String str) {
+           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+           int i;
+           // Note that we skip the first and last characters (they're "'s)
+           for (i = 1; i < str.length() - 1; i++) {
+               if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
+                   i++;
+                   switch (str.charAt(i)) {
+                   case '\"':
+                       sb.append('\"');
+                       break;
+                   case '\'':
+                       sb.append('\'');
+                       break;
+                   case '\\':
+                       sb.append('\\');
+                       break;
+                   case 't':
+                       sb.append('\t');
+                       break;
+                   case 'n':
+                       sb.append('\n');
+                       break;
+                   default:
+                       System.err.print("Error in string literal: ");
+                       System.err.println(str.charAt(i));
+                       System.err.println("Aborting...");
+                       break;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   sb.append(str.charAt(i));
+               }
+           }
+           return sb.toString();
+       }
+init with {: :}
+parser code {:
+       public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol current) {
+               CUP$SDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+               Symbol symbol = (Symbol) current;
+               report_error("SDL: Syntax error at line " + (symbol.line + 1)
+               + ", column " + LineCount.getColumn(symbol.left) + ": " + current.value, current);
+       }
+       public void report_fatal_error (String message, Object info) {
+                done_parsing();
+                report_error(message, info);
+                CUP$SDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+       }
+       public int curPos () {
+               return cur_token.left;
+       }
+       public int curLine (int back) {
+               Stack st = new Stack();
+               int i;
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       st.push(stack.pop());
+               }
+               java_cup.runtime.Symbol s;
+               s = (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) st.peek();
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       stack.push(st.pop());
+               }
+               return LineCount.getLine(s.left);
+       }
+// TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    terminal BAD;
+    terminal String ID;
+    terminal String DECIMAL;
+    terminal String CHAR;
+    terminal String STRING;
+    terminal OPENBRACE;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACE;
+    terminal OPENPAREN;
+    terminal CLOSEPAREN; 
+    terminal OPENBRACKET;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACKET;
+    terminal ADD; 
+    terminal SUB; 
+    terminal MULT; 
+    terminal DIV;
+    terminal NOT;
+    terminal LT;
+    terminal GT;
+    terminal LE;
+    terminal GE;
+    terminal EQ;
+    terminal NE;
+    terminal FORALL;
+    terminal IN;
+    terminal INTEST;
+    terminal COMMA;
+    terminal SIZEOF;
+    terminal DOT;
+    terminal DOTINV;
+    terminal AND;
+    terminal OR;
+    terminal LITERAL;
+    terminal IMPLIES;
+    terminal TRUE;
+    terminal ISVALID;
+    terminal FOR;
+    terminal TO;
+    terminal CAST;
+    terminal PARAM;
+    terminal STRUCTURE;
+    terminal RESERVED;
+    terminal BIT;
+    terminal BYTE;
+    terminal SHORT;
+    terminal LABEL;
+    terminal INT;
+    terminal SUBTYPE;
+    terminal OF;
+    terminal SEMICOLON;
+    terminal COLON;
+    terminal SET;
+    terminal ARROW;
+    terminal MANY;
+    terminal BAR;
+    terminal PARTITION;
+    terminal ELEMENT;
+    terminal DELAY;
+    terminal STATIC;
+    terminal NULL;
+    terminal CRASH;
+// NON-TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               TYPE                    NAME
+nonterminal    ParseNode               spacedefs;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               space;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               mult;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optstatic;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optpartition;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               setlist;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               type;
+precedence left OR;
+precedence left AND;
+precedence right EQ, NE; 
+precedence right LT, LE, GE, GT;
+precedence left ADD, SUB;
+precedence left MULT, DIV;
+precedence left NOT;
+precedence left DOT;
+// PRODUCTION RULES  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+start with spacedefs;
+spacedefs ::= 
+         spacedefs:spacedefs space:space
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       spacedefs.addChild(space);
+       RESULT = spacedefs;
+       :}
+         | space:space
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode spacedefs = new ParseNode("space", parser.curLine(1));
+       spacedefs.addChild(space);
+       RESULT = spacedefs;
+       :}
+         ;
+space ::= 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("setdefinition", parser.curLine(6));
+       set.addChild("name", parser.curLine(5)).addChild(setname);
+       set.addChild(settype);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+      | SET ID:setname OPENPAREN type:settype CLOSEPAREN COLON optpartition:partition setlist:setlist SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode set = new ParseNode("setdefinition", parser.curLine(8));
+       set.addChild("name", parser.curLine(7)).addChild(setname);
+       set.addChild(settype);
+       if (partition != null) set.addChild(partition);
+       if (setlist != null) set.addChild(setlist);
+       RESULT = set;
+       :}
+      | ID:name optstatic:optstatic COLON type:domain ARROW type:range OPENPAREN mult:domainmult ARROW mult:rangemult CLOSEPAREN SEMICOLON 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode relation = new ParseNode("relationdefinition", parser.curLine(12));
+       if (optstatic != null) relation.addChild(optstatic);
+       relation.addChild("name", parser.curLine(11)).addChild(name);
+       relation.addChild("domain").addChild(domain);
+       relation.addChild("range").addChild(range);
+       relation.getChild("domain").addChild(domainmult);
+       relation.getChild("range").addChild(rangemult);
+       RESULT = relation;
+       :}
+      ;
+mult ::=
+     DECIMAL:one
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode mult = new ParseNode("mult", parser.curLine(1));
+       mult.addChild(one);
+       RESULT = mult;
+       :}
+     | MANY
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode mult = new ParseNode("mult", parser.curLine(1));
+       mult.addChild("many");
+       RESULT = mult;
+       :}
+     ;
+optstatic ::= 
+         STATIC
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("static", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+         ;
+optpartition ::= 
+            PARTITION
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("partition", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+            | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+            ;
+setlist ::=
+       setlist:setlist BAR ID:set
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       setlist.addChild(set, parser.curLine(1));
+       RESULT = setlist;
+       :}
+       | ID:set
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode setlist = new ParseNode("setlist");
+       setlist.addChild(set, parser.curLine(1));
+       RESULT = setlist;
+       :}
+       |
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+       ;
+type ::= 
+     BIT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("bit");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+     | BYTE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("byte");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+     | SHORT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("short");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+     | INT 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("int");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+     | ID:typename
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild(typename);
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+     ;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ee1dfa0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package MCC;
+// base package
+// this class stores all the information needed for between passes
+import MCC.IR.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class State {
+    public static State currentState = null;
+    public static boolean failed = false;
+    public static boolean debug = false;
+    public static int verbose = 0;
+    public static String infile;
+    public static String outfile;
+    public static final int VERBOSE_TOKENS = 1;
+    public ParseNode ptStructures;
+    public ParseNode ptModel;
+    public ParseNode ptConstraints;
+    public ParseNode ptSpace;
+    public SymbolTable stSets;
+    public SymbolTable stRelations;
+    public SymbolTable stTypes;
+    public SymbolTable stGlobals;
+    public Vector vConstraints;
+    public Vector vRules;
+    public Hashtable rulenodes;
+    public Hashtable constraintnodes;    
+    State() {
+        vConstraints = null;
+        vRules = null;
+        stTypes = null;
+        stSets = null;
+        stRelations = null;
+        stGlobals = null;
+        ptStructures = null;
+        ptModel = null;
+        ptConstraints = null;
+        ptSpace = null;
+    }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..18d599a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package MCC;
+ * Our Symbol class that adds line number functionality.
+ */
+public class Symbol extends java_cup.runtime.Symbol {
+    int line;
+    /**
+     * The simple constructor - just calls super and sets the line number
+     */
+    public Symbol(int type, int left, int right, Object value, int line) {
+        super(type, left, right, value);
+        this.line = line;
+    }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/TDL.cup b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/TDL.cup
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..0fbfa83
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+package MCC;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNode;
+import MCC.IR.ParseNodeVector;
+import java.util.*;
+action code {:
+       public static boolean errors;
+       public static boolean debug;
+       // debugMessage: writes debug production message only if debug = true
+       void debugMessage (String production) {
+               if (debug) {
+                       System.out.println("Applying production: " + production);
+               }
+       }
+       String unescape (String str) {
+           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+           int i;
+           // Note that we skip the first and last characters (they're "'s)
+           for (i = 1; i < str.length() - 1; i++) {
+               if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
+                   i++;
+                   switch (str.charAt(i)) {
+                   case '\"':
+                       sb.append('\"');
+                       break;
+                   case '\'':
+                       sb.append('\'');
+                       break;
+                   case '\\':
+                       sb.append('\\');
+                       break;
+                   case 't':
+                       sb.append('\t');
+                       break;
+                   case 'n':
+                       sb.append('\n');
+                       break;
+                   default:
+                       System.err.print("Error in string literal: ");
+                       System.err.println(str.charAt(i));
+                       System.err.println("Aborting...");
+                       break;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   sb.append(str.charAt(i));
+               }
+           }
+           return sb.toString();
+       }
+init with {: :}
+parser code {:
+       public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol current) {
+               CUP$TDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+               Symbol symbol = (Symbol) current;
+               report_error("TDL: Syntax error at line " + (symbol.line + 1)
+               + ", column " + LineCount.getColumn(symbol.left) + ": " + current.value, current);
+       }
+       public void report_fatal_error (String message, Object info) {
+                done_parsing();
+                report_error(message, info);
+                CUP$TDLParser$actions.errors = true;
+       }
+       public int curPos () {
+               return cur_token.left;
+       }
+       public int curLine (int back) {
+               Stack st = new Stack();
+               int i;
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       st.push(stack.pop());
+               }
+               java_cup.runtime.Symbol s;
+               s = (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) st.peek();
+               for (i = 0; i < back; i++) {
+                       stack.push(st.pop());
+               }
+               return LineCount.getLine(s.left);
+       }
+// TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    terminal BAD;
+    terminal String ID;
+    terminal String DECIMAL;
+    terminal String CHAR;
+    terminal String STRING;
+    terminal OPENBRACE;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACE;
+    terminal OPENPAREN;
+    terminal CLOSEPAREN; 
+    terminal OPENBRACKET;
+    terminal CLOSEBRACKET;
+    terminal ADD; 
+    terminal SUB; 
+    terminal MULT; 
+    terminal DIV;
+    terminal NOT;
+    terminal LT;
+    terminal GT;
+    terminal LE;
+    terminal GE;
+    terminal EQ;
+    terminal NE;
+    terminal FORALL;
+    terminal IN;
+    terminal INTEST;
+    terminal COMMA;
+    terminal SIZEOF;
+    terminal DOT;
+    terminal DOTINV;
+    terminal AND;
+    terminal OR;
+    terminal LITERAL;
+    terminal IMPLIES;
+    terminal TRUE;
+    terminal ISVALID;
+    terminal FOR;
+    terminal TO;
+    terminal CAST;
+    terminal PARAM;
+    terminal STRUCTURE;
+    terminal RESERVED;
+    terminal BIT;
+    terminal BYTE;
+    terminal SHORT;
+    terminal LABEL;
+    terminal INT;
+    terminal SUBTYPE;
+    terminal OF;
+    terminal SEMICOLON;
+    terminal COLON;
+    terminal SET;
+    terminal ARROW;
+    terminal MANY;
+    terminal BAR;
+    terminal PARTITION;
+    terminal ELEMENT;
+    terminal DELAY;
+    terminal STATIC;
+    terminal NULL;
+    terminal CRASH;
+// NON-TERMINALS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               TYPE                    NAME
+nonterminal    ParseNode               structures;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               structure;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optsubtype;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               labelsandfields;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               label;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               field;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optptr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               type;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               optindex;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               expr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               simple_expr;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               location;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               operator;
+nonterminal    ParseNode               literal;
+precedence left OR;
+precedence left AND;
+precedence right EQ, NE; 
+precedence right LT, LE, GE, GT;
+precedence left ADD, SUB;
+precedence left MULT, DIV;
+precedence left NOT;
+precedence left DOT;
+// PRODUCTION RULES  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+start with structures;
+structures ::= 
+       structures:structures structure:structure
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       structures.addChild(structure);
+       RESULT = structures;
+       :}
+       | structure:structure 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode structures = new ParseNode("structures", parser.curLine(1));
+       structures.addChild(structure);
+       RESULT = structures;
+       :}
+       ;
+structure ::= 
+       STRUCTURE ID:typename optsubtype:subtype OPENBRACE labelsandfields:lf CLOSEBRACE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode structure = new ParseNode("structure", parser.curLine(6));
+       structure.addChild("name", parser.curLine(5)).addChild(typename);
+       if (subtype != null) {
+        structure.addChild(subtype);
+       }
+       structure.addChild(lf);
+       RESULT = structure;
+       :}
+       | ID:type MULT ID:name SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode global = new ParseNode("global", parser.curLine(4));
+       global.addChild("type").addChild(type);
+       global.addChild("name").addChild(name);
+       RESULT = global;
+       :}
+       ;
+optsubtype ::= 
+       SUBTYPE OF ID:type
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode subtype = new ParseNode("subtype", parser.curLine(3));
+       subtype.addChild(type);
+       RESULT = subtype;
+       :}
+       | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+          ;
+labelsandfields ::= 
+       labelsandfields:lf label:label
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       lf.getChild("labels").addChild(label);
+       RESULT = lf;
+       :}
+       | labelsandfields:lf field:field
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       lf.getChild("fields").addChild(field);
+       RESULT = lf;
+       :}
+       | label:label
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode lf = new ParseNode("lf");
+       lf.addChild("labels", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(label);
+       lf.addChild("fields", parser.curLine(1));
+       RESULT = lf;
+       :}
+       | field:field
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode lf = new ParseNode("lf");
+       lf.addChild("fields", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(field);
+       lf.addChild("labels", parser.curLine(1));
+       RESULT = lf;
+       :}
+       ;
+label ::= 
+       LABEL ID:field optindex:index COLON type:type ID:name SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode label = new ParseNode("label", parser.curLine(6));
+       label.addChild("name", parser.curLine(2)).addChild(name);
+       if (index != null) {
+        label.addChild(index);
+       }
+       label.addChild(type);
+       label.addChild("field", parser.curLine(5)).addChild(field);
+       RESULT = label;
+       :}
+       ;
+optindex ::= 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode index = new ParseNode("index", parser.curLine(2));
+       index.addChild(expr);
+       RESULT = index;
+       :}
+       | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+       ;
+field ::= 
+       RESERVED type:type optindex:index SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode field = new ParseNode("field", parser.curLine(4));
+       field.addChild(type);
+       field.addChild("reserved");
+       if (index != null) {
+        field.addChild(index);
+       }       
+       RESULT = field;
+       :}
+       | type:type optptr:optptr ID:name optindex:index SEMICOLON
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode field = new ParseNode("field", parser.curLine(5));
+       field.addChild(type);
+       if (optptr != null) {
+        field.addChild(optptr);
+       }
+       field.addChild("name", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(name);
+       if (index != null) {
+        field.addChild(index);
+       }
+       RESULT = field;
+       :}
+       ;
+optptr ::=
+       MULT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("*", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | /* nothing */
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = null;
+       :}
+               ;
+/*** expression interface *********************************/
+simple_expr ::= 
+       location:location
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode se = new ParseNode("simple_expr", parser.curLine(1));
+       se.addChild(location);
+       RESULT = se;
+       :}
+       ;
+location ::=
+       ID:var
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode loc = new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(1));   
+       loc.addChild("var").addChild(var);
+       RESULT = loc;
+       :}
+       | simple_expr:dotexpr DOT ID:field
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode dot = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("dot");
+       dot.addChild(dotexpr);
+       dot.addChild("field", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(field);
+       RESULT = dot.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | simple_expr:dotexpr DOT ID:field OPENBRACKET expr:index CLOSEBRACKET
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode dot = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(6))).addChild("dot");
+       dot.addChild(dotexpr);
+       dot.addChild("field", parser.curLine(4)).addChild(field);
+       dot.addChild("index", parser.curLine(2)).addChild(index);
+       RESULT = dot.getRoot();
+       :}
+       | CAST OPENPAREN ID:type COMMA simple_expr:expr CLOSEPAREN
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode cast = (new ParseNode("location", parser.curLine(6))).addChild("cast");
+       cast.addChild("type").addChild(type);
+       cast.addChild(expr);
+       RESULT = cast.getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
+expr ::= 
+       simple_expr:se 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(1));
+       expr.addChild(se);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | OPENPAREN expr:expr CLOSEPAREN 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}     
+       | LITERAL OPENPAREN literal:literal CLOSEPAREN       
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode expr = new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(4));
+       expr.addChild(literal);
+       RESULT = expr;
+       :}
+       | expr:expr1 operator:operator expr:expr2
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode op = (new ParseNode("expr", parser.curLine(3))).addChild("operator");
+       op.addChild("op").addChild(operator);
+       op.addChild("left", parser.curLine(3)).addChild(expr1);
+       op.addChild("right", parser.curLine(1)).addChild(expr2);
+       RESULT = op.getRoot();
+       :}         
+       ;             
+/**** standard ***************************************************/
+operator ::=
+       ADD 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("add", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | SUB
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("sub", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | MULT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("mult", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+       | DIV
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = new ParseNode("div", parser.curLine(1));
+       :}
+         ;
+literal ::=
+       TRUE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("boolean").addChild("true").getRoot();
+       :}
+       | DECIMAL:dec
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("decimal").addChild(dec).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | STRING:str
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("string").addChild(str).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | CHAR:chr
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("char").addChild(chr).getRoot();
+       :}
+       | ID:literal
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       RESULT = (new ParseNode("literal", parser.curLine(1))).addChild("token").addChild(literal).getRoot();
+       :}
+       ;
+type ::= 
+       BIT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("bit");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+       | BYTE
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("byte");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+       | SHORT
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("short");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+       | INT 
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild("int");
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+       | ID:typename
+       {:
+       debugMessage(PRODSTRING);
+       ParseNode type = new ParseNode("type", parser.curLine(1));
+       type.addChild(typename);
+       RESULT = type;
+       :}
+       ;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/javadoc.template b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/javadoc.template
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..4e2bff3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// TEMPLATE FOR THE JAVADOC: USE <code></code> for code in comments
+ *   1 LINE w/ A (.) AT THE END: BRIEF EXPLANATION (of the class, method, etc.)
+ *
+ *   
+ *  @param  Param1Name      (methods and constructors only)
+ *                          explain parameter 1
+ *  @param  Param2Name      (methods and constructors only)
+ *                          explain parameter 2
+ *  @return                 (methods-only when it actually returns something)
+ *                           what do we return? 
+ *  @exception ExceptionName   what exception does it throw?
+ *  @see       Function1Name
+ *  @see       Function2Name
+ */
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.constraints b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.constraints
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..addf887
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[],sizeof(Nodes) > 1;
+[forall node in Nodes],sizeof(node.~nextnodes)=1;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.model b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.model
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..b845121
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[], true => head in Nodes;
+[forall node in Nodes], ! => in Nodes;
+[forall node in Nodes], true => <node,> in nextnodes;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..e87d88e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set Nodes(Node);
+nextnodes : Node -> Node (1->1);
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.struct b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/link.struct
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..162f0af
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+structure Node {
+     int data;
+     Node *next;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.constraints b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.constraints
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..a6073fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[forall u in UsedInode], u.inodestatus=literal(Used);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.model b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.model
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..2c4e062
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[], true => literal(0) in SuperBlock;
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..bd84734
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// sEXT2 - Simple File System Example
+// Space Definition Language File
+set Block(int) : partition 
+    UsedBlock | 
+    FreeBlock;
+set FreeBlock(int);
+set Inode(int) : partition 
+    UsedInode | 
+    FreeInode;
+set FreeInode(int);
+set UsedInode(int) : partition 
+    FileInode | 
+    DirectoryInode ;
+set FileInode(int);
+set DirectoryInode(int) : RootDirectoryInode;
+set RootDirectoryInode(int);
+set UsedBlock(int) : partition 
+    SuperBlock | 
+    GroupBlock | 
+    FileDirectoryBlock | 
+    InodeTableBlock | 
+    InodeBitmapBlock | 
+    BlockBitmapBlock;
+set FileDirectoryBlock(int) : 
+    DirectoryBlock | 
+    FileBlock;
+set SuperBlock(int);
+set GroupBlock(int);
+set FileBlock(int);
+set DirectoryBlock(int);
+set InodeTableBlock(int);
+set InodeBitmapBlock(int);
+set BlockBitmapBlock(int);
+set DirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry);
+// relations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+inodeof: DirectoryEntry -> UsedInode (many->1);
+contents: UsedInode -> FileDirectoryBlock (1->many);
+inodestatus: Inode -> token (many->1);
+blockstatus: Block -> token (many->1);
+referencecount: Inode -> int (many->1);
+filesize: Inode -> int (many->1);
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.struct b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test.struct
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..c956e8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+structure Block {
+     reserved byte[d.s.blocksize];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..a11b802
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1882 @@
+// creating hashtables 
+SimpleHash* __int___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __FileBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __UsedBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __FileInode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __SuperBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __UsedInode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __InodeBitmapBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __BlockBitmapBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __FileDirectoryBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __token___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __DirectoryEntry___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __RootDirectoryInode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __FreeBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __GroupBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __Block___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __DirectoryBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __FreeInode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __Inode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __DirectoryInode___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __InodeTableBlock___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __referencecount___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __filesize___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __inodeof___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __contents___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __inodestatus___hash = new SimpleHash();
+SimpleHash* __blockstatus___hash = new SimpleHash();
+// build rule1
+  //true
+  int __tempvar0__ = 1;
+  if (__tempvar0__) {
+    int __element1__ = 0;
+    __SuperBlock___hash->add((int)__element1__, (int)__element1__);
+  }
+// build rule2
+  //true
+  int __tempvar2__ = 1;
+  if (__tempvar2__) {
+    int __element3__ = 1;
+    __GroupBlock___hash->add((int)__element3__, (int)__element3__);
+  }
+// build rule3
+  //d.g.InodeTableBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks
+  // __left6__ <-- d.g
+  // __left7__ <-- d
+  int __left7__ = (int) d;
+  // __left7__ = d
+  // __offsetinbits8__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __leftop9__ = 0;
+  int __leftop13__ = 8;
+  // __left15__ <-- d.s
+  // __left16__ <-- d
+  int __left16__ = (int) d;
+  // __left16__ = d
+  int __left15__ = (__left16__ + 0);
+  // __left15__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits17__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop18__ = 32;
+  int __leftop20__ = 32;
+  int __leftop22__ = 32;
+  int __leftop24__ = 32;
+  int __leftop26__ = 32;
+  int __rightop27__ = 0;
+  int __rightop25__ = __leftop26__ + __rightop27__;
+  int __rightop23__ = __leftop24__ + __rightop25__;
+  int __rightop21__ = __leftop22__ + __rightop23__;
+  int __rightop19__ = __leftop20__ + __rightop21__;
+  int __offsetinbits17__ = __leftop18__ + __rightop19__;
+  // __offsetinbits17__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset28__ = __offsetinbits17__ >> 3;
+  int __shift29__ = __offsetinbits17__ - (__offset28__ << 3);
+  int __rightop14__ = ((*(int *)(__left15__ + __offset28__))  >> __shift29__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __leftop12__ = __leftop13__ * __rightop14__;
+  int __rightop30__ = 0;
+  int __leftop11__ = __leftop12__ + __rightop30__;
+  int __rightop31__ = 1;
+  int __rightop10__ = __leftop11__ * __rightop31__;
+  int __offsetinbits8__ = __leftop9__ + __rightop10__;
+  // __offsetinbits8__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __offset32__ = __offsetinbits8__ >> 3;
+  int __left6__ = (__left7__ + __offset32__);
+  // __left6__ = d.g
+  // __offsetinbits33__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop34__ = 32;
+  int __leftop36__ = 32;
+  int __rightop37__ = 0;
+  int __rightop35__ = __leftop36__ + __rightop37__;
+  int __offsetinbits33__ = __leftop34__ + __rightop35__;
+  // __offsetinbits33__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset38__ = __offsetinbits33__ >> 3;
+  int __shift39__ = __offsetinbits33__ - (__offset38__ << 3);
+  int __leftop5__ = ((*(int *)(__left6__ + __offset38__))  >> __shift39__) & 0xffffffff;
+  // __left41__ <-- d.s
+  // __left42__ <-- d
+  int __left42__ = (int) d;
+  // __left42__ = d
+  int __left41__ = (__left42__ + 0);
+  // __left41__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits43__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop44__ = 32;
+  int __leftop46__ = 32;
+  int __rightop47__ = 0;
+  int __rightop45__ = __leftop46__ + __rightop47__;
+  int __offsetinbits43__ = __leftop44__ + __rightop45__;
+  // __offsetinbits43__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset48__ = __offsetinbits43__ >> 3;
+  int __shift49__ = __offsetinbits43__ - (__offset48__ << 3);
+  int __rightop40__ = ((*(int *)(__left41__ + __offset48__))  >> __shift49__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __tempvar4__ = __leftop5__ < __rightop40__;
+  if (__tempvar4__) {
+    // __left51__ <-- d.g
+    // __left52__ <-- d
+    int __left52__ = (int) d;
+    // __left52__ = d
+    // __offsetinbits53__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __leftop54__ = 0;
+    int __leftop58__ = 8;
+    // __left60__ <-- d.s
+    // __left61__ <-- d
+    int __left61__ = (int) d;
+    // __left61__ = d
+    int __left60__ = (__left61__ + 0);
+    // __left60__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits62__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop63__ = 32;
+    int __leftop65__ = 32;
+    int __leftop67__ = 32;
+    int __leftop69__ = 32;
+    int __leftop71__ = 32;
+    int __rightop72__ = 0;
+    int __rightop70__ = __leftop71__ + __rightop72__;
+    int __rightop68__ = __leftop69__ + __rightop70__;
+    int __rightop66__ = __leftop67__ + __rightop68__;
+    int __rightop64__ = __leftop65__ + __rightop66__;
+    int __offsetinbits62__ = __leftop63__ + __rightop64__;
+    // __offsetinbits62__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset73__ = __offsetinbits62__ >> 3;
+    int __shift74__ = __offsetinbits62__ - (__offset73__ << 3);
+    int __rightop59__ = ((*(int *)(__left60__ + __offset73__))  >> __shift74__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __leftop57__ = __leftop58__ * __rightop59__;
+    int __rightop75__ = 0;
+    int __leftop56__ = __leftop57__ + __rightop75__;
+    int __rightop76__ = 1;
+    int __rightop55__ = __leftop56__ * __rightop76__;
+    int __offsetinbits53__ = __leftop54__ + __rightop55__;
+    // __offsetinbits53__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __offset77__ = __offsetinbits53__ >> 3;
+    int __left51__ = (__left52__ + __offset77__);
+    // __left51__ = d.g
+    // __offsetinbits78__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop79__ = 32;
+    int __leftop81__ = 32;
+    int __rightop82__ = 0;
+    int __rightop80__ = __leftop81__ + __rightop82__;
+    int __offsetinbits78__ = __leftop79__ + __rightop80__;
+    // __offsetinbits78__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset83__ = __offsetinbits78__ >> 3;
+    int __shift84__ = __offsetinbits78__ - (__offset83__ << 3);
+    int __element50__ = ((*(int *)(__left51__ + __offset83__))  >> __shift84__) & 0xffffffff;
+    __InodeTableBlock___hash->add((int)__element50__, (int)__element50__);
+  }
+// build rule4
+  //d.g.InodeBitmapBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks
+  // __left87__ <-- d.g
+  // __left88__ <-- d
+  int __left88__ = (int) d;
+  // __left88__ = d
+  // __offsetinbits89__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __leftop90__ = 0;
+  int __leftop94__ = 8;
+  // __left96__ <-- d.s
+  // __left97__ <-- d
+  int __left97__ = (int) d;
+  // __left97__ = d
+  int __left96__ = (__left97__ + 0);
+  // __left96__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits98__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop99__ = 32;
+  int __leftop101__ = 32;
+  int __leftop103__ = 32;
+  int __leftop105__ = 32;
+  int __leftop107__ = 32;
+  int __rightop108__ = 0;
+  int __rightop106__ = __leftop107__ + __rightop108__;
+  int __rightop104__ = __leftop105__ + __rightop106__;
+  int __rightop102__ = __leftop103__ + __rightop104__;
+  int __rightop100__ = __leftop101__ + __rightop102__;
+  int __offsetinbits98__ = __leftop99__ + __rightop100__;
+  // __offsetinbits98__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset109__ = __offsetinbits98__ >> 3;
+  int __shift110__ = __offsetinbits98__ - (__offset109__ << 3);
+  int __rightop95__ = ((*(int *)(__left96__ + __offset109__))  >> __shift110__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __leftop93__ = __leftop94__ * __rightop95__;
+  int __rightop111__ = 0;
+  int __leftop92__ = __leftop93__ + __rightop111__;
+  int __rightop112__ = 1;
+  int __rightop91__ = __leftop92__ * __rightop112__;
+  int __offsetinbits89__ = __leftop90__ + __rightop91__;
+  // __offsetinbits89__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __offset113__ = __offsetinbits89__ >> 3;
+  int __left87__ = (__left88__ + __offset113__);
+  // __left87__ = d.g
+  // __offsetinbits114__ <-- 32 + 0
+  int __leftop115__ = 32;
+  int __rightop116__ = 0;
+  int __offsetinbits114__ = __leftop115__ + __rightop116__;
+  // __offsetinbits114__ = 32 + 0
+  int __offset117__ = __offsetinbits114__ >> 3;
+  int __shift118__ = __offsetinbits114__ - (__offset117__ << 3);
+  int __leftop86__ = ((*(int *)(__left87__ + __offset117__))  >> __shift118__) & 0xffffffff;
+  // __left120__ <-- d.s
+  // __left121__ <-- d
+  int __left121__ = (int) d;
+  // __left121__ = d
+  int __left120__ = (__left121__ + 0);
+  // __left120__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits122__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop123__ = 32;
+  int __leftop125__ = 32;
+  int __rightop126__ = 0;
+  int __rightop124__ = __leftop125__ + __rightop126__;
+  int __offsetinbits122__ = __leftop123__ + __rightop124__;
+  // __offsetinbits122__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset127__ = __offsetinbits122__ >> 3;
+  int __shift128__ = __offsetinbits122__ - (__offset127__ << 3);
+  int __rightop119__ = ((*(int *)(__left120__ + __offset127__))  >> __shift128__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __tempvar85__ = __leftop86__ < __rightop119__;
+  if (__tempvar85__) {
+    // __left130__ <-- d.g
+    // __left131__ <-- d
+    int __left131__ = (int) d;
+    // __left131__ = d
+    // __offsetinbits132__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __leftop133__ = 0;
+    int __leftop137__ = 8;
+    // __left139__ <-- d.s
+    // __left140__ <-- d
+    int __left140__ = (int) d;
+    // __left140__ = d
+    int __left139__ = (__left140__ + 0);
+    // __left139__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits141__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop142__ = 32;
+    int __leftop144__ = 32;
+    int __leftop146__ = 32;
+    int __leftop148__ = 32;
+    int __leftop150__ = 32;
+    int __rightop151__ = 0;
+    int __rightop149__ = __leftop150__ + __rightop151__;
+    int __rightop147__ = __leftop148__ + __rightop149__;
+    int __rightop145__ = __leftop146__ + __rightop147__;
+    int __rightop143__ = __leftop144__ + __rightop145__;
+    int __offsetinbits141__ = __leftop142__ + __rightop143__;
+    // __offsetinbits141__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset152__ = __offsetinbits141__ >> 3;
+    int __shift153__ = __offsetinbits141__ - (__offset152__ << 3);
+    int __rightop138__ = ((*(int *)(__left139__ + __offset152__))  >> __shift153__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __leftop136__ = __leftop137__ * __rightop138__;
+    int __rightop154__ = 0;
+    int __leftop135__ = __leftop136__ + __rightop154__;
+    int __rightop155__ = 1;
+    int __rightop134__ = __leftop135__ * __rightop155__;
+    int __offsetinbits132__ = __leftop133__ + __rightop134__;
+    // __offsetinbits132__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __offset156__ = __offsetinbits132__ >> 3;
+    int __left130__ = (__left131__ + __offset156__);
+    // __left130__ = d.g
+    // __offsetinbits157__ <-- 32 + 0
+    int __leftop158__ = 32;
+    int __rightop159__ = 0;
+    int __offsetinbits157__ = __leftop158__ + __rightop159__;
+    // __offsetinbits157__ = 32 + 0
+    int __offset160__ = __offsetinbits157__ >> 3;
+    int __shift161__ = __offsetinbits157__ - (__offset160__ << 3);
+    int __element129__ = ((*(int *)(__left130__ + __offset160__))  >> __shift161__) & 0xffffffff;
+    __InodeBitmapBlock___hash->add((int)__element129__, (int)__element129__);
+  }
+// build rule12
+  int __tempvar162__ = 0;
+  // __left165__ <-- d.s
+  // __left166__ <-- d
+  int __left166__ = (int) d;
+  // __left166__ = d
+  int __left165__ = (__left166__ + 0);
+  // __left165__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits167__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop168__ = 32;
+  int __leftop170__ = 32;
+  int __leftop172__ = 32;
+  int __rightop173__ = 0;
+  int __rightop171__ = __leftop172__ + __rightop173__;
+  int __rightop169__ = __leftop170__ + __rightop171__;
+  int __offsetinbits167__ = __leftop168__ + __rightop169__;
+  // __offsetinbits167__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset174__ = __offsetinbits167__ >> 3;
+  int __shift175__ = __offsetinbits167__ - (__offset174__ << 3);
+  int __leftop164__ = ((*(int *)(__left165__ + __offset174__))  >> __shift175__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop176__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar163__ = __leftop164__ - __rightop176__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar162__; __j__ <= __tempvar163__; __j__++) {
+    for (SimpleIterator* __ibb___iterator = __InodeBitmapBlock___hash->iterator(); __ibb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __ibb__ = (int) __ibb___iterator->next();
+      //cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb]).inodebitmap[j] == {false = 104}
+      // __left179__ <-- cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb])
+      // __left181__ <-- d
+      int __left181__ = (int) d;
+      // __left181__ = d
+      // __offsetinbits182__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * ibb
+      int __leftop183__ = 0;
+      int __leftop187__ = 8;
+      // __left189__ <-- d.s
+      // __left190__ <-- d
+      int __left190__ = (int) d;
+      // __left190__ = d
+      int __left189__ = (__left190__ + 0);
+      // __left189__ = d.s
+      // __offsetinbits191__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __leftop192__ = 32;
+      int __leftop194__ = 32;
+      int __leftop196__ = 32;
+      int __leftop198__ = 32;
+      int __leftop200__ = 32;
+      int __rightop201__ = 0;
+      int __rightop199__ = __leftop200__ + __rightop201__;
+      int __rightop197__ = __leftop198__ + __rightop199__;
+      int __rightop195__ = __leftop196__ + __rightop197__;
+      int __rightop193__ = __leftop194__ + __rightop195__;
+      int __offsetinbits191__ = __leftop192__ + __rightop193__;
+      // __offsetinbits191__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __offset202__ = __offsetinbits191__ >> 3;
+      int __shift203__ = __offsetinbits191__ - (__offset202__ << 3);
+      int __rightop188__ = ((*(int *)(__left189__ + __offset202__))  >> __shift203__) & 0xffffffff;
+      int __leftop186__ = __leftop187__ * __rightop188__;
+      int __rightop204__ = 0;
+      int __leftop185__ = __leftop186__ + __rightop204__;
+      int __rightop205__ = (int) __ibb__;
+      int __rightop184__ = __leftop185__ * __rightop205__;
+      int __offsetinbits182__ = __leftop183__ + __rightop184__;
+      // __offsetinbits182__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * ibb
+      int __offset206__ = __offsetinbits182__ >> 3;
+      int __expr180__ = (__left181__ + __offset206__);
+      int __left179__ = (int) __expr180__;
+      // __left179__ = cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb])
+      // __offsetinbits207__ <-- 0 + 1 * j
+      int __leftop208__ = 0;
+      int __leftop210__ = 1;
+      int __rightop211__ = (int) __j__;
+      int __rightop209__ = __leftop210__ * __rightop211__;
+      int __offsetinbits207__ = __leftop208__ + __rightop209__;
+      // __offsetinbits207__ = 0 + 1 * j
+      int __offset212__ = __offsetinbits207__ >> 3;
+      int __shift213__ = __offsetinbits207__ - (__offset212__ << 3);
+      int __leftop178__ = ((*(int *)(__left179__ + __offset212__))  >> __shift213__) & 0x1;
+      int __rightop214__ = 104;
+      int __tempvar177__ = __leftop178__ == __rightop214__;
+      if (__tempvar177__) {
+        int __leftele215__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightele216__ = 105;
+        __inodestatus___hash->add((int)__leftele215__, (int)__rightele216__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule5
+  //d.g.BlockBitmapBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks
+  // __left219__ <-- d.g
+  // __left220__ <-- d
+  int __left220__ = (int) d;
+  // __left220__ = d
+  // __offsetinbits221__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __leftop222__ = 0;
+  int __leftop226__ = 8;
+  // __left228__ <-- d.s
+  // __left229__ <-- d
+  int __left229__ = (int) d;
+  // __left229__ = d
+  int __left228__ = (__left229__ + 0);
+  // __left228__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits230__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop231__ = 32;
+  int __leftop233__ = 32;
+  int __leftop235__ = 32;
+  int __leftop237__ = 32;
+  int __leftop239__ = 32;
+  int __rightop240__ = 0;
+  int __rightop238__ = __leftop239__ + __rightop240__;
+  int __rightop236__ = __leftop237__ + __rightop238__;
+  int __rightop234__ = __leftop235__ + __rightop236__;
+  int __rightop232__ = __leftop233__ + __rightop234__;
+  int __offsetinbits230__ = __leftop231__ + __rightop232__;
+  // __offsetinbits230__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset241__ = __offsetinbits230__ >> 3;
+  int __shift242__ = __offsetinbits230__ - (__offset241__ << 3);
+  int __rightop227__ = ((*(int *)(__left228__ + __offset241__))  >> __shift242__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __leftop225__ = __leftop226__ * __rightop227__;
+  int __rightop243__ = 0;
+  int __leftop224__ = __leftop225__ + __rightop243__;
+  int __rightop244__ = 1;
+  int __rightop223__ = __leftop224__ * __rightop244__;
+  int __offsetinbits221__ = __leftop222__ + __rightop223__;
+  // __offsetinbits221__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+  int __offset245__ = __offsetinbits221__ >> 3;
+  int __left219__ = (__left220__ + __offset245__);
+  // __left219__ = d.g
+  int __leftop218__ = ((*(int *)(__left219__ + 0))  >> 0) & 0xffffffff;
+  // __left247__ <-- d.s
+  // __left248__ <-- d
+  int __left248__ = (int) d;
+  // __left248__ = d
+  int __left247__ = (__left248__ + 0);
+  // __left247__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits249__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop250__ = 32;
+  int __leftop252__ = 32;
+  int __rightop253__ = 0;
+  int __rightop251__ = __leftop252__ + __rightop253__;
+  int __offsetinbits249__ = __leftop250__ + __rightop251__;
+  // __offsetinbits249__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset254__ = __offsetinbits249__ >> 3;
+  int __shift255__ = __offsetinbits249__ - (__offset254__ << 3);
+  int __rightop246__ = ((*(int *)(__left247__ + __offset254__))  >> __shift255__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __tempvar217__ = __leftop218__ < __rightop246__;
+  if (__tempvar217__) {
+    // __left257__ <-- d.g
+    // __left258__ <-- d
+    int __left258__ = (int) d;
+    // __left258__ = d
+    // __offsetinbits259__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __leftop260__ = 0;
+    int __leftop264__ = 8;
+    // __left266__ <-- d.s
+    // __left267__ <-- d
+    int __left267__ = (int) d;
+    // __left267__ = d
+    int __left266__ = (__left267__ + 0);
+    // __left266__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits268__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop269__ = 32;
+    int __leftop271__ = 32;
+    int __leftop273__ = 32;
+    int __leftop275__ = 32;
+    int __leftop277__ = 32;
+    int __rightop278__ = 0;
+    int __rightop276__ = __leftop277__ + __rightop278__;
+    int __rightop274__ = __leftop275__ + __rightop276__;
+    int __rightop272__ = __leftop273__ + __rightop274__;
+    int __rightop270__ = __leftop271__ + __rightop272__;
+    int __offsetinbits268__ = __leftop269__ + __rightop270__;
+    // __offsetinbits268__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset279__ = __offsetinbits268__ >> 3;
+    int __shift280__ = __offsetinbits268__ - (__offset279__ << 3);
+    int __rightop265__ = ((*(int *)(__left266__ + __offset279__))  >> __shift280__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __leftop263__ = __leftop264__ * __rightop265__;
+    int __rightop281__ = 0;
+    int __leftop262__ = __leftop263__ + __rightop281__;
+    int __rightop282__ = 1;
+    int __rightop261__ = __leftop262__ * __rightop282__;
+    int __offsetinbits259__ = __leftop260__ + __rightop261__;
+    // __offsetinbits259__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * 1
+    int __offset283__ = __offsetinbits259__ >> 3;
+    int __left257__ = (__left258__ + __offset283__);
+    // __left257__ = d.g
+    int __element256__ = ((*(int *)(__left257__ + 0))  >> 0) & 0xffffffff;
+    __BlockBitmapBlock___hash->add((int)__element256__, (int)__element256__);
+  }
+// build rule13
+  int __tempvar284__ = 0;
+  // __left287__ <-- d.s
+  // __left288__ <-- d
+  int __left288__ = (int) d;
+  // __left288__ = d
+  int __left287__ = (__left288__ + 0);
+  // __left287__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits289__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop290__ = 32;
+  int __leftop292__ = 32;
+  int __leftop294__ = 32;
+  int __rightop295__ = 0;
+  int __rightop293__ = __leftop294__ + __rightop295__;
+  int __rightop291__ = __leftop292__ + __rightop293__;
+  int __offsetinbits289__ = __leftop290__ + __rightop291__;
+  // __offsetinbits289__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset296__ = __offsetinbits289__ >> 3;
+  int __shift297__ = __offsetinbits289__ - (__offset296__ << 3);
+  int __leftop286__ = ((*(int *)(__left287__ + __offset296__))  >> __shift297__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop298__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar285__ = __leftop286__ - __rightop298__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar284__; __j__ <= __tempvar285__; __j__++) {
+    for (SimpleIterator* __ibb___iterator = __InodeBitmapBlock___hash->iterator(); __ibb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __ibb__ = (int) __ibb___iterator->next();
+      //cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb]).inodebitmap[j] == true
+      // __left301__ <-- cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb])
+      // __left303__ <-- d
+      int __left303__ = (int) d;
+      // __left303__ = d
+      // __offsetinbits304__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * ibb
+      int __leftop305__ = 0;
+      int __leftop309__ = 8;
+      // __left311__ <-- d.s
+      // __left312__ <-- d
+      int __left312__ = (int) d;
+      // __left312__ = d
+      int __left311__ = (__left312__ + 0);
+      // __left311__ = d.s
+      // __offsetinbits313__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __leftop314__ = 32;
+      int __leftop316__ = 32;
+      int __leftop318__ = 32;
+      int __leftop320__ = 32;
+      int __leftop322__ = 32;
+      int __rightop323__ = 0;
+      int __rightop321__ = __leftop322__ + __rightop323__;
+      int __rightop319__ = __leftop320__ + __rightop321__;
+      int __rightop317__ = __leftop318__ + __rightop319__;
+      int __rightop315__ = __leftop316__ + __rightop317__;
+      int __offsetinbits313__ = __leftop314__ + __rightop315__;
+      // __offsetinbits313__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __offset324__ = __offsetinbits313__ >> 3;
+      int __shift325__ = __offsetinbits313__ - (__offset324__ << 3);
+      int __rightop310__ = ((*(int *)(__left311__ + __offset324__))  >> __shift325__) & 0xffffffff;
+      int __leftop308__ = __leftop309__ * __rightop310__;
+      int __rightop326__ = 0;
+      int __leftop307__ = __leftop308__ + __rightop326__;
+      int __rightop327__ = (int) __ibb__;
+      int __rightop306__ = __leftop307__ * __rightop327__;
+      int __offsetinbits304__ = __leftop305__ + __rightop306__;
+      // __offsetinbits304__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * ibb
+      int __offset328__ = __offsetinbits304__ >> 3;
+      int __expr302__ = (__left303__ + __offset328__);
+      int __left301__ = (int) __expr302__;
+      // __left301__ = cast(__InodeBitmap__, d.b[ibb])
+      // __offsetinbits329__ <-- 0 + 1 * j
+      int __leftop330__ = 0;
+      int __leftop332__ = 1;
+      int __rightop333__ = (int) __j__;
+      int __rightop331__ = __leftop332__ * __rightop333__;
+      int __offsetinbits329__ = __leftop330__ + __rightop331__;
+      // __offsetinbits329__ = 0 + 1 * j
+      int __offset334__ = __offsetinbits329__ >> 3;
+      int __shift335__ = __offsetinbits329__ - (__offset334__ << 3);
+      int __leftop300__ = ((*(int *)(__left301__ + __offset334__))  >> __shift335__) & 0x1;
+      int __rightop336__ = 1;
+      int __tempvar299__ = __leftop300__ == __rightop336__;
+      if (__tempvar299__) {
+        int __leftele337__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightele338__ = 106;
+        __inodestatus___hash->add((int)__leftele337__, (int)__rightele338__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule6
+  //d.s.RootDirectoryInode < d.s.NumberofInodes
+  // __left341__ <-- d.s
+  // __left342__ <-- d
+  int __left342__ = (int) d;
+  // __left342__ = d
+  int __left341__ = (__left342__ + 0);
+  // __left341__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits343__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop344__ = 32;
+  int __leftop346__ = 32;
+  int __leftop348__ = 32;
+  int __leftop350__ = 32;
+  int __rightop351__ = 0;
+  int __rightop349__ = __leftop350__ + __rightop351__;
+  int __rightop347__ = __leftop348__ + __rightop349__;
+  int __rightop345__ = __leftop346__ + __rightop347__;
+  int __offsetinbits343__ = __leftop344__ + __rightop345__;
+  // __offsetinbits343__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset352__ = __offsetinbits343__ >> 3;
+  int __shift353__ = __offsetinbits343__ - (__offset352__ << 3);
+  int __leftop340__ = ((*(int *)(__left341__ + __offset352__))  >> __shift353__) & 0xffffffff;
+  // __left355__ <-- d.s
+  // __left356__ <-- d
+  int __left356__ = (int) d;
+  // __left356__ = d
+  int __left355__ = (__left356__ + 0);
+  // __left355__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits357__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop358__ = 32;
+  int __leftop360__ = 32;
+  int __leftop362__ = 32;
+  int __rightop363__ = 0;
+  int __rightop361__ = __leftop362__ + __rightop363__;
+  int __rightop359__ = __leftop360__ + __rightop361__;
+  int __offsetinbits357__ = __leftop358__ + __rightop359__;
+  // __offsetinbits357__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset364__ = __offsetinbits357__ >> 3;
+  int __shift365__ = __offsetinbits357__ - (__offset364__ << 3);
+  int __rightop354__ = ((*(int *)(__left355__ + __offset364__))  >> __shift365__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __tempvar339__ = __leftop340__ < __rightop354__;
+  if (__tempvar339__) {
+    // __left367__ <-- d.s
+    // __left368__ <-- d
+    int __left368__ = (int) d;
+    // __left368__ = d
+    int __left367__ = (__left368__ + 0);
+    // __left367__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits369__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop370__ = 32;
+    int __leftop372__ = 32;
+    int __leftop374__ = 32;
+    int __leftop376__ = 32;
+    int __rightop377__ = 0;
+    int __rightop375__ = __leftop376__ + __rightop377__;
+    int __rightop373__ = __leftop374__ + __rightop375__;
+    int __rightop371__ = __leftop372__ + __rightop373__;
+    int __offsetinbits369__ = __leftop370__ + __rightop371__;
+    // __offsetinbits369__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset378__ = __offsetinbits369__ >> 3;
+    int __shift379__ = __offsetinbits369__ - (__offset378__ << 3);
+    int __element366__ = ((*(int *)(__left367__ + __offset378__))  >> __shift379__) & 0xffffffff;
+    __RootDirectoryInode___hash->add((int)__element366__, (int)__element366__);
+  }
+// build rule9
+  for (SimpleIterator* __di___iterator = __DirectoryInode___hash->iterator(); __di___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __di__ = (int) __di___iterator->next();
+    for (SimpleIterator* __itb___iterator = __InodeTableBlock___hash->iterator(); __itb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __itb__ = (int) __itb___iterator->next();
+      int __tempvar380__ = 0;
+      // __left384__ <-- d.s
+      // __left385__ <-- d
+      int __left385__ = (int) d;
+      // __left385__ = d
+      int __left384__ = (__left385__ + 0);
+      // __left384__ = d.s
+      // __offsetinbits386__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __leftop387__ = 32;
+      int __leftop389__ = 32;
+      int __leftop391__ = 32;
+      int __leftop393__ = 32;
+      int __leftop395__ = 32;
+      int __rightop396__ = 0;
+      int __rightop394__ = __leftop395__ + __rightop396__;
+      int __rightop392__ = __leftop393__ + __rightop394__;
+      int __rightop390__ = __leftop391__ + __rightop392__;
+      int __rightop388__ = __leftop389__ + __rightop390__;
+      int __offsetinbits386__ = __leftop387__ + __rightop388__;
+      // __offsetinbits386__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __offset397__ = __offsetinbits386__ >> 3;
+      int __shift398__ = __offsetinbits386__ - (__offset397__ << 3);
+      int __leftop383__ = ((*(int *)(__left384__ + __offset397__))  >> __shift398__) & 0xffffffff;
+      int __rightop399__ = 128;
+      int __leftop382__ = __leftop383__ / __rightop399__;
+      int __rightop400__ = 1;
+      int __tempvar381__ = __leftop382__ - __rightop400__;
+      for (int __j__ = __tempvar380__; __j__ <= __tempvar381__; __j__++) {
+        int __tempvar401__ = 0;
+        int __tempvar402__ = 11;
+        for (int __k__ = __tempvar401__; __k__ <= __tempvar402__; __k__++) {
+          //cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k] < d.s.NumberofBlocks
+          // __left405__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di]
+          // __left406__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __left408__ <-- d
+          int __left408__ = (int) d;
+          // __left408__ = d
+          // __offsetinbits409__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __leftop410__ = 0;
+          int __leftop414__ = 8;
+          // __left416__ <-- d.s
+          // __left417__ <-- d
+          int __left417__ = (int) d;
+          // __left417__ = d
+          int __left416__ = (__left417__ + 0);
+          // __left416__ = d.s
+          // __offsetinbits418__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __leftop419__ = 32;
+          int __leftop421__ = 32;
+          int __leftop423__ = 32;
+          int __leftop425__ = 32;
+          int __leftop427__ = 32;
+          int __rightop428__ = 0;
+          int __rightop426__ = __leftop427__ + __rightop428__;
+          int __rightop424__ = __leftop425__ + __rightop426__;
+          int __rightop422__ = __leftop423__ + __rightop424__;
+          int __rightop420__ = __leftop421__ + __rightop422__;
+          int __offsetinbits418__ = __leftop419__ + __rightop420__;
+          // __offsetinbits418__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __offset429__ = __offsetinbits418__ >> 3;
+          int __shift430__ = __offsetinbits418__ - (__offset429__ << 3);
+          int __rightop415__ = ((*(int *)(__left416__ + __offset429__))  >> __shift430__) & 0xffffffff;
+          int __leftop413__ = __leftop414__ * __rightop415__;
+          int __rightop431__ = 0;
+          int __leftop412__ = __leftop413__ + __rightop431__;
+          int __rightop432__ = (int) __itb__;
+          int __rightop411__ = __leftop412__ * __rightop432__;
+          int __offsetinbits409__ = __leftop410__ + __rightop411__;
+          // __offsetinbits409__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __offset433__ = __offsetinbits409__ >> 3;
+          int __expr407__ = (__left408__ + __offset433__);
+          int __left406__ = (int) __expr407__;
+          // __left406__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __offsetinbits434__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * di
+          int __leftop435__ = 0;
+          int __leftop438__ = 32;
+          int __leftop441__ = 32;
+          int __rightop442__ = 12;
+          int __leftop440__ = __leftop441__ * __rightop442__;
+          int __leftop444__ = 32;
+          int __rightop445__ = 0;
+          int __rightop443__ = __leftop444__ + __rightop445__;
+          int __rightop439__ = __leftop440__ + __rightop443__;
+          int __leftop437__ = __leftop438__ + __rightop439__;
+          int __rightop446__ = (int) __di__;
+          int __rightop436__ = __leftop437__ * __rightop446__;
+          int __offsetinbits434__ = __leftop435__ + __rightop436__;
+          // __offsetinbits434__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * di
+          int __offset447__ = __offsetinbits434__ >> 3;
+          int __left405__ = (__left406__ + __offset447__);
+          // __left405__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di]
+          // __offsetinbits448__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * k
+          int __leftop450__ = 32;
+          int __rightop451__ = 0;
+          int __leftop449__ = __leftop450__ + __rightop451__;
+          int __leftop453__ = 32;
+          int __rightop454__ = (int) __k__;
+          int __rightop452__ = __leftop453__ * __rightop454__;
+          int __offsetinbits448__ = __leftop449__ + __rightop452__;
+          // __offsetinbits448__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * k
+          int __offset455__ = __offsetinbits448__ >> 3;
+          int __shift456__ = __offsetinbits448__ - (__offset455__ << 3);
+          int __leftop404__ = ((*(int *)(__left405__ + __offset455__))  >> __shift456__) & 0xffffffff;
+          // __left458__ <-- d.s
+          // __left459__ <-- d
+          int __left459__ = (int) d;
+          // __left459__ = d
+          int __left458__ = (__left459__ + 0);
+          // __left458__ = d.s
+          // __offsetinbits460__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __leftop461__ = 32;
+          int __leftop463__ = 32;
+          int __rightop464__ = 0;
+          int __rightop462__ = __leftop463__ + __rightop464__;
+          int __offsetinbits460__ = __leftop461__ + __rightop462__;
+          // __offsetinbits460__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __offset465__ = __offsetinbits460__ >> 3;
+          int __shift466__ = __offsetinbits460__ - (__offset465__ << 3);
+          int __rightop457__ = ((*(int *)(__left458__ + __offset465__))  >> __shift466__) & 0xffffffff;
+          int __tempvar403__ = __leftop404__ < __rightop457__;
+          if (__tempvar403__) {
+            // __left468__ <-- cast(__DirectoryBlock__, d.b[cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k]])
+            // __left470__ <-- d
+            int __left470__ = (int) d;
+            // __left470__ = d
+            // __offsetinbits471__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k]
+            int __leftop472__ = 0;
+            int __leftop476__ = 8;
+            // __left478__ <-- d.s
+            // __left479__ <-- d
+            int __left479__ = (int) d;
+            // __left479__ = d
+            int __left478__ = (__left479__ + 0);
+            // __left478__ = d.s
+            // __offsetinbits480__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+            int __leftop481__ = 32;
+            int __leftop483__ = 32;
+            int __leftop485__ = 32;
+            int __leftop487__ = 32;
+            int __leftop489__ = 32;
+            int __rightop490__ = 0;
+            int __rightop488__ = __leftop489__ + __rightop490__;
+            int __rightop486__ = __leftop487__ + __rightop488__;
+            int __rightop484__ = __leftop485__ + __rightop486__;
+            int __rightop482__ = __leftop483__ + __rightop484__;
+            int __offsetinbits480__ = __leftop481__ + __rightop482__;
+            // __offsetinbits480__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+            int __offset491__ = __offsetinbits480__ >> 3;
+            int __shift492__ = __offsetinbits480__ - (__offset491__ << 3);
+            int __rightop477__ = ((*(int *)(__left478__ + __offset491__))  >> __shift492__) & 0xffffffff;
+            int __leftop475__ = __leftop476__ * __rightop477__;
+            int __rightop493__ = 0;
+            int __leftop474__ = __leftop475__ + __rightop493__;
+            // __left495__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di]
+            // __left496__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+            // __left498__ <-- d
+            int __left498__ = (int) d;
+            // __left498__ = d
+            // __offsetinbits499__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+            int __leftop500__ = 0;
+            int __leftop504__ = 8;
+            // __left506__ <-- d.s
+            // __left507__ <-- d
+            int __left507__ = (int) d;
+            // __left507__ = d
+            int __left506__ = (__left507__ + 0);
+            // __left506__ = d.s
+            // __offsetinbits508__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+            int __leftop509__ = 32;
+            int __leftop511__ = 32;
+            int __leftop513__ = 32;
+            int __leftop515__ = 32;
+            int __leftop517__ = 32;
+            int __rightop518__ = 0;
+            int __rightop516__ = __leftop517__ + __rightop518__;
+            int __rightop514__ = __leftop515__ + __rightop516__;
+            int __rightop512__ = __leftop513__ + __rightop514__;
+            int __rightop510__ = __leftop511__ + __rightop512__;
+            int __offsetinbits508__ = __leftop509__ + __rightop510__;
+            // __offsetinbits508__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+            int __offset519__ = __offsetinbits508__ >> 3;
+            int __shift520__ = __offsetinbits508__ - (__offset519__ << 3);
+            int __rightop505__ = ((*(int *)(__left506__ + __offset519__))  >> __shift520__) & 0xffffffff;
+            int __leftop503__ = __leftop504__ * __rightop505__;
+            int __rightop521__ = 0;
+            int __leftop502__ = __leftop503__ + __rightop521__;
+            int __rightop522__ = (int) __itb__;
+            int __rightop501__ = __leftop502__ * __rightop522__;
+            int __offsetinbits499__ = __leftop500__ + __rightop501__;
+            // __offsetinbits499__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+            int __offset523__ = __offsetinbits499__ >> 3;
+            int __expr497__ = (__left498__ + __offset523__);
+            int __left496__ = (int) __expr497__;
+            // __left496__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+            // __offsetinbits524__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * di
+            int __leftop525__ = 0;
+            int __leftop528__ = 32;
+            int __leftop531__ = 32;
+            int __rightop532__ = 12;
+            int __leftop530__ = __leftop531__ * __rightop532__;
+            int __leftop534__ = 32;
+            int __rightop535__ = 0;
+            int __rightop533__ = __leftop534__ + __rightop535__;
+            int __rightop529__ = __leftop530__ + __rightop533__;
+            int __leftop527__ = __leftop528__ + __rightop529__;
+            int __rightop536__ = (int) __di__;
+            int __rightop526__ = __leftop527__ * __rightop536__;
+            int __offsetinbits524__ = __leftop525__ + __rightop526__;
+            // __offsetinbits524__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * di
+            int __offset537__ = __offsetinbits524__ >> 3;
+            int __left495__ = (__left496__ + __offset537__);
+            // __left495__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di]
+            // __offsetinbits538__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * k
+            int __leftop540__ = 32;
+            int __rightop541__ = 0;
+            int __leftop539__ = __leftop540__ + __rightop541__;
+            int __leftop543__ = 32;
+            int __rightop544__ = (int) __k__;
+            int __rightop542__ = __leftop543__ * __rightop544__;
+            int __offsetinbits538__ = __leftop539__ + __rightop542__;
+            // __offsetinbits538__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * k
+            int __offset545__ = __offsetinbits538__ >> 3;
+            int __shift546__ = __offsetinbits538__ - (__offset545__ << 3);
+            int __rightop494__ = ((*(int *)(__left495__ + __offset545__))  >> __shift546__) & 0xffffffff;
+            int __rightop473__ = __leftop474__ * __rightop494__;
+            int __offsetinbits471__ = __leftop472__ + __rightop473__;
+            // __offsetinbits471__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k]
+            int __offset547__ = __offsetinbits471__ >> 3;
+            int __expr469__ = (__left470__ + __offset547__);
+            int __left468__ = (int) __expr469__;
+            // __left468__ = cast(__DirectoryBlock__, d.b[cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k]])
+            // __offsetinbits548__ <-- 0 + 32 + 8 * 124 + 0 * j
+            int __leftop549__ = 0;
+            int __leftop552__ = 32;
+            int __leftop555__ = 8;
+            int __rightop556__ = 124;
+            int __leftop554__ = __leftop555__ * __rightop556__;
+            int __rightop557__ = 0;
+            int __rightop553__ = __leftop554__ + __rightop557__;
+            int __leftop551__ = __leftop552__ + __rightop553__;
+            int __rightop558__ = (int) __j__;
+            int __rightop550__ = __leftop551__ * __rightop558__;
+            int __offsetinbits548__ = __leftop549__ + __rightop550__;
+            // __offsetinbits548__ = 0 + 32 + 8 * 124 + 0 * j
+            int __offset559__ = __offsetinbits548__ >> 3;
+            int __element467__ = (__left468__ + __offset559__);
+            __DirectoryEntry___hash->add((int)__element467__, (int)__element467__);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule15
+  for (SimpleIterator* __de___iterator = __DirectoryEntry___hash->iterator(); __de___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __de__ = (int) __de___iterator->next();
+    //de.inodenumber < d.s.NumberofInodes
+    // __left562__ <-- de
+    int __left562__ = (int) __de__;
+    // __left562__ = de
+    // __offsetinbits563__ <-- 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __leftop565__ = 8;
+    int __rightop566__ = 124;
+    int __leftop564__ = __leftop565__ * __rightop566__;
+    int __rightop567__ = 0;
+    int __offsetinbits563__ = __leftop564__ + __rightop567__;
+    // __offsetinbits563__ = 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __offset568__ = __offsetinbits563__ >> 3;
+    int __shift569__ = __offsetinbits563__ - (__offset568__ << 3);
+    int __leftop561__ = ((*(int *)(__left562__ + __offset568__))  >> __shift569__) & 0xffffffff;
+    // __left571__ <-- d.s
+    // __left572__ <-- d
+    int __left572__ = (int) d;
+    // __left572__ = d
+    int __left571__ = (__left572__ + 0);
+    // __left571__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits573__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop574__ = 32;
+    int __leftop576__ = 32;
+    int __leftop578__ = 32;
+    int __rightop579__ = 0;
+    int __rightop577__ = __leftop578__ + __rightop579__;
+    int __rightop575__ = __leftop576__ + __rightop577__;
+    int __offsetinbits573__ = __leftop574__ + __rightop575__;
+    // __offsetinbits573__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset580__ = __offsetinbits573__ >> 3;
+    int __shift581__ = __offsetinbits573__ - (__offset580__ << 3);
+    int __rightop570__ = ((*(int *)(__left571__ + __offset580__))  >> __shift581__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __tempvar560__ = __leftop561__ < __rightop570__;
+    if (__tempvar560__) {
+      int __leftele582__ = (int) __de__;
+      // __left584__ <-- de
+      int __left584__ = (int) __de__;
+      // __left584__ = de
+      // __offsetinbits585__ <-- 8 * 124 + 0
+      int __leftop587__ = 8;
+      int __rightop588__ = 124;
+      int __leftop586__ = __leftop587__ * __rightop588__;
+      int __rightop589__ = 0;
+      int __offsetinbits585__ = __leftop586__ + __rightop589__;
+      // __offsetinbits585__ = 8 * 124 + 0
+      int __offset590__ = __offsetinbits585__ >> 3;
+      int __shift591__ = __offsetinbits585__ - (__offset590__ << 3);
+      int __rightele583__ = ((*(int *)(__left584__ + __offset590__))  >> __shift591__) & 0xffffffff;
+      __inodeof___hash->add((int)__leftele582__, (int)__rightele583__);
+    }
+  }
+// build rule14
+  for (SimpleIterator* __de___iterator = __DirectoryEntry___hash->iterator(); __de___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __de__ = (int) __de___iterator->next();
+    //de.inodenumber < d.s.NumberofInodes && !de.inodenumber == 0
+    // __left595__ <-- de
+    int __left595__ = (int) __de__;
+    // __left595__ = de
+    // __offsetinbits596__ <-- 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __leftop598__ = 8;
+    int __rightop599__ = 124;
+    int __leftop597__ = __leftop598__ * __rightop599__;
+    int __rightop600__ = 0;
+    int __offsetinbits596__ = __leftop597__ + __rightop600__;
+    // __offsetinbits596__ = 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __offset601__ = __offsetinbits596__ >> 3;
+    int __shift602__ = __offsetinbits596__ - (__offset601__ << 3);
+    int __leftop594__ = ((*(int *)(__left595__ + __offset601__))  >> __shift602__) & 0xffffffff;
+    // __left604__ <-- d.s
+    // __left605__ <-- d
+    int __left605__ = (int) d;
+    // __left605__ = d
+    int __left604__ = (__left605__ + 0);
+    // __left604__ = d.s
+    // __offsetinbits606__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __leftop607__ = 32;
+    int __leftop609__ = 32;
+    int __leftop611__ = 32;
+    int __rightop612__ = 0;
+    int __rightop610__ = __leftop611__ + __rightop612__;
+    int __rightop608__ = __leftop609__ + __rightop610__;
+    int __offsetinbits606__ = __leftop607__ + __rightop608__;
+    // __offsetinbits606__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+    int __offset613__ = __offsetinbits606__ >> 3;
+    int __shift614__ = __offsetinbits606__ - (__offset613__ << 3);
+    int __rightop603__ = ((*(int *)(__left604__ + __offset613__))  >> __shift614__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __leftop593__ = __leftop594__ < __rightop603__;
+    // __left618__ <-- de
+    int __left618__ = (int) __de__;
+    // __left618__ = de
+    // __offsetinbits619__ <-- 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __leftop621__ = 8;
+    int __rightop622__ = 124;
+    int __leftop620__ = __leftop621__ * __rightop622__;
+    int __rightop623__ = 0;
+    int __offsetinbits619__ = __leftop620__ + __rightop623__;
+    // __offsetinbits619__ = 8 * 124 + 0
+    int __offset624__ = __offsetinbits619__ >> 3;
+    int __shift625__ = __offsetinbits619__ - (__offset624__ << 3);
+    int __leftop617__ = ((*(int *)(__left618__ + __offset624__))  >> __shift625__) & 0xffffffff;
+    int __rightop626__ = 0;
+    int __leftop616__ = __leftop617__ == __rightop626__;
+    int __rightop615__ = !__leftop616__;
+    int __tempvar592__ = __leftop593__ && __rightop615__;
+    if (__tempvar592__) {
+      // __left628__ <-- de
+      int __left628__ = (int) __de__;
+      // __left628__ = de
+      // __offsetinbits629__ <-- 8 * 124 + 0
+      int __leftop631__ = 8;
+      int __rightop632__ = 124;
+      int __leftop630__ = __leftop631__ * __rightop632__;
+      int __rightop633__ = 0;
+      int __offsetinbits629__ = __leftop630__ + __rightop633__;
+      // __offsetinbits629__ = 8 * 124 + 0
+      int __offset634__ = __offsetinbits629__ >> 3;
+      int __shift635__ = __offsetinbits629__ - (__offset634__ << 3);
+      int __element627__ = ((*(int *)(__left628__ + __offset634__))  >> __shift635__) & 0xffffffff;
+      __FileInode___hash->add((int)__element627__, (int)__element627__);
+    }
+  }
+// build rule16
+  for (SimpleIterator* __j___iterator = __UsedInode___hash->iterator(); __j___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __j__ = (int) __j___iterator->next();
+    for (SimpleIterator* __itb___iterator = __InodeTableBlock___hash->iterator(); __itb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __itb__ = (int) __itb___iterator->next();
+      //true
+      int __tempvar636__ = 1;
+      if (__tempvar636__) {
+        int __leftele637__ = (int) __j__;
+        // __left639__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[j]
+        // __left640__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __left642__ <-- d
+        int __left642__ = (int) d;
+        // __left642__ = d
+        // __offsetinbits643__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __leftop644__ = 0;
+        int __leftop648__ = 8;
+        // __left650__ <-- d.s
+        // __left651__ <-- d
+        int __left651__ = (int) d;
+        // __left651__ = d
+        int __left650__ = (__left651__ + 0);
+        // __left650__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits652__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop653__ = 32;
+        int __leftop655__ = 32;
+        int __leftop657__ = 32;
+        int __leftop659__ = 32;
+        int __leftop661__ = 32;
+        int __rightop662__ = 0;
+        int __rightop660__ = __leftop661__ + __rightop662__;
+        int __rightop658__ = __leftop659__ + __rightop660__;
+        int __rightop656__ = __leftop657__ + __rightop658__;
+        int __rightop654__ = __leftop655__ + __rightop656__;
+        int __offsetinbits652__ = __leftop653__ + __rightop654__;
+        // __offsetinbits652__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset663__ = __offsetinbits652__ >> 3;
+        int __shift664__ = __offsetinbits652__ - (__offset663__ << 3);
+        int __rightop649__ = ((*(int *)(__left650__ + __offset663__))  >> __shift664__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop647__ = __leftop648__ * __rightop649__;
+        int __rightop665__ = 0;
+        int __leftop646__ = __leftop647__ + __rightop665__;
+        int __rightop666__ = (int) __itb__;
+        int __rightop645__ = __leftop646__ * __rightop666__;
+        int __offsetinbits643__ = __leftop644__ + __rightop645__;
+        // __offsetinbits643__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __offset667__ = __offsetinbits643__ >> 3;
+        int __expr641__ = (__left642__ + __offset667__);
+        int __left640__ = (int) __expr641__;
+        // __left640__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __offsetinbits668__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * j
+        int __leftop669__ = 0;
+        int __leftop672__ = 32;
+        int __leftop675__ = 32;
+        int __rightop676__ = 12;
+        int __leftop674__ = __leftop675__ * __rightop676__;
+        int __leftop678__ = 32;
+        int __rightop679__ = 0;
+        int __rightop677__ = __leftop678__ + __rightop679__;
+        int __rightop673__ = __leftop674__ + __rightop677__;
+        int __leftop671__ = __leftop672__ + __rightop673__;
+        int __rightop680__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightop670__ = __leftop671__ * __rightop680__;
+        int __offsetinbits668__ = __leftop669__ + __rightop670__;
+        // __offsetinbits668__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * j
+        int __offset681__ = __offsetinbits668__ >> 3;
+        int __left639__ = (__left640__ + __offset681__);
+        // __left639__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[j]
+        // __offsetinbits682__ <-- 32 * 12 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop684__ = 32;
+        int __rightop685__ = 12;
+        int __leftop683__ = __leftop684__ * __rightop685__;
+        int __leftop687__ = 32;
+        int __rightop688__ = 0;
+        int __rightop686__ = __leftop687__ + __rightop688__;
+        int __offsetinbits682__ = __leftop683__ + __rightop686__;
+        // __offsetinbits682__ = 32 * 12 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset689__ = __offsetinbits682__ >> 3;
+        int __shift690__ = __offsetinbits682__ - (__offset689__ << 3);
+        int __rightele638__ = ((*(int *)(__left639__ + __offset689__))  >> __shift690__) & 0xffffffff;
+        __referencecount___hash->add((int)__leftele637__, (int)__rightele638__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule11
+  for (SimpleIterator* __i___iterator = __UsedInode___hash->iterator(); __i___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __i__ = (int) __i___iterator->next();
+    for (SimpleIterator* __itb___iterator = __InodeTableBlock___hash->iterator(); __itb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __itb__ = (int) __itb___iterator->next();
+      int __tempvar691__ = 0;
+      int __tempvar692__ = 11;
+      for (int __j__ = __tempvar691__; __j__ <= __tempvar692__; __j__++) {
+        //cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j] < d.s.NumberofBlocks && !cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j] == 0
+        // __left696__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __left697__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __left699__ <-- d
+        int __left699__ = (int) d;
+        // __left699__ = d
+        // __offsetinbits700__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __leftop701__ = 0;
+        int __leftop705__ = 8;
+        // __left707__ <-- d.s
+        // __left708__ <-- d
+        int __left708__ = (int) d;
+        // __left708__ = d
+        int __left707__ = (__left708__ + 0);
+        // __left707__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits709__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop710__ = 32;
+        int __leftop712__ = 32;
+        int __leftop714__ = 32;
+        int __leftop716__ = 32;
+        int __leftop718__ = 32;
+        int __rightop719__ = 0;
+        int __rightop717__ = __leftop718__ + __rightop719__;
+        int __rightop715__ = __leftop716__ + __rightop717__;
+        int __rightop713__ = __leftop714__ + __rightop715__;
+        int __rightop711__ = __leftop712__ + __rightop713__;
+        int __offsetinbits709__ = __leftop710__ + __rightop711__;
+        // __offsetinbits709__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset720__ = __offsetinbits709__ >> 3;
+        int __shift721__ = __offsetinbits709__ - (__offset720__ << 3);
+        int __rightop706__ = ((*(int *)(__left707__ + __offset720__))  >> __shift721__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop704__ = __leftop705__ * __rightop706__;
+        int __rightop722__ = 0;
+        int __leftop703__ = __leftop704__ + __rightop722__;
+        int __rightop723__ = (int) __itb__;
+        int __rightop702__ = __leftop703__ * __rightop723__;
+        int __offsetinbits700__ = __leftop701__ + __rightop702__;
+        // __offsetinbits700__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __offset724__ = __offsetinbits700__ >> 3;
+        int __expr698__ = (__left699__ + __offset724__);
+        int __left697__ = (int) __expr698__;
+        // __left697__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __offsetinbits725__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __leftop726__ = 0;
+        int __leftop729__ = 32;
+        int __leftop732__ = 32;
+        int __rightop733__ = 12;
+        int __leftop731__ = __leftop732__ * __rightop733__;
+        int __leftop735__ = 32;
+        int __rightop736__ = 0;
+        int __rightop734__ = __leftop735__ + __rightop736__;
+        int __rightop730__ = __leftop731__ + __rightop734__;
+        int __leftop728__ = __leftop729__ + __rightop730__;
+        int __rightop737__ = (int) __i__;
+        int __rightop727__ = __leftop728__ * __rightop737__;
+        int __offsetinbits725__ = __leftop726__ + __rightop727__;
+        // __offsetinbits725__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __offset738__ = __offsetinbits725__ >> 3;
+        int __left696__ = (__left697__ + __offset738__);
+        // __left696__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __offsetinbits739__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __leftop741__ = 32;
+        int __rightop742__ = 0;
+        int __leftop740__ = __leftop741__ + __rightop742__;
+        int __leftop744__ = 32;
+        int __rightop745__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightop743__ = __leftop744__ * __rightop745__;
+        int __offsetinbits739__ = __leftop740__ + __rightop743__;
+        // __offsetinbits739__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __offset746__ = __offsetinbits739__ >> 3;
+        int __shift747__ = __offsetinbits739__ - (__offset746__ << 3);
+        int __leftop695__ = ((*(int *)(__left696__ + __offset746__))  >> __shift747__) & 0xffffffff;
+        // __left749__ <-- d.s
+        // __left750__ <-- d
+        int __left750__ = (int) d;
+        // __left750__ = d
+        int __left749__ = (__left750__ + 0);
+        // __left749__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits751__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop752__ = 32;
+        int __leftop754__ = 32;
+        int __rightop755__ = 0;
+        int __rightop753__ = __leftop754__ + __rightop755__;
+        int __offsetinbits751__ = __leftop752__ + __rightop753__;
+        // __offsetinbits751__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset756__ = __offsetinbits751__ >> 3;
+        int __shift757__ = __offsetinbits751__ - (__offset756__ << 3);
+        int __rightop748__ = ((*(int *)(__left749__ + __offset756__))  >> __shift757__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop694__ = __leftop695__ < __rightop748__;
+        // __left761__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __left762__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __left764__ <-- d
+        int __left764__ = (int) d;
+        // __left764__ = d
+        // __offsetinbits765__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __leftop766__ = 0;
+        int __leftop770__ = 8;
+        // __left772__ <-- d.s
+        // __left773__ <-- d
+        int __left773__ = (int) d;
+        // __left773__ = d
+        int __left772__ = (__left773__ + 0);
+        // __left772__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits774__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop775__ = 32;
+        int __leftop777__ = 32;
+        int __leftop779__ = 32;
+        int __leftop781__ = 32;
+        int __leftop783__ = 32;
+        int __rightop784__ = 0;
+        int __rightop782__ = __leftop783__ + __rightop784__;
+        int __rightop780__ = __leftop781__ + __rightop782__;
+        int __rightop778__ = __leftop779__ + __rightop780__;
+        int __rightop776__ = __leftop777__ + __rightop778__;
+        int __offsetinbits774__ = __leftop775__ + __rightop776__;
+        // __offsetinbits774__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset785__ = __offsetinbits774__ >> 3;
+        int __shift786__ = __offsetinbits774__ - (__offset785__ << 3);
+        int __rightop771__ = ((*(int *)(__left772__ + __offset785__))  >> __shift786__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop769__ = __leftop770__ * __rightop771__;
+        int __rightop787__ = 0;
+        int __leftop768__ = __leftop769__ + __rightop787__;
+        int __rightop788__ = (int) __itb__;
+        int __rightop767__ = __leftop768__ * __rightop788__;
+        int __offsetinbits765__ = __leftop766__ + __rightop767__;
+        // __offsetinbits765__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __offset789__ = __offsetinbits765__ >> 3;
+        int __expr763__ = (__left764__ + __offset789__);
+        int __left762__ = (int) __expr763__;
+        // __left762__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __offsetinbits790__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __leftop791__ = 0;
+        int __leftop794__ = 32;
+        int __leftop797__ = 32;
+        int __rightop798__ = 12;
+        int __leftop796__ = __leftop797__ * __rightop798__;
+        int __leftop800__ = 32;
+        int __rightop801__ = 0;
+        int __rightop799__ = __leftop800__ + __rightop801__;
+        int __rightop795__ = __leftop796__ + __rightop799__;
+        int __leftop793__ = __leftop794__ + __rightop795__;
+        int __rightop802__ = (int) __i__;
+        int __rightop792__ = __leftop793__ * __rightop802__;
+        int __offsetinbits790__ = __leftop791__ + __rightop792__;
+        // __offsetinbits790__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __offset803__ = __offsetinbits790__ >> 3;
+        int __left761__ = (__left762__ + __offset803__);
+        // __left761__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __offsetinbits804__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __leftop806__ = 32;
+        int __rightop807__ = 0;
+        int __leftop805__ = __leftop806__ + __rightop807__;
+        int __leftop809__ = 32;
+        int __rightop810__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightop808__ = __leftop809__ * __rightop810__;
+        int __offsetinbits804__ = __leftop805__ + __rightop808__;
+        // __offsetinbits804__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __offset811__ = __offsetinbits804__ >> 3;
+        int __shift812__ = __offsetinbits804__ - (__offset811__ << 3);
+        int __leftop760__ = ((*(int *)(__left761__ + __offset811__))  >> __shift812__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __rightop813__ = 0;
+        int __leftop759__ = __leftop760__ == __rightop813__;
+        int __rightop758__ = !__leftop759__;
+        int __tempvar693__ = __leftop694__ && __rightop758__;
+        if (__tempvar693__) {
+          // __left815__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+          // __left816__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __left818__ <-- d
+          int __left818__ = (int) d;
+          // __left818__ = d
+          // __offsetinbits819__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __leftop820__ = 0;
+          int __leftop824__ = 8;
+          // __left826__ <-- d.s
+          // __left827__ <-- d
+          int __left827__ = (int) d;
+          // __left827__ = d
+          int __left826__ = (__left827__ + 0);
+          // __left826__ = d.s
+          // __offsetinbits828__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __leftop829__ = 32;
+          int __leftop831__ = 32;
+          int __leftop833__ = 32;
+          int __leftop835__ = 32;
+          int __leftop837__ = 32;
+          int __rightop838__ = 0;
+          int __rightop836__ = __leftop837__ + __rightop838__;
+          int __rightop834__ = __leftop835__ + __rightop836__;
+          int __rightop832__ = __leftop833__ + __rightop834__;
+          int __rightop830__ = __leftop831__ + __rightop832__;
+          int __offsetinbits828__ = __leftop829__ + __rightop830__;
+          // __offsetinbits828__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __offset839__ = __offsetinbits828__ >> 3;
+          int __shift840__ = __offsetinbits828__ - (__offset839__ << 3);
+          int __rightop825__ = ((*(int *)(__left826__ + __offset839__))  >> __shift840__) & 0xffffffff;
+          int __leftop823__ = __leftop824__ * __rightop825__;
+          int __rightop841__ = 0;
+          int __leftop822__ = __leftop823__ + __rightop841__;
+          int __rightop842__ = (int) __itb__;
+          int __rightop821__ = __leftop822__ * __rightop842__;
+          int __offsetinbits819__ = __leftop820__ + __rightop821__;
+          // __offsetinbits819__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __offset843__ = __offsetinbits819__ >> 3;
+          int __expr817__ = (__left818__ + __offset843__);
+          int __left816__ = (int) __expr817__;
+          // __left816__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __offsetinbits844__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+          int __leftop845__ = 0;
+          int __leftop848__ = 32;
+          int __leftop851__ = 32;
+          int __rightop852__ = 12;
+          int __leftop850__ = __leftop851__ * __rightop852__;
+          int __leftop854__ = 32;
+          int __rightop855__ = 0;
+          int __rightop853__ = __leftop854__ + __rightop855__;
+          int __rightop849__ = __leftop850__ + __rightop853__;
+          int __leftop847__ = __leftop848__ + __rightop849__;
+          int __rightop856__ = (int) __i__;
+          int __rightop846__ = __leftop847__ * __rightop856__;
+          int __offsetinbits844__ = __leftop845__ + __rightop846__;
+          // __offsetinbits844__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+          int __offset857__ = __offsetinbits844__ >> 3;
+          int __left815__ = (__left816__ + __offset857__);
+          // __left815__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+          // __offsetinbits858__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+          int __leftop860__ = 32;
+          int __rightop861__ = 0;
+          int __leftop859__ = __leftop860__ + __rightop861__;
+          int __leftop863__ = 32;
+          int __rightop864__ = (int) __j__;
+          int __rightop862__ = __leftop863__ * __rightop864__;
+          int __offsetinbits858__ = __leftop859__ + __rightop862__;
+          // __offsetinbits858__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+          int __offset865__ = __offsetinbits858__ >> 3;
+          int __shift866__ = __offsetinbits858__ - (__offset865__ << 3);
+          int __element814__ = ((*(int *)(__left815__ + __offset865__))  >> __shift866__) & 0xffffffff;
+          __FileBlock___hash->add((int)__element814__, (int)__element814__);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule8
+  int __tempvar867__ = 0;
+  // __left870__ <-- d.s
+  // __left871__ <-- d
+  int __left871__ = (int) d;
+  // __left871__ = d
+  int __left870__ = (__left871__ + 0);
+  // __left870__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits872__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop873__ = 32;
+  int __leftop875__ = 32;
+  int __rightop876__ = 0;
+  int __rightop874__ = __leftop875__ + __rightop876__;
+  int __offsetinbits872__ = __leftop873__ + __rightop874__;
+  // __offsetinbits872__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset877__ = __offsetinbits872__ >> 3;
+  int __shift878__ = __offsetinbits872__ - (__offset877__ << 3);
+  int __leftop869__ = ((*(int *)(__left870__ + __offset877__))  >> __shift878__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop879__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar868__ = __leftop869__ - __rightop879__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar867__; __j__ <= __tempvar868__; __j__++) {
+    //!j in? __UsedBlock__
+    int __element882__ = (int) __j__;
+    int __leftop881__ = __UsedBlock___hash->contains(__element882__);
+    int __tempvar880__ = !__leftop881__;
+    if (__tempvar880__) {
+      int __element883__ = (int) __j__;
+      __FreeBlock___hash->add((int)__element883__, (int)__element883__);
+    }
+  }
+// build rule10
+  for (SimpleIterator* __i___iterator = __UsedInode___hash->iterator(); __i___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __i__ = (int) __i___iterator->next();
+    for (SimpleIterator* __itb___iterator = __InodeTableBlock___hash->iterator(); __itb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __itb__ = (int) __itb___iterator->next();
+      int __tempvar884__ = 0;
+      int __tempvar885__ = 11;
+      for (int __j__ = __tempvar884__; __j__ <= __tempvar885__; __j__++) {
+        //!cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j] == 0
+        // __left889__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __left890__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __left892__ <-- d
+        int __left892__ = (int) d;
+        // __left892__ = d
+        // __offsetinbits893__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __leftop894__ = 0;
+        int __leftop898__ = 8;
+        // __left900__ <-- d.s
+        // __left901__ <-- d
+        int __left901__ = (int) d;
+        // __left901__ = d
+        int __left900__ = (__left901__ + 0);
+        // __left900__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits902__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop903__ = 32;
+        int __leftop905__ = 32;
+        int __leftop907__ = 32;
+        int __leftop909__ = 32;
+        int __leftop911__ = 32;
+        int __rightop912__ = 0;
+        int __rightop910__ = __leftop911__ + __rightop912__;
+        int __rightop908__ = __leftop909__ + __rightop910__;
+        int __rightop906__ = __leftop907__ + __rightop908__;
+        int __rightop904__ = __leftop905__ + __rightop906__;
+        int __offsetinbits902__ = __leftop903__ + __rightop904__;
+        // __offsetinbits902__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset913__ = __offsetinbits902__ >> 3;
+        int __shift914__ = __offsetinbits902__ - (__offset913__ << 3);
+        int __rightop899__ = ((*(int *)(__left900__ + __offset913__))  >> __shift914__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop897__ = __leftop898__ * __rightop899__;
+        int __rightop915__ = 0;
+        int __leftop896__ = __leftop897__ + __rightop915__;
+        int __rightop916__ = (int) __itb__;
+        int __rightop895__ = __leftop896__ * __rightop916__;
+        int __offsetinbits893__ = __leftop894__ + __rightop895__;
+        // __offsetinbits893__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __offset917__ = __offsetinbits893__ >> 3;
+        int __expr891__ = (__left892__ + __offset917__);
+        int __left890__ = (int) __expr891__;
+        // __left890__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __offsetinbits918__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __leftop919__ = 0;
+        int __leftop922__ = 32;
+        int __leftop925__ = 32;
+        int __rightop926__ = 12;
+        int __leftop924__ = __leftop925__ * __rightop926__;
+        int __leftop928__ = 32;
+        int __rightop929__ = 0;
+        int __rightop927__ = __leftop928__ + __rightop929__;
+        int __rightop923__ = __leftop924__ + __rightop927__;
+        int __leftop921__ = __leftop922__ + __rightop923__;
+        int __rightop930__ = (int) __i__;
+        int __rightop920__ = __leftop921__ * __rightop930__;
+        int __offsetinbits918__ = __leftop919__ + __rightop920__;
+        // __offsetinbits918__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+        int __offset931__ = __offsetinbits918__ >> 3;
+        int __left889__ = (__left890__ + __offset931__);
+        // __left889__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+        // __offsetinbits932__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __leftop934__ = 32;
+        int __rightop935__ = 0;
+        int __leftop933__ = __leftop934__ + __rightop935__;
+        int __leftop937__ = 32;
+        int __rightop938__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightop936__ = __leftop937__ * __rightop938__;
+        int __offsetinbits932__ = __leftop933__ + __rightop936__;
+        // __offsetinbits932__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+        int __offset939__ = __offsetinbits932__ >> 3;
+        int __shift940__ = __offsetinbits932__ - (__offset939__ << 3);
+        int __leftop888__ = ((*(int *)(__left889__ + __offset939__))  >> __shift940__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __rightop941__ = 0;
+        int __leftop887__ = __leftop888__ == __rightop941__;
+        int __tempvar886__ = !__leftop887__;
+        if (__tempvar886__) {
+          int __leftele942__ = (int) __i__;
+          // __left944__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+          // __left945__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __left947__ <-- d
+          int __left947__ = (int) d;
+          // __left947__ = d
+          // __offsetinbits948__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __leftop949__ = 0;
+          int __leftop953__ = 8;
+          // __left955__ <-- d.s
+          // __left956__ <-- d
+          int __left956__ = (int) d;
+          // __left956__ = d
+          int __left955__ = (__left956__ + 0);
+          // __left955__ = d.s
+          // __offsetinbits957__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __leftop958__ = 32;
+          int __leftop960__ = 32;
+          int __leftop962__ = 32;
+          int __leftop964__ = 32;
+          int __leftop966__ = 32;
+          int __rightop967__ = 0;
+          int __rightop965__ = __leftop966__ + __rightop967__;
+          int __rightop963__ = __leftop964__ + __rightop965__;
+          int __rightop961__ = __leftop962__ + __rightop963__;
+          int __rightop959__ = __leftop960__ + __rightop961__;
+          int __offsetinbits957__ = __leftop958__ + __rightop959__;
+          // __offsetinbits957__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+          int __offset968__ = __offsetinbits957__ >> 3;
+          int __shift969__ = __offsetinbits957__ - (__offset968__ << 3);
+          int __rightop954__ = ((*(int *)(__left955__ + __offset968__))  >> __shift969__) & 0xffffffff;
+          int __leftop952__ = __leftop953__ * __rightop954__;
+          int __rightop970__ = 0;
+          int __leftop951__ = __leftop952__ + __rightop970__;
+          int __rightop971__ = (int) __itb__;
+          int __rightop950__ = __leftop951__ * __rightop971__;
+          int __offsetinbits948__ = __leftop949__ + __rightop950__;
+          // __offsetinbits948__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+          int __offset972__ = __offsetinbits948__ >> 3;
+          int __expr946__ = (__left947__ + __offset972__);
+          int __left945__ = (int) __expr946__;
+          // __left945__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+          // __offsetinbits973__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+          int __leftop974__ = 0;
+          int __leftop977__ = 32;
+          int __leftop980__ = 32;
+          int __rightop981__ = 12;
+          int __leftop979__ = __leftop980__ * __rightop981__;
+          int __leftop983__ = 32;
+          int __rightop984__ = 0;
+          int __rightop982__ = __leftop983__ + __rightop984__;
+          int __rightop978__ = __leftop979__ + __rightop982__;
+          int __leftop976__ = __leftop977__ + __rightop978__;
+          int __rightop985__ = (int) __i__;
+          int __rightop975__ = __leftop976__ * __rightop985__;
+          int __offsetinbits973__ = __leftop974__ + __rightop975__;
+          // __offsetinbits973__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * i
+          int __offset986__ = __offsetinbits973__ >> 3;
+          int __left944__ = (__left945__ + __offset986__);
+          // __left944__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[i]
+          // __offsetinbits987__ <-- 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+          int __leftop989__ = 32;
+          int __rightop990__ = 0;
+          int __leftop988__ = __leftop989__ + __rightop990__;
+          int __leftop992__ = 32;
+          int __rightop993__ = (int) __j__;
+          int __rightop991__ = __leftop992__ * __rightop993__;
+          int __offsetinbits987__ = __leftop988__ + __rightop991__;
+          // __offsetinbits987__ = 32 + 0 + 32 * j
+          int __offset994__ = __offsetinbits987__ >> 3;
+          int __shift995__ = __offsetinbits987__ - (__offset994__ << 3);
+          int __rightele943__ = ((*(int *)(__left944__ + __offset994__))  >> __shift995__) & 0xffffffff;
+          __contents___hash->add((int)__leftele942__, (int)__rightele943__);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule7
+  int __tempvar996__ = 0;
+  // __left999__ <-- d.s
+  // __left1000__ <-- d
+  int __left1000__ = (int) d;
+  // __left1000__ = d
+  int __left999__ = (__left1000__ + 0);
+  // __left999__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits1001__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop1002__ = 32;
+  int __leftop1004__ = 32;
+  int __leftop1006__ = 32;
+  int __rightop1007__ = 0;
+  int __rightop1005__ = __leftop1006__ + __rightop1007__;
+  int __rightop1003__ = __leftop1004__ + __rightop1005__;
+  int __offsetinbits1001__ = __leftop1002__ + __rightop1003__;
+  // __offsetinbits1001__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset1008__ = __offsetinbits1001__ >> 3;
+  int __shift1009__ = __offsetinbits1001__ - (__offset1008__ << 3);
+  int __leftop998__ = ((*(int *)(__left999__ + __offset1008__))  >> __shift1009__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop1010__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar997__ = __leftop998__ - __rightop1010__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar996__; __j__ <= __tempvar997__; __j__++) {
+    //!j in? __UsedInode__
+    int __element1013__ = (int) __j__;
+    int __leftop1012__ = __UsedInode___hash->contains(__element1013__);
+    int __tempvar1011__ = !__leftop1012__;
+    if (__tempvar1011__) {
+      int __element1014__ = (int) __j__;
+      __FreeInode___hash->add((int)__element1014__, (int)__element1014__);
+    }
+  }
+// build rule17
+  for (SimpleIterator* __j___iterator = __UsedInode___hash->iterator(); __j___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+    int __j__ = (int) __j___iterator->next();
+    for (SimpleIterator* __itb___iterator = __InodeTableBlock___hash->iterator(); __itb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __itb__ = (int) __itb___iterator->next();
+      //true
+      int __tempvar1015__ = 1;
+      if (__tempvar1015__) {
+        int __leftele1016__ = (int) __j__;
+        // __left1018__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[j]
+        // __left1019__ <-- cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __left1021__ <-- d
+        int __left1021__ = (int) d;
+        // __left1021__ = d
+        // __offsetinbits1022__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __leftop1023__ = 0;
+        int __leftop1027__ = 8;
+        // __left1029__ <-- d.s
+        // __left1030__ <-- d
+        int __left1030__ = (int) d;
+        // __left1030__ = d
+        int __left1029__ = (__left1030__ + 0);
+        // __left1029__ = d.s
+        // __offsetinbits1031__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __leftop1032__ = 32;
+        int __leftop1034__ = 32;
+        int __leftop1036__ = 32;
+        int __leftop1038__ = 32;
+        int __leftop1040__ = 32;
+        int __rightop1041__ = 0;
+        int __rightop1039__ = __leftop1040__ + __rightop1041__;
+        int __rightop1037__ = __leftop1038__ + __rightop1039__;
+        int __rightop1035__ = __leftop1036__ + __rightop1037__;
+        int __rightop1033__ = __leftop1034__ + __rightop1035__;
+        int __offsetinbits1031__ = __leftop1032__ + __rightop1033__;
+        // __offsetinbits1031__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+        int __offset1042__ = __offsetinbits1031__ >> 3;
+        int __shift1043__ = __offsetinbits1031__ - (__offset1042__ << 3);
+        int __rightop1028__ = ((*(int *)(__left1029__ + __offset1042__))  >> __shift1043__) & 0xffffffff;
+        int __leftop1026__ = __leftop1027__ * __rightop1028__;
+        int __rightop1044__ = 0;
+        int __leftop1025__ = __leftop1026__ + __rightop1044__;
+        int __rightop1045__ = (int) __itb__;
+        int __rightop1024__ = __leftop1025__ * __rightop1045__;
+        int __offsetinbits1022__ = __leftop1023__ + __rightop1024__;
+        // __offsetinbits1022__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * itb
+        int __offset1046__ = __offsetinbits1022__ >> 3;
+        int __expr1020__ = (__left1021__ + __offset1046__);
+        int __left1019__ = (int) __expr1020__;
+        // __left1019__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb])
+        // __offsetinbits1047__ <-- 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * j
+        int __leftop1048__ = 0;
+        int __leftop1051__ = 32;
+        int __leftop1054__ = 32;
+        int __rightop1055__ = 12;
+        int __leftop1053__ = __leftop1054__ * __rightop1055__;
+        int __leftop1057__ = 32;
+        int __rightop1058__ = 0;
+        int __rightop1056__ = __leftop1057__ + __rightop1058__;
+        int __rightop1052__ = __leftop1053__ + __rightop1056__;
+        int __leftop1050__ = __leftop1051__ + __rightop1052__;
+        int __rightop1059__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightop1049__ = __leftop1050__ * __rightop1059__;
+        int __offsetinbits1047__ = __leftop1048__ + __rightop1049__;
+        // __offsetinbits1047__ = 0 + 32 + 32 * 12 + 32 + 0 * j
+        int __offset1060__ = __offsetinbits1047__ >> 3;
+        int __left1018__ = (__left1019__ + __offset1060__);
+        // __left1018__ = cast(__InodeTable__, d.b[itb]).itable[j]
+        int __rightele1017__ = ((*(int *)(__left1018__ + 0))  >> 0) & 0xffffffff;
+        __filesize___hash->add((int)__leftele1016__, (int)__rightele1017__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule18
+  int __tempvar1061__ = 0;
+  // __left1064__ <-- d.s
+  // __left1065__ <-- d
+  int __left1065__ = (int) d;
+  // __left1065__ = d
+  int __left1064__ = (__left1065__ + 0);
+  // __left1064__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits1066__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop1067__ = 32;
+  int __leftop1069__ = 32;
+  int __rightop1070__ = 0;
+  int __rightop1068__ = __leftop1069__ + __rightop1070__;
+  int __offsetinbits1066__ = __leftop1067__ + __rightop1068__;
+  // __offsetinbits1066__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset1071__ = __offsetinbits1066__ >> 3;
+  int __shift1072__ = __offsetinbits1066__ - (__offset1071__ << 3);
+  int __leftop1063__ = ((*(int *)(__left1064__ + __offset1071__))  >> __shift1072__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop1073__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar1062__ = __leftop1063__ - __rightop1073__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar1061__; __j__ <= __tempvar1062__; __j__++) {
+    for (SimpleIterator* __bbb___iterator = __BlockBitmapBlock___hash->iterator(); __bbb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __bbb__ = (int) __bbb___iterator->next();
+      //cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb]).blockbitmap[j] == {false = 107}
+      // __left1076__ <-- cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb])
+      // __left1078__ <-- d
+      int __left1078__ = (int) d;
+      // __left1078__ = d
+      // __offsetinbits1079__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * bbb
+      int __leftop1080__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1084__ = 8;
+      // __left1086__ <-- d.s
+      // __left1087__ <-- d
+      int __left1087__ = (int) d;
+      // __left1087__ = d
+      int __left1086__ = (__left1087__ + 0);
+      // __left1086__ = d.s
+      // __offsetinbits1088__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __leftop1089__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1091__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1093__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1095__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1097__ = 32;
+      int __rightop1098__ = 0;
+      int __rightop1096__ = __leftop1097__ + __rightop1098__;
+      int __rightop1094__ = __leftop1095__ + __rightop1096__;
+      int __rightop1092__ = __leftop1093__ + __rightop1094__;
+      int __rightop1090__ = __leftop1091__ + __rightop1092__;
+      int __offsetinbits1088__ = __leftop1089__ + __rightop1090__;
+      // __offsetinbits1088__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __offset1099__ = __offsetinbits1088__ >> 3;
+      int __shift1100__ = __offsetinbits1088__ - (__offset1099__ << 3);
+      int __rightop1085__ = ((*(int *)(__left1086__ + __offset1099__))  >> __shift1100__) & 0xffffffff;
+      int __leftop1083__ = __leftop1084__ * __rightop1085__;
+      int __rightop1101__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1082__ = __leftop1083__ + __rightop1101__;
+      int __rightop1102__ = (int) __bbb__;
+      int __rightop1081__ = __leftop1082__ * __rightop1102__;
+      int __offsetinbits1079__ = __leftop1080__ + __rightop1081__;
+      // __offsetinbits1079__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * bbb
+      int __offset1103__ = __offsetinbits1079__ >> 3;
+      int __expr1077__ = (__left1078__ + __offset1103__);
+      int __left1076__ = (int) __expr1077__;
+      // __left1076__ = cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb])
+      // __offsetinbits1104__ <-- 0 + 1 * j
+      int __leftop1105__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1107__ = 1;
+      int __rightop1108__ = (int) __j__;
+      int __rightop1106__ = __leftop1107__ * __rightop1108__;
+      int __offsetinbits1104__ = __leftop1105__ + __rightop1106__;
+      // __offsetinbits1104__ = 0 + 1 * j
+      int __offset1109__ = __offsetinbits1104__ >> 3;
+      int __shift1110__ = __offsetinbits1104__ - (__offset1109__ << 3);
+      int __leftop1075__ = ((*(int *)(__left1076__ + __offset1109__))  >> __shift1110__) & 0x1;
+      int __rightop1111__ = 107;
+      int __tempvar1074__ = __leftop1075__ == __rightop1111__;
+      if (__tempvar1074__) {
+        int __leftele1112__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightele1113__ = 108;
+        __blockstatus___hash->add((int)__leftele1112__, (int)__rightele1113__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// build rule19
+  int __tempvar1114__ = 0;
+  // __left1117__ <-- d.s
+  // __left1118__ <-- d
+  int __left1118__ = (int) d;
+  // __left1118__ = d
+  int __left1117__ = (__left1118__ + 0);
+  // __left1117__ = d.s
+  // __offsetinbits1119__ <-- 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __leftop1120__ = 32;
+  int __leftop1122__ = 32;
+  int __rightop1123__ = 0;
+  int __rightop1121__ = __leftop1122__ + __rightop1123__;
+  int __offsetinbits1119__ = __leftop1120__ + __rightop1121__;
+  // __offsetinbits1119__ = 32 + 32 + 0
+  int __offset1124__ = __offsetinbits1119__ >> 3;
+  int __shift1125__ = __offsetinbits1119__ - (__offset1124__ << 3);
+  int __leftop1116__ = ((*(int *)(__left1117__ + __offset1124__))  >> __shift1125__) & 0xffffffff;
+  int __rightop1126__ = 1;
+  int __tempvar1115__ = __leftop1116__ - __rightop1126__;
+  for (int __j__ = __tempvar1114__; __j__ <= __tempvar1115__; __j__++) {
+    for (SimpleIterator* __bbb___iterator = __BlockBitmapBlock___hash->iterator(); __bbb___iterator->hasNext(); ) {
+      int __bbb__ = (int) __bbb___iterator->next();
+      //cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb]).blockbitmap[j] == true
+      // __left1129__ <-- cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb])
+      // __left1131__ <-- d
+      int __left1131__ = (int) d;
+      // __left1131__ = d
+      // __offsetinbits1132__ <-- 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * bbb
+      int __leftop1133__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1137__ = 8;
+      // __left1139__ <-- d.s
+      // __left1140__ <-- d
+      int __left1140__ = (int) d;
+      // __left1140__ = d
+      int __left1139__ = (__left1140__ + 0);
+      // __left1139__ = d.s
+      // __offsetinbits1141__ <-- 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __leftop1142__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1144__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1146__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1148__ = 32;
+      int __leftop1150__ = 32;
+      int __rightop1151__ = 0;
+      int __rightop1149__ = __leftop1150__ + __rightop1151__;
+      int __rightop1147__ = __leftop1148__ + __rightop1149__;
+      int __rightop1145__ = __leftop1146__ + __rightop1147__;
+      int __rightop1143__ = __leftop1144__ + __rightop1145__;
+      int __offsetinbits1141__ = __leftop1142__ + __rightop1143__;
+      // __offsetinbits1141__ = 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 0
+      int __offset1152__ = __offsetinbits1141__ >> 3;
+      int __shift1153__ = __offsetinbits1141__ - (__offset1152__ << 3);
+      int __rightop1138__ = ((*(int *)(__left1139__ + __offset1152__))  >> __shift1153__) & 0xffffffff;
+      int __leftop1136__ = __leftop1137__ * __rightop1138__;
+      int __rightop1154__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1135__ = __leftop1136__ + __rightop1154__;
+      int __rightop1155__ = (int) __bbb__;
+      int __rightop1134__ = __leftop1135__ * __rightop1155__;
+      int __offsetinbits1132__ = __leftop1133__ + __rightop1134__;
+      // __offsetinbits1132__ = 0 + 8 * d.s.blocksize + 0 * bbb
+      int __offset1156__ = __offsetinbits1132__ >> 3;
+      int __expr1130__ = (__left1131__ + __offset1156__);
+      int __left1129__ = (int) __expr1130__;
+      // __left1129__ = cast(__BlockBitmap__, d.b[bbb])
+      // __offsetinbits1157__ <-- 0 + 1 * j
+      int __leftop1158__ = 0;
+      int __leftop1160__ = 1;
+      int __rightop1161__ = (int) __j__;
+      int __rightop1159__ = __leftop1160__ * __rightop1161__;
+      int __offsetinbits1157__ = __leftop1158__ + __rightop1159__;
+      // __offsetinbits1157__ = 0 + 1 * j
+      int __offset1162__ = __offsetinbits1157__ >> 3;
+      int __shift1163__ = __offsetinbits1157__ - (__offset1162__ << 3);
+      int __leftop1128__ = ((*(int *)(__left1129__ + __offset1162__))  >> __shift1163__) & 0x1;
+      int __rightop1164__ = 1;
+      int __tempvar1127__ = __leftop1128__ == __rightop1164__;
+      if (__tempvar1127__) {
+        int __leftele1165__ = (int) __j__;
+        int __rightele1166__ = 109;
+        __blockstatus___hash->add((int)__leftele1165__, (int)__rightele1166__);
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.constraints b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.constraints
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..fe876fb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// sEXT2 - Simple File System Example
+// Constraint Definition Language File
+// Constraints 1-4 verify that the bitmaps and references to block's match up
+// Constraints 5-6 verify that references counts and filesizes match up
+// Constraints 7-13 are singleton tests
+// C1
+// for all used inodes, verify that the inodestatus (built from the
+// inodebitmap is marked 'used'
+[forall u in UsedInode], u.inodestatus=literal(Used);
+// C2
+// for all free inodes, verify that the inodestatus (built from the 
+// inodebitmap is marked 'free'
+[forall f in FreeInode], f.inodestatus=literal(Free);
+// C3
+// for all used blocks, verify that the blockstatus (built from the
+// blockbitmap is marked 'used'
+[forall u in UsedBlock], u.blockstatus=literal(Used);
+// C4
+// for all free blocks, verify that the blockstatus (built from the
+// block bitmap is marked 'free'
+[forall f in FreeBlock], f.blockstatus=literal(Free);
+// C5
+// for all used inodes, verify that the reference count is equal to
+// the number of directory entries (files/links) that refer to that
+// inode
+[forall i in UsedInode], i.referencecount=sizeof(i.~inodeof);
+// C6
+// for all used inodes, verify that the filesize is consistent with
+// the number of blocks used (those in i.contents)
+[forall i in UsedInode], i.filesize <= sizeof(i.contents)*literal(8192);
+// C7
+// ??? for all files and directory blocks check that
+// only one inode references this block
+[forall b in FileDirectoryBlock],sizeof(b.~contents)=literal(1);
+// C8
+// verify that there is one superblock
+// C9
+// verify that there is one groupblock
+// C10
+// verify that there is one inodetableblock
+// C11
+// verify that there is one inodebitmapblock 
+// C12
+// verify that there is one blockbitmapblock
+// C13
+// verify that there is one rootdirectoryinode
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9784e28
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// sEXT2 - Simple FileSystem Example -  MODEL DEFINITION FILE
+// rule 1 - adds the block number of the superblock to the superblock set
+[], literal(true) => literal(0) in SuperBlock;
+// rule 2 - adds the block number of the groupblock to the groupblock set
+[], literal(true) => literal(1) in GroupBlock;
+// rule 3 - adds the inodetableblock block number to the inodetableblock set
+[], d.g.InodeTableBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks => 
+d.g.InodeTableBlock in InodeTableBlock; 
+// rule 4 - adds the inodebitmapblock block number to the inodebitmapblock set
+[], d.g.InodeBitmapBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks => 
+d.g.InodeBitmapBlock in InodeBitmapBlock; 
+// rule 5 - adds the blockbitmapblock number to the blockbitmapblock set
+[], d.g.BlockBitmapBlock < d.s.NumberofBlocks => 
+d.g.BlockBitmapBlock in BlockBitmapBlock; 
+// rule 6 - adds the rootdirectoryinode number to the set
+[], d.s.RootDirectoryInode < d.s.NumberofInodes =>
+d.s.RootDirectoryInode in RootDirectoryInode; 
+// rule 7 
+delay [for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofInodes-literal(1)], 
+!(j in? UsedInode) => j in FreeInode; 
+// rule 8
+delay [for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofBlocks-literal(1)], 
+!(j in? UsedBlock) => j in FreeBlock; 
+// rule 9
+// for all directoryinodes, loop through there blockptr's and then add
+// all their directoryentries to DirectoryEntry set
+[forall di in DirectoryInode, 
+ forall itb in InodeTableBlock, 
+ for j=literal(0) to (d.s.blocksize/literal(128))-literal(1), 
+ for k=literal(0) to literal(11)], 
+ cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k] < d.s.NumberofBlocks =>
+ cast(DirectoryBlock,d.b[cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[di].Blockptr[k]]).de[j]
+ in DirectoryEntry;
+// rule 10
+// all non-zero blocks in an used inodes blockptr list should be 
+// added to the contents relation 
+[forall i in UsedInode, 
+ forall itb in InodeTableBlock, 
+ for j=literal(0) to literal(11)],
+     !(cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j]=literal(0)) =>
+     <i,cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j]> in contents; 
+// rule 11 seems to be imperfect because it is adding directories and files
+// to the filedirectoryblock but these automatically get funneled into
+// fileblock (and hence the change below). Perhaps these should discriminate
+// because otherwise, there is no direct use of DirectoryBlock (subset
+// of FileDirectoryBlock) anywhere in the model definition at all.
+// rule 11 
+// for each inode in use, add non-zero, valid blocks mentioned in the 
+// inode's blockptr list in the inodetableblock to fileblock
+[forall i in UsedInode, forall itb in InodeTableBlock, for j=literal(0) to literal(11)],
+cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j]<d.s.NumberofBlocks and
+!(cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j]=literal(0)) =>
+cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[i].Blockptr[j] in FileBlock; // was FileDirectoryBlock
+// rule 12
+// if the bit in the inodebitmap is 0 then that inode is marked as
+// free in the inodestatus relation
+[for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofInodes-literal(1), forall ibb in InodeBitmapBlock],
+cast(InodeBitmap,d.b[ibb]).inodebitmap[j]=literal(false) =>
+<j,literal(Free)> in inodestatus; 
+// rule 13
+// same as rule 12/19, but instead with used inodes. 
+[for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofInodes-literal(1), forall ibb in InodeBitmapBlock],
+cast(InodeBitmap,d.b[ibb]).inodebitmap[j]=literal(true) =>
+<j,literal(Used)> in inodestatus; 
+// rule 14
+// adds all non-zero inodenumbers of directory entries to the set
+// FileInode
+[forall de in DirectoryEntry], de.inodenumber<d.s.NumberofInodes and
+!(de.inodenumber = literal(0)) => de.inodenumber in FileInode; 
+// rule 15
+// builds up relation 'inodeof' such that <x,y> means x is a
+// directory entry with inode numbered y
+[forall de in DirectoryEntry], de.inodenumber<d.s.NumberofInodes => 
+<de, de.inodenumber> in inodeof; 
+// rule 16
+// populating the referencecount relation with the referencecount 
+// values for every usedinode
+[forall j in UsedInode, forall itb in InodeTableBlock], literal(true) =>
+<j,cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[j].referencecount> in referencecount; 
+// rule 17 - populate the filesize relation with the sizes inodes' files
+[forall j in UsedInode, forall itb in InodeTableBlock], literal(true) =>
+<j,cast(InodeTable,d.b[itb]).itable[j].filesize> in filesize; 
+// rule - similar to rule 19, if the bit in the block bitmap is 0 the that
+// block is marked as free in the blockstatus relation
+[for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofBlocks-literal(1), forall bbb in BlockBitmapBlock],
+cast(BlockBitmap,d.b[bbb]).blockbitmap[j]=literal(false) =>
+<j,literal(Free)> in blockstatus; 
+// rule 19
+// if the bit in the blockbitmap is 1 then that block is marked as 
+// used in the blockstatus relation
+[for j=literal(0) to d.s.NumberofBlocks-literal(1), forall bbb in BlockBitmapBlock],
+cast(BlockBitmap,d.b[bbb]).blockbitmap[j]=literal(true) =>
+<j,literal(Used)> in blockstatus; 
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model.dep b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.model.dep
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..13befd7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// dependency information for 
+// testabstract from sEXT2
+1-6: none
+7: delayed 14
+8: delayed 1 2 3 4 5 11
+ 9: 3     6
+10: 3     6   14
+11: 3     6   14
+12:   4
+13:   4
+14:         9
+15:         9
+16: 3     6   14
+17: 3     6   14
+18:     5
+19:     5
+ 9: 3 6
+10: 3 6 14
+11: 3 6 14
+12: 4
+13: 4
+14: 9
+15: 9
+16: 3 6 14
+17: 3 6 14
+18: 5
+19: 5
+a. if quantifiers are empty than rule has no dependencies
+b. if not ( x in Set ) or relation than dependent on everything that
+   touches the Set or Relation (also known as delayed).
+c. otherwise, if set or relation mentioned in quantifier, edge between
+   that rule and any rule who modifies that set or relation (in the 
+   inclusion constraint portion of any rule)
+// dependency information betweeen constraints and rules
+ 1:           6           12 13 14
+ 2:             7         12 13
+ 3: 1 2 3 4 5          11                   18 19
+ 4:               8                         18 19
+ 5:           6                 14 15 16
+ 6:           6     10          14       17
+ 7:                 10 11
+ 8: 1
+ 9:   2
+10:     3
+11:       4
+12:         5
+13:           6
+ 1:  6 12 13 14
+ 2:  7 12 13
+ 3:  1  2  3  4  5 11 18 19
+ 4:  8 18 19
+ 5:  6 14 15 16
+ 6:  6 10 14 17
+ 7: 10 11
+ 8:  1
+ 9:  2
+10:  3 
+11:  4
+12:  5
+13:  6 
+a. if quantifier mentions a set, include all rules that touch that set
+   or its subsets/partitions
+b. if the body mentions a set or relation, add that an edge to any rule
+   that touches those sets or relations
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/ b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..bd84734
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// sEXT2 - Simple File System Example
+// Space Definition Language File
+set Block(int) : partition 
+    UsedBlock | 
+    FreeBlock;
+set FreeBlock(int);
+set Inode(int) : partition 
+    UsedInode | 
+    FreeInode;
+set FreeInode(int);
+set UsedInode(int) : partition 
+    FileInode | 
+    DirectoryInode ;
+set FileInode(int);
+set DirectoryInode(int) : RootDirectoryInode;
+set RootDirectoryInode(int);
+set UsedBlock(int) : partition 
+    SuperBlock | 
+    GroupBlock | 
+    FileDirectoryBlock | 
+    InodeTableBlock | 
+    InodeBitmapBlock | 
+    BlockBitmapBlock;
+set FileDirectoryBlock(int) : 
+    DirectoryBlock | 
+    FileBlock;
+set SuperBlock(int);
+set GroupBlock(int);
+set FileBlock(int);
+set DirectoryBlock(int);
+set InodeTableBlock(int);
+set InodeBitmapBlock(int);
+set BlockBitmapBlock(int);
+set DirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry);
+// relations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+inodeof: DirectoryEntry -> UsedInode (many->1);
+contents: UsedInode -> FileDirectoryBlock (1->many);
+inodestatus: Inode -> token (many->1);
+blockstatus: Block -> token (many->1);
+referencecount: Inode -> int (many->1);
+filesize: Inode -> int (many->1);
diff --git a/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.struct b/Repair/RepairCompiler/MCC/test2.struct
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..bf765ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// sEXT2 - Simple File System Example
+// Type Definition Language File
+// structures are assumed to be aligned to double-word
+// boundaries. fields are tightly packed, so reserved bits 
+// can be used to add neccesary padding
+Disk *d; 
+structure Block {
+     reserved byte[d.s.blocksize];
+structure Disk {
+     Block  b[d.s.NumberofBlocks];
+     label b[literal(0)]: Superblock s;
+     label b[literal(1)]: Groupblock g;
+structure Superblock subtype of Block {
+     int FreeBlockCount;
+     int FreeInodeCount;
+     int NumberofBlocks;
+     int NumberofInodes;
+     int RootDirectoryInode;
+     int blocksize;
+structure Groupblock subtype of Block {
+     int BlockBitmapBlock;
+     int InodeBitmapBlock;
+     int InodeTableBlock; 
+     int GroupFreeBlockCount;
+     int GroupFreeInodeCount;
+structure InodeTable subtype of Block {
+     Inode itable[d.s.NumberofInodes];
+structure InodeBitmap subtype of Block {
+     bit inodebitmap[d.s.NumberofInodes];
+structure BlockBitmap subtype of Block {
+     bit blockbitmap[d.s.NumberofBlocks];
+structure Inode {
+     int filesize;
+     int Blockptr[literal(12)];
+     int referencecount;
+structure DirectoryBlock subtype of Block {
+     DirectoryEntry de[d.s.blocksize/literal(128)];
+structure DirectoryEntry {
+     byte name[literal(124)];
+     int inodenumber;