; RUN: opt %s -S -place-safepoints | FileCheck %s declare void @llvm.frameescape(...) ; Do we insert the entry safepoint after the frameescape intrinsic? define void @parent() gc "statepoint-example" { ; CHECK-LABEL: @parent entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: entry ; CHECK-NEXT: alloca ; CHECK-NEXT: frameescape ; CHECK-NEXT: statepoint %ptr = alloca i32 call void (...) @llvm.frameescape(i32* %ptr) ret void } ; This function is inlined when inserting a poll. To avoid recursive ; issues, make sure we don't place safepoints in it. declare void @do_safepoint() define void @gc.safepoint_poll() { ; CHECK-LABEL: gc.safepoint_poll ; CHECK-LABEL: entry ; CHECK-NEXT: do_safepoint ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void entry: call void @do_safepoint() ret void }