; RUN: opt < %s -inline-threshold=0 -always-inline -S | FileCheck %s ; ; Ensure the threshold has no impact on these decisions. ; RUN: opt < %s -inline-threshold=20000000 -always-inline -S | FileCheck %s ; RUN: opt < %s -inline-threshold=-20000000 -always-inline -S | FileCheck %s define i32 @inner1() alwaysinline { ret i32 1 } define i32 @outer1() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer1( ; CHECK-NOT: call ; CHECK: ret %r = call i32 @inner1() ret i32 %r } ; The always inliner can't DCE internal functions. PR2945 ; CHECK-LABEL: @pr2945( define internal i32 @pr2945() nounwind { ret i32 0 } define internal void @inner2(i32 %N) alwaysinline { %P = alloca i32, i32 %N ret void } define void @outer2(i32 %N) { ; The always inliner (unlike the normal one) should be willing to inline ; a function with a dynamic alloca into one without a dynamic alloca. ; rdar://6655932 ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer2( ; CHECK-NOT: call void @inner2 ; CHECK-NOT: call void @inner2 ; CHECK: ret void call void @inner2( i32 %N ) ret void } declare i32 @a() returns_twice declare i32 @b() returns_twice define i32 @inner3() alwaysinline { entry: %call = call i32 @a() returns_twice %add = add nsw i32 1, %call ret i32 %add } define i32 @outer3() { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer3( ; CHECK-NOT: call i32 @a ; CHECK: ret %call = call i32 @inner3() %add = add nsw i32 1, %call ret i32 %add } define i32 @inner4() alwaysinline returns_twice { entry: %call = call i32 @b() returns_twice %add = add nsw i32 1, %call ret i32 %add } define i32 @outer4() { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer4( ; CHECK: call i32 @b() ; CHECK: ret %call = call i32 @inner4() returns_twice %add = add nsw i32 1, %call ret i32 %add } define i32 @inner5(i8* %addr) alwaysinline { entry: indirectbr i8* %addr, [ label %one, label %two ] one: ret i32 42 two: ret i32 44 } define i32 @outer5(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer5( ; CHECK: call i32 @inner5 ; CHECK: ret %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 42 %addr = select i1 %cmp, i8* blockaddress(@inner5, %one), i8* blockaddress(@inner5, %two) %call = call i32 @inner5(i8* %addr) ret i32 %call } define void @inner6(i32 %x) alwaysinline { entry: %icmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0 br i1 %icmp, label %return, label %bb bb: %sub = sub nsw i32 %x, 1 call void @inner6(i32 %sub) ret void return: ret void } define void @outer6() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @outer6( ; CHECK: call void @inner6(i32 42) ; CHECK: ret entry: call void @inner6(i32 42) ret void }