// RUN: llvm-mc -triple i386-apple-darwin9 %s -filetype=obj -o - | llvm-readobj -file-headers -s -sd -r -t --macho-segment --macho-dysymtab --macho-indirect-symbols | FileCheck %s // FIXME: We don't get the order right currently, the assembler first // orders the symbols, then assigns addresses. :( .if 0 .lcomm sym_lcomm_B, 4 .lcomm sym_lcomm_C, 4, 4 .lcomm sym_lcomm_A, 4, 3 .lcomm sym_lcomm_D, 4 .globl sym_lcomm_D .globl sym_lcomm_C .else .lcomm sym_lcomm_C, 4, 4 .lcomm sym_lcomm_D, 4 .globl sym_lcomm_D .globl sym_lcomm_C .lcomm sym_lcomm_A, 4, 3 .lcomm sym_lcomm_B, 4 .endif // CHECK: File: // CHECK: Format: Mach-O 32-bit i386 // CHECK: Arch: i386 // CHECK: AddressSize: 32bit // CHECK: MachHeader { // CHECK: Magic: Magic (0xFEEDFACE) // CHECK: CpuType: X86 (0x7) // CHECK: CpuSubType: CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL (0x3) // CHECK: FileType: Relocatable (0x1) // CHECK: NumOfLoadCommands: 4 // CHECK: SizeOfLoadCommands: 312 // CHECK: Flags [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: } // CHECK: Sections [ // CHECK: Section { // CHECK: Index: 0 // CHECK: Name: __text (5F 5F 74 65 78 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) // CHECK: Segment: __TEXT (5F 5F 54 45 58 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) // CHECK: Address: 0x0 // CHECK: Size: 0x0 // CHECK: Offset: 340 // CHECK: Alignment: 0 // CHECK: RelocationOffset: 0x0 // CHECK: RelocationCount: 0 // CHECK: Type: 0x0 // CHECK: Attributes [ (0x800000) // CHECK: PureInstructions (0x800000) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Reserved1: 0x0 // CHECK: Reserved2: 0x0 // CHECK: SectionData ( // CHECK: ) // CHECK: } // CHECK: Section { // CHECK: Index: 1 // CHECK: Name: __bss (5F 5F 62 73 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) // CHECK: Segment: __DATA (5F 5F 44 41 54 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) // CHECK: Address: 0x0 // CHECK: Size: 0x10 // CHECK: Offset: 0 // CHECK: Alignment: 4 // CHECK: RelocationOffset: 0x0 // CHECK: RelocationCount: 0 // CHECK: Type: LocReloc (0x1) // CHECK: Attributes [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Reserved1: 0x0 // CHECK: Reserved2: 0x0 // CHECK: } // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Relocations [ // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Symbols [ // CHECK: Symbol { // CHECK: Name: sym_lcomm_A (37) // CHECK: Type: Section (0xE) // CHECK: Section: __bss (0x2) // CHECK: RefType: UndefinedNonLazy (0x0) // CHECK: Flags [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Value: 0x8 // CHECK: } // CHECK: Symbol { // CHECK: Name: sym_lcomm_B (25) // CHECK: Type: Section (0xE) // CHECK: Section: __bss (0x2) // CHECK: RefType: UndefinedNonLazy (0x0) // CHECK: Flags [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Value: 0xC // CHECK: } // CHECK: Symbol { // CHECK: Name: sym_lcomm_C (13) // CHECK: Extern // CHECK: Type: Section (0xE) // CHECK: Section: __bss (0x2) // CHECK: RefType: UndefinedNonLazy (0x0) // CHECK: Flags [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Value: 0x0 // CHECK: } // CHECK: Symbol { // CHECK: Name: sym_lcomm_D (1) // CHECK: Extern // CHECK: Type: Section (0xE) // CHECK: Section: __bss (0x2) // CHECK: RefType: UndefinedNonLazy (0x0) // CHECK: Flags [ (0x0) // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Value: 0x4 // CHECK: } // CHECK: ] // CHECK: Indirect Symbols { // CHECK: Number: 0 // CHECK: Symbols [ // CHECK: ] // CHECK: } // CHECK: Segment { // CHECK: Cmd: LC_SEGMENT // CHECK: Name: // CHECK: Size: 192 // CHECK: vmaddr: 0x0 // CHECK: vmsize: 0x10 // CHECK: fileoff: 340 // CHECK: filesize: 0 // CHECK: maxprot: rwx // CHECK: initprot: rwx // CHECK: nsects: 2 // CHECK: flags: 0x0 // CHECK: } // CHECK: Dysymtab { // CHECK: ilocalsym: 0 // CHECK: nlocalsym: 2 // CHECK: iextdefsym: 2 // CHECK: nextdefsym: 2 // CHECK: iundefsym: 4 // CHECK: nundefsym: 0 // CHECK: tocoff: 0 // CHECK: ntoc: 0 // CHECK: modtaboff: 0 // CHECK: nmodtab: 0 // CHECK: extrefsymoff: 0 // CHECK: nextrefsyms: 0 // CHECK: indirectsymoff: 0 // CHECK: nindirectsyms: 0 // CHECK: extreloff: 0 // CHECK: nextrel: 0 // CHECK: locreloff: 0 // CHECK: nlocrel: 0 // CHECK: }