// RUN: llvm-mc -triple i386-apple-darwin9 %s -filetype=obj -o - | macho-dump --dump-section-data | FileCheck %s // rdar://15526046 .text .globl _main _main: .space 0x01020f55, 0x90 bug: movl $0, _key64b_9+4 .section __TEXT, __padding .space 0x515b91, 0 .data .space 0xa70, 0 .globl _key64b_9 _key64b_9: .long 1 .long 2 // The movl instruction above should produce this encoding where the address // of _key64b_9 is at 0x01537560. This is testing falling back from using a // scattered relocation to a normal relocation because the offset from the // start of the section is more than 24-bits. But need to get the item to // be relocated, in this case _key64b_9+4, value correct in the instruction. // 01020f55 c7056475530100000000 movl $0x0, 0x1537564 // CHECK: 90c70564 75530100 000000')