// RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %s -o - | llvm-readobj -t | FileCheck %s // Test that the STT_FILE symbol precedes the other local symbols. .file "foo" foa: // CHECK: Symbol { // CHECK: Name: foo (1) // CHECK-NEXT: Value: 0x0 // CHECK-NEXT: Size: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Binding: Local // CHECK-NEXT: Type: File // CHECK-NEXT: Other: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Section: Absolute (0xFFF1) // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-NEXT: Symbol { // CHECK-NEXT: Name: foa (5) // CHECK-NEXT: Value: 0x0 // CHECK-NEXT: Size: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Binding: Local // CHECK-NEXT: Type: None // CHECK-NEXT: Other: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Section: .text (0x1) // CHECK-NEXT: }