; This file contains the output from the following compiled C code: ; typedef struct list { ; struct list *Next; ; int Data; ; } list; ; ; // Iterative insert fn ; void InsertIntoListTail(list **L, int Data) { ; while (*L) ; L = &(*L)->Next; ; *L = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list)); ; (*L)->Data = Data; ; (*L)->Next = 0; ; } ; ; // Recursive list search fn ; list *FindData(list *L, int Data) { ; if (L == 0) return 0; ; if (L->Data == Data) return L; ; return FindData(L->Next, Data); ; } ; ; void DoListStuff() { ; list *MyList = 0; ; InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 100); ; InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 12); ; InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 42); ; InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 1123); ; InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 1213); ; ; if (FindData(MyList, 75)) foundIt(); ; if (FindData(MyList, 42)) foundIt(); ; if (FindData(MyList, 700)) foundIt(); ; } %list = type { %list*, int } declare sbyte *"malloc"(uint) ;;********************** implementation ;;********************** void "InsertIntoListTail"(%list** %L, int %Data) begin bb1: %reg116 = load %list** %L ;;<%list*> %cast1004 = cast ulong 0 to %list* ;;<%list*> %cond1000 = seteq %list* %reg116, %cast1004 ;; br bool %cond1000, label %bb3, label %bb2 bb2: %reg117 = phi %list** [ %reg118, %bb2 ], [ %L, %bb1 ] ;;<%list**> %cast1010 = cast %list** %reg117 to %list*** ;;<%list***> %reg118 = load %list*** %cast1010 ;;<%list**> %reg109 = load %list** %reg118 ;;<%list*> %cast1005 = cast ulong 0 to %list* ;;<%list*> %cond1001 = setne %list* %reg109, %cast1005 ;; br bool %cond1001, label %bb2, label %bb3 bb3: %reg119 = phi %list** [ %reg118, %bb2 ], [ %L, %bb1 ] ;;<%list**> %cast1006 = cast %list** %reg119 to sbyte** ;; %reg111 = call sbyte* %malloc(uint 16) ;; store sbyte* %reg111, sbyte** %cast1006 ;; %reg111 = cast sbyte* %reg111 to ulong %reg1002 = add ulong %reg111, 8 %reg1002 = cast ulong %reg1002 to sbyte* ;; %cast1008 = cast sbyte* %reg1002 to int* ;; store int %Data, int* %cast1008 ;; %cast1003 = cast ulong 0 to ulong* ;; %cast1009 = cast sbyte* %reg111 to ulong** ;; store ulong* %cast1003, ulong** %cast1009 ;; ret void end %list* "FindData"(%list* %L, int %Data) begin bb1: br label %bb2 bb2: %reg115 = phi %list* [ %reg116, %bb6 ], [ %L, %bb1 ] ;;<%list*> %cast1014 = cast ulong 0 to %list* ;;<%list*> %cond1011 = setne %list* %reg115, %cast1014 ;; br bool %cond1011, label %bb4, label %bb3 bb3: ret %list* null bb4: %idx = getelementptr %list* %reg115, long 0, ubyte 1 ;; %reg111 = load int* %idx %cond1013 = setne int %reg111, %Data ;; br bool %cond1013, label %bb6, label %bb5 bb5: ret %list* %reg115 bb6: %idx2 = getelementptr %list* %reg115, long 0, ubyte 0 ;;<%list*> %reg116 = load %list** %idx2 br label %bb2 end