; RUN: opt -S -basicaa -gvn < %s | FileCheck %s declare void @argmemonly_function(i32 *) argmemonly define i32 @test0(i32* %P, i32* noalias %P2) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test0( %v1 = load i32, i32* %P ; CHECK: %v1 = load i32, i32* %P call void @argmemonly_function(i32* %P2) [ "tag"() ] ; CHECK: call void @argmemonly_function( %v2 = load i32, i32* %P ; CHECK: %v2 = load i32, i32* %P %diff = sub i32 %v1, %v2 ; CHECK: %diff = sub i32 %v1, %v2 ret i32 %diff ; CHECK: ret i32 %diff } define i32 @test1(i32* %P, i32* noalias %P2) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1( %v1 = load i32, i32* %P call void @argmemonly_function(i32* %P2) argmemonly [ "tag"() ] ; CHECK: call void @argmemonly_function( %v2 = load i32, i32* %P %diff = sub i32 %v1, %v2 ret i32 %diff ; CHECK: ret i32 0 } define i32 @test2(i32* %P, i32* noalias %P2) { ; Note: in this test we //can// GVN %v1 and %v2 into one value in theory. Calls ; with deopt operand bundles are not argmemonly because they *read* the entire ; heap, but they don't write to any location in the heap if the callee does not ; deoptimize the caller. This fact, combined with the fact that ; @argmemonly_function is, well, an argmemonly function, can be used to conclude ; that %P is not written to at the callsite. However LLVM currently cannot ; describe the "does not write to non-args, and reads the entire heap" effect on ; a callsite. ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2( %v1 = load i32, i32* %P ; CHECK: %v1 = load i32, i32* %P call void @argmemonly_function(i32* %P2) [ "deopt"() ] ; CHECK: call void @argmemonly_function( %v2 = load i32, i32* %P ; CHECK: %v2 = load i32, i32* %P %diff = sub i32 %v1, %v2 ; CHECK: %diff = sub i32 %v1, %v2 ret i32 %diff ; CHECK: ret i32 %diff }