RUN: llvm-dwarfdump %p/Inputs/dwarfdump-dwp.x86_64.o | FileCheck %s ; Testing the following simple dwp file: ; a.cpp: ; struct foo { }; ; foo a; ; b.cpp: ; struct bar { }; ; bar b; ; CHECK: .debug_cu_index contents: ; CHECK-NEXT: Index header: ; CHECK-NEXT: version: 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: columns: 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: units: 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: buckets: 16 ; CHECK: .debug_tu_index contents: ; CHECK-NEXT: Index header: ; CHECK-NEXT: version: 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: columns: 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: units: 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: buckets: 16 ; TODO: use the index section offset info to correctly dump debug_info