; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -disable-fp-elim | FileCheck %s ; ; Note: Print verbose stackmaps using -debug-only=stackmaps. ; CHECK-LABEL: .section __LLVM_STACKMAPS,__llvm_stackmaps ; CHECK-NEXT: __LLVM_StackMaps: ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; Num LargeConstants ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .quad 4294967296 ; Num Callsites ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 12 ; Constant arguments ; ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_constantargs ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 4 ; SmallConstant ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 65535 ; SmallConstant ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 65536 ; SmallConstant ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long -1 ; LargeConstant at index 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 5 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define void @constantargs() { entry: %0 = inttoptr i64 12345 to i8* tail call void (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32 1, i32 15, i8* %0, i32 0, i64 65535, i64 65536, i64 4294967295, i64 4294967296) ret void } ; Inline OSR Exit ; ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_osrinline ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define void @osrinline(i64 %a, i64 %b) { entry: ; Runtime void->void call. call void inttoptr (i64 -559038737 to void ()*)() ; Followed by inline OSR patchpoint with 12-byte shadow and 2 live vars. call void (i32, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32 3, i32 12, i64 %a, i64 %b) ret void } ; Cold OSR Exit ; ; 2 live variables in register. ; ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_osrcold ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define void @osrcold(i64 %a, i64 %b) { entry: %test = icmp slt i64 %a, %b br i1 %test, label %ret, label %cold cold: ; OSR patchpoint with 12-byte nop-slide and 2 live vars. %thunk = inttoptr i64 -559038737 to i8* call void (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32 4, i32 15, i8* %thunk, i32 0, i64 %a, i64 %b) unreachable ret: ret void } ; Property Read ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 5 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_propertyRead ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; ; FIXME: There are currently no stackmap entries. After moving to ; AnyRegCC, we will have entries for the object and return value. define i64 @propertyRead(i64* %obj) { entry: %resolveRead = inttoptr i64 -559038737 to i8* %result = call i64 (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.i64(i32 5, i32 15, i8* %resolveRead, i32 1, i64* %obj) %add = add i64 %result, 3 ret i64 %add } ; Property Write ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 6 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_propertyWrite ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; ; FIXME: There are currently no stackmap entries. After moving to ; AnyRegCC, we will have entries for the object and return value. define void @propertyWrite(i64 %dummy1, i64* %obj, i64 %dummy2, i64 %a) { entry: %resolveWrite = inttoptr i64 -559038737 to i8* call void (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32 6, i32 15, i8* %resolveWrite, i32 2, i64* %obj, i64 %a) ret void } ; Void JS Call ; ; 2 live variables in registers. ; ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 7 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_jsVoidCall ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define void @jsVoidCall(i64 %dummy1, i64* %obj, i64 %arg, i64 %l1, i64 %l2) { entry: %resolveCall = inttoptr i64 -559038737 to i8* call void (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32 7, i32 15, i8* %resolveCall, i32 2, i64* %obj, i64 %arg, i64 %l1, i64 %l2) ret void } ; i64 JS Call ; ; 2 live variables in registers. ; ; CHECK: .long 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_jsIntCall ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short {{[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define i64 @jsIntCall(i64 %dummy1, i64* %obj, i64 %arg, i64 %l1, i64 %l2) { entry: %resolveCall = inttoptr i64 -559038737 to i8* %result = call i64 (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.i64(i32 8, i32 15, i8* %resolveCall, i32 2, i64* %obj, i64 %arg, i64 %l1, i64 %l2) %add = add i64 %result, 3 ret i64 %add } ; Spilled stack map values. ; ; Verify 17 stack map entries. ; ; CHECK: .long 11 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long L{{.*}}-_spilledValue ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 17 ; ; Check that at least one is a spilled entry from RBP. ; Location: Indirect RBP + ... ; CHECK: .byte 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 6 define void @spilledValue(i64 %arg0, i64 %arg1, i64 %arg2, i64 %arg3, i64 %arg4, i64 %l0, i64 %l1, i64 %l2, i64 %l3, i64 %l4, i64 %l5, i64 %l6, i64 %l7, i64 %l8, i64 %l9, i64 %l10, i64 %l11, i64 %l12, i64 %l13, i64 %l14, i64 %l15, i64 %l16) { entry: call void (i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32 11, i32 15, i8* null, i32 5, i64 %arg0, i64 %arg1, i64 %arg2, i64 %arg3, i64 %arg4, i64 %l0, i64 %l1, i64 %l2, i64 %l3, i64 %l4, i64 %l5, i64 %l6, i64 %l7, i64 %l8, i64 %l9, i64 %l10, i64 %l11, i64 %l12, i64 %l13, i64 %l14, i64 %l15, i64 %l16) ret void } ; Spilled stack map values. ; ; Verify 17 stack map entries. ; ; CHECK: .long 12 ; CHECK-LABEL: .long L{{.*}}-_spilledStackMapValue ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 17 ; ; Check that at least one is a spilled entry from RBP. ; Location: Indirect RBP + ... ; CHECK: .byte 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 6 define webkit_jscc void @spilledStackMapValue(i64 %l0, i64 %l1, i64 %l2, i64 %l3, i64 %l4, i64 %l5, i64 %l6, i64 %l7, i64 %l8, i64 %l9, i64 %l10, i64 %l11, i64 %l12, i64 %l13, i64 %l14, i64 %l15, i64 %l16) { entry: call void (i32, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32 12, i32 15, i64 %l0, i64 %l1, i64 %l2, i64 %l3, i64 %l4, i64 %l5, i64 %l6, i64 %l7, i64 %l8, i64 %l9, i64 %l10, i64 %l11, i64 %l12, i64 %l13, i64 %l14, i64 %l15, i64 %l16) ret void } ; Spill a subregister stackmap operand. ; ; CHECK: .long 13 ; CHECK-LABEL: .long L{{.*}}-_spillSubReg ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; 4 locations ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 1 ; ; Check that the subregister operand is a 4-byte spill. ; Location: Indirect, 4-byte, RBP + ... ; CHECK: .byte 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 6 define void @spillSubReg(i64 %arg) #0 { bb: br i1 undef, label %bb1, label %bb2 bb1: unreachable bb2: %tmp = load i64* inttoptr (i64 140685446136880 to i64*) br i1 undef, label %bb16, label %bb17 bb16: unreachable bb17: %tmp32 = trunc i64 %tmp to i32 br i1 undef, label %bb60, label %bb61 bb60: tail call void asm sideeffect "nop", "~{ax},~{bx},~{cx},~{dx},~{bp},~{si},~{di},~{r8},~{r9},~{r10},~{r11},~{r12},~{r13},~{r14},~{r15}"() nounwind tail call void (i32, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32 13, i32 5, i32 %tmp32) unreachable bb61: unreachable } ; Map a single byte subregister. There is no DWARF register number, so ; we expect the register to be encoded with the proper size and spill offset. We don't know which ; ; CHECK: .long 14 ; CHECK-LABEL: .long L{{.*}}-_subRegOffset ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; 2 locations ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 2 ; ; Check that the subregister operands are 1-byte spills. ; Location 0: Register, 4-byte, AL ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 ; ; Location 1: Register, 4-byte, BL ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0 define void @subRegOffset(i16 %arg) { %v = mul i16 %arg, 5 %a0 = trunc i16 %v to i8 tail call void asm sideeffect "nop", "~{bx}"() nounwind %arghi = lshr i16 %v, 8 %a1 = trunc i16 %arghi to i8 tail call void asm sideeffect "nop", "~{cx},~{dx},~{bp},~{si},~{di},~{r8},~{r9},~{r10},~{r11},~{r12},~{r13},~{r14},~{r15}"() nounwind tail call void (i32, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32 14, i32 5, i8 %a0, i8 %a1) ret void } ; Map a constant value. ; ; CHECK: .long 15 ; CHECK-LABEL: .long L{{.*}}-_liveConstant ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; 1 location ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 1 ; Loc 0: SmallConstant ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: .byte 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: .short 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: .long 33 define void @liveConstant() { tail call void (i32, i32, ...)* @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32 15, i32 5, i32 33) ret void } declare void @llvm.experimental.stackmap(i32, i32, ...) declare void @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void(i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...) declare i64 @llvm.experimental.patchpoint.i64(i32, i32, i8*, i32, ...)