; RUN: llc -mtriple x86_64-apple-darwin -O0 -o - < %s | FileCheck %s ; Make sure we only use the less significant bit of the value that feeds the ; select. Otherwise, we may account for a non-zero value whereas the ; lsb is zero. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: fastisel_select: ; CHECK: subb {{%[a-z0-9]+}}, [[RES:%[a-z0-9]+]] ; CHECK: testb $1, [[RES]] ; CHECK: cmovel define i32 @fastisel_select(i1 %exchSub2211_, i1 %trunc_8766) { %shuffleInternal15257_8932 = sub i1 %exchSub2211_, %trunc_8766 %counter_diff1345 = select i1 %shuffleInternal15257_8932, i32 1204476887, i32 0 ret i32 %counter_diff1345 }