; RUN: llc < %s -mcpu=corei7 -mattr=-sse2,-sse41 -verify-machineinstrs target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ; PR10503 ; This test case produces INSERT_SUBREG 0, instructions that ; ProcessImplicitDefs doesn't eliminate. define void @autogen_136178_500() { BB: %Shuff6 = shufflevector <32 x i32> undef, <32 x i32> undef, <32 x i32> %S17 = select i1 true, <8 x float>* null, <8 x float>* null br label %CF CF: ; preds = %CF, %BB %L19 = load <8 x float>* %S17 %BC = bitcast <32 x i32> %Shuff6 to <32 x float> %S28 = fcmp ord double 0x3ED1A1F787BB2185, 0x3EE59DE55A8DF890 br i1 %S28, label %CF, label %CF39 CF39: ; preds = %CF39, %CF store <8 x float> %L19, <8 x float>* %S17 %I35 = insertelement <32 x float> %BC, float 0x3EC2489F60000000, i32 9 %S38 = fcmp ule double 0x3EE59DE55A8DF890, 0x3EC4AB0CBB986A1A br i1 %S38, label %CF39, label %CF40 CF40: ; preds = %CF39 ret void }