; RUN: llc < %s -O0 -march=x86 -mcpu=corei7 -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s --check-prefix X32 @sc64 = external global i64 define void @atomic_fetch_add64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_add64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_add64: entry: %t1 = atomicrmw add i64* @sc64, i64 1 acquire ; X32: addl ; X32: adcl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t2 = atomicrmw add i64* @sc64, i64 3 acquire ; X32: addl ; X32: adcl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t3 = atomicrmw add i64* @sc64, i64 5 acquire ; X32: addl ; X32: adcl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t4 = atomicrmw add i64* @sc64, i64 %t3 acquire ; X32: addl ; X32: adcl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_sub64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_sub64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_sub64: %t1 = atomicrmw sub i64* @sc64, i64 1 acquire ; X32: addl $-1 ; X32: adcl $-1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t2 = atomicrmw sub i64* @sc64, i64 3 acquire ; X32: addl $-3 ; X32: adcl $-1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t3 = atomicrmw sub i64* @sc64, i64 5 acquire ; X32: addl $-5 ; X32: adcl $-1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t4 = atomicrmw sub i64* @sc64, i64 %t3 acquire ; X32: subl ; X32: sbbl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_and64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_and:64 ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_and64: %t1 = atomicrmw and i64* @sc64, i64 3 acquire ; X32: andl $3 ; X32-NOT: andl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t2 = atomicrmw and i64* @sc64, i64 4294967297 acquire ; X32: andl $1 ; X32: andl $1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t3 = atomicrmw and i64* @sc64, i64 %t2 acquire ; X32: andl ; X32: andl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_or64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_or64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_or64: %t1 = atomicrmw or i64* @sc64, i64 3 acquire ; X32: orl $3 ; X32-NOT: orl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t2 = atomicrmw or i64* @sc64, i64 4294967297 acquire ; X32: orl $1 ; X32: orl $1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t3 = atomicrmw or i64* @sc64, i64 %t2 acquire ; X32: orl ; X32: orl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_xor64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_xor:64 ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_xor64: %t1 = atomicrmw xor i64* @sc64, i64 3 acquire ; X32: xorl ; X32-NOT: xorl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t2 = atomicrmw xor i64* @sc64, i64 4294967297 acquire ; X32: xorl $1 ; X32: xorl $1 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b %t3 = atomicrmw xor i64* @sc64, i64 %t2 acquire ; X32: xorl ; X32: xorl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_nand64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_nand64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_nand64: %t1 = atomicrmw nand i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: andl ; X32: andl ; X32: notl ; X32: notl ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_max64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_max:64 ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_max64: %t1 = atomicrmw max i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: subl ; X32: subl ; X32: cmov ; X32: cmov ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_min64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_min64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_min64: %t1 = atomicrmw min i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: subl ; X32: subl ; X32: cmov ; X32: cmov ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_umax64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_umax:64 ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_umax64: %t1 = atomicrmw umax i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: subl ; X32: subl ; X32: cmov ; X32: cmov ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_umin64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_umin64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_umin64: %t1 = atomicrmw umin i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: subl ; X32: subl ; X32: cmov ; X32: cmov ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_cmpxchg64() nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_cmpxchg:64 ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_cmpxchg64: %t1 = cmpxchg i64* @sc64, i64 0, i64 1 acquire acquire ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_store64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_store64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_store64: store atomic i64 %x, i64* @sc64 release, align 8 ; X32: lock ; X32: cmpxchg8b ret void ; X32: ret } define void @atomic_fetch_swap64(i64 %x) nounwind { ; X64-LABEL: atomic_fetch_swap64: ; X32-LABEL: atomic_fetch_swap64: %t1 = atomicrmw xchg i64* @sc64, i64 %x acquire ; X32: lock ; X32: xchg8b ret void ; X32: ret }