; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-darwin9 -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=PIC ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-ios -relocation-model=pic -mcpu=swift -mattr=+no-movt | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=PIC-NOMOVT %struct.anon = type { void ()* } %struct.one_atexit_routine = type { %struct.anon, i32, i8* } @__dso_handle = external global { } ; <{ }*> [#uses=1] @llvm.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i32 (void ()*)* @atexit to i8*)], section "llvm.metadata" ; <[1 x i8*]*> [#uses=0] define hidden i32 @atexit(void ()* %func) nounwind { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: atexit: ; CHECK-PIC: add r0, pc ; CHECK-NOMOVT: ldr r[[REGNUM:[0-9]+]], LCPI0_0 ; CHECK-NOMOVT: LPC0_0: ; CHECK-NOMOVT: add r[[REGNUM]], pc ; CHECK-NOMOVT: ldr r1, [r[[REGNUM]] ; CHECK-NOMOVT: blx _atexit_common ; CHECK-NOMOVT: LCPI0_0: ; CHECK-NOMOVT: .long L___dso_handle$non_lazy_ptr-(LPC0_0+4) %r = alloca %struct.one_atexit_routine, align 4 ; <%struct.one_atexit_routine*> [#uses=3] %0 = getelementptr %struct.one_atexit_routine, %struct.one_atexit_routine* %r, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 ; [#uses=1] store void ()* %func, void ()** %0, align 4 %1 = getelementptr %struct.one_atexit_routine, %struct.one_atexit_routine* %r, i32 0, i32 1 ; [#uses=1] store i32 0, i32* %1, align 4 %2 = call i32 @atexit_common(%struct.one_atexit_routine* %r, i8* bitcast ({ }* @__dso_handle to i8*)) nounwind ; [#uses=1] ret i32 %2 } declare i32 @atexit_common(%struct.one_atexit_routine*, i8*) nounwind