; RUN: llc %s -o - | FileCheck %s target triple = "thumbv7s-apple-ios" declare <8 x i8> @llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2(<8 x i8> %shuffle.i.i307, <8 x i8> %shuffle.i27.i308, <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i) ; Check that we get the motivating example: ; The bitcasts force the values to go through the GPRs, whereas ; they are defined on VPRs and used on VPRs. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: motivatingExample: ; CHECK: vldr [[ARG2_VAL:d[0-9]+]], [r1] ; CHECK-NEXT: vld1.32 {[[ARG1_VALlo:d[0-9]+]], [[ARG1_VALhi:d[0-9]+]]}, [r0] ; CHECK-NEXT: vtbl.8 [[RES:d[0-9]+]], {[[ARG1_VALlo]], [[ARG1_VALhi]]}, [[ARG2_VAL]] ; CHECK-NEXT: vstr [[RES]], [r1] ; CHECK-NEXT: bx lr define void @motivatingExample(<2 x i64>* %addr, <8 x i8>* %addr2) { %shuffle.i.bc.i309 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %addr %vtbl2.i25.i = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* %addr2 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 0 %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 1 %tmp45 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 to <8 x i8> %tmp46 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 to <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313 = tail call <8 x i8> @llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2(<8 x i8> %tmp45, <8 x i8> %tmp46, <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i) store <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313, <8 x i8>* %addr2 ret void } ; Check that we do not perform the transformation for dynamic index. ; CHECK-LABEL: dynamicIndex: ; CHECK-NOT: mul ; CHECK: pop define void @dynamicIndex(<2 x i64>* %addr, <8 x i8>* %addr2, i32 %index) { %shuffle.i.bc.i309 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %addr %vtbl2.i25.i = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* %addr2 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 %index %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 1 %tmp45 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 to <8 x i8> %tmp46 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 to <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313 = tail call <8 x i8> @llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2(<8 x i8> %tmp45, <8 x i8> %tmp46, <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i) store <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313, <8 x i8>* %addr2 ret void } ; Check that we do not perform the transformation when there are several uses ; of the result of the bitcast. ; CHECK-LABEL: severalUses: ; ARG1_VALlo is hard coded because we need to access the high part of d0, ; i.e., s1, and we can't express that with filecheck. ; CHECK: vld1.32 {[[ARG1_VALlo:d0]], [[ARG1_VALhi:d[0-9]+]]}, [r0] ; CHECK-NEXT: vldr [[ARG2_VAL:d[0-9]+]], [r1] ; s1 is actually 2 * ARG1_VALlo + 1, but we cannot express that with filecheck. ; CHECK-NEXT: vmov [[REThi:r[0-9]+]], s1 ; We build the return value here. s0 is 2 * ARG1_VALlo. ; CHECK-NEXT: vmov r0, s0 ; This copy is correct but actually useless. We should be able to clean it up. ; CHECK-NEXT: vmov [[ARG1_VALloCPY:d[0-9]+]], r0, [[REThi]] ; CHECK-NEXT: vtbl.8 [[RES:d[0-9]+]], {[[ARG1_VALloCPY]], [[ARG1_VALhi]]}, [[ARG2_VAL]] ; CHECK-NEXT: vstr [[RES]], [r1] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov r1, [[REThi]] ; CHECK-NEXT: bx lr define i64 @severalUses(<2 x i64>* %addr, <8 x i8>* %addr2) { %shuffle.i.bc.i309 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %addr %vtbl2.i25.i = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* %addr2 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 0 %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 = extractelement <2 x i64> %shuffle.i.bc.i309, i32 1 %tmp45 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 to <8 x i8> %tmp46 = bitcast i64 %shuffle.i27.extract.i311 to <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313 = tail call <8 x i8> @llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2(<8 x i8> %tmp45, <8 x i8> %tmp46, <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i) store <8 x i8> %vtbl2.i25.i313, <8 x i8>* %addr2 ret i64 %shuffle.i.extract.i310 }