; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=armv8-linux-gnueabi -mattr=+fp-armv8 | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=armv8-linux-gnueabihf -mattr=+fp-armv8 | FileCheck %s ; CHECK-LABEL: test1 ; CHECK: vcvtm.s32.f32 define i32 @test1(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @floorf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test2 ; CHECK: vcvtm.u32.f32 define i32 @test2(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @floorf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test3 ; CHECK: vcvtm.s32.f64 define i32 @test3(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @floor(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test4 ; CHECK: vcvtm.u32.f64 define i32 @test4(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @floor(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test5 ; CHECK: vcvtp.s32.f32 define i32 @test5(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @ceilf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test6 ; CHECK: vcvtp.u32.f32 define i32 @test6(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @ceilf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test7 ; CHECK: vcvtp.s32.f64 define i32 @test7(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @ceil(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test8 ; CHECK: vcvtp.u32.f64 define i32 @test8(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @ceil(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test9 ; CHECK: vcvta.s32.f32 define i32 @test9(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @roundf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test10 ; CHECK: vcvta.u32.f32 define i32 @test10(float %a) { entry: %call = call float @roundf(float %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui float %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test11 ; CHECK: vcvta.s32.f64 define i32 @test11(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @round(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptosi double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; CHECK-LABEL: test12 ; CHECK: vcvta.u32.f64 define i32 @test12(double %a) { entry: %call = call double @round(double %a) nounwind readnone %conv = fptoui double %call to i32 ret i32 %conv } declare float @floorf(float) nounwind readnone declare double @floor(double) nounwind readnone declare float @ceilf(float) nounwind readnone declare double @ceil(double) nounwind readnone declare float @roundf(float) nounwind readnone declare double @round(double) nounwind readnone