/*===-- InstrProfData.inc - instr profiling runtime structures -----------=== *\ |* |* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure |* |* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source |* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. |* \*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/ /* * This is the master file that defines all the data structure, signature, * constant literals that are shared across profiling runtime library, * compiler (instrumentation), and host tools (reader/writer). The entities * defined in this file affect the profile runtime ABI, the raw profile format, * or both. * * The file has two identical copies. The master copy lives in LLVM and * the other one sits in compiler-rt/lib/profile directory. Changes can only * be made directly made in the master copy. Whenever the master copy changes, * the compiler-rt copy needs to be kept in sync with the master. * * The first part of the file includes macros that defines types, names, and * initializers for the member fields of the core data structures. The field * declarations for one structure is enabled by defining the field activation * macro associated with that structure. Only one field activation record * can be defined at one time and the rest definitions will be filtered out by * the preprocessor. * * Examples of how the template is used to instantiate structure definition: * 1. To declare a structure: * * struct ProfData { * #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) \ * Type Name; * #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc" * }; * * 2. To construct LLVM type arrays for the struct type: * * Type *DataTypes[] = { * #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) \ * LLVMType, * #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc" * }; * * 4. To construct constant array for the initializers: * #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) \ * Initializer, * Constant *ConstantVals[] = { * #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc" * }; * * * The second part of the file includes definitions all other entities that * are related to runtime ABI and format. When no field activation macro is * defined, this file can be included to introduce the definitions. * \*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/ /* INSTR_PROF_DATA start. */ /* Definition of member fields of the per-function control structure. */ #ifndef INSTR_PROF_DATA #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) #else #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #endif INSTR_PROF_DATA(const uint32_t, llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), NameSize, \ ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), \ NamePtr->getType()->getPointerElementType()->getArrayNumElements())) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const uint32_t, llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), NumCounters, \ ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), NumCounters)) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const uint64_t, llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), FuncHash, \ ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), \ Inc->getHash()->getZExtValue())) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const IntPtrT, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx), NamePtr, \ ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NamePtr, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx))) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const IntPtrT, llvm::Type::getInt64PtrTy(Ctx), CounterPtr, \ ConstantExpr::getBitCast(CounterPtr, \ llvm::Type::getInt64PtrTy(Ctx))) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const IntPtrT, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx), FunctionPointer, \ FunctionAddr) INSTR_PROF_DATA(IntPtrT, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx), Values, \ ConstantPointerNull::get(Int8PtrTy)) INSTR_PROF_DATA(const uint16_t, Int16ArrayTy, NumValueSites[IPVK_Last+1], \ ConstantArray::get(Int16ArrayTy, Int16ArrayVals)) #undef INSTR_PROF_DATA /* INSTR_PROF_DATA end. */ /* INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER start */ /* Definition of member fields of the raw profile header data structure. */ #ifndef INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER #define INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(Type, Name, Initializer) #else #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #endif INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, Magic, __llvm_profile_get_magic()) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, Version, __llvm_profile_get_version()) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, DataSize, DataSize) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, CountersSize, CountersSize) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, NamesSize, NameSize) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, CountersDelta, (uintptr_t)CountersBegin) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, NamesDelta, (uintptr_t)NamesBegin) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, ValueKindLast, IPVK_Last) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, ValueDataSize, ValueDataSize) INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(const uint64_t, ValueDataDelta, (uintptr_t)ValueDataBegin) #undef INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER /* INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER end */ /* VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM start */ /* Definition of parameter types of the runtime API used to do value profiling * for a given value site. */ #ifndef VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM #define VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(ArgType, ArgName, ArgLLVMType) #define INSTR_PROF_COMMA #else #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #define INSTR_PROF_COMMA , #endif VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(uint64_t, TargetValue, Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx)) \ INSTR_PROF_COMMA VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(void *, Data, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx)) INSTR_PROF_COMMA VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(uint32_t, CounterIndex, Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx)) #undef VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM #undef INSTR_PROF_COMMA /* VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM end */ /* VALUE_PROF_KIND start */ #ifndef VALUE_PROF_KIND #define VALUE_PROF_KIND(Enumerator, Value) #else #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #endif VALUE_PROF_KIND(IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, 0) /* These two kinds must be the last to be * declared. This is to make sure the string * array created with the template can be * indexed with the kind value. */ VALUE_PROF_KIND(IPVK_First, IPVK_IndirectCallTarget) VALUE_PROF_KIND(IPVK_Last, IPVK_IndirectCallTarget) #undef VALUE_PROF_KIND /* VALUE_PROF_KIND end */ /* COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD start */ /* Definition of member fields of the function record structure in coverage * map. */ #ifndef COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD #define COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) #else #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #endif COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD(const IntPtrT, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx), \ NamePtr, llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NamePtr, \ llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx))) COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD(const uint32_t, llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), NameSize, \ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx),\ NameValue.size())) COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD(const uint32_t, llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), DataSize, \ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx),\ CoverageMapping.size())) COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD(const uint64_t, llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), FuncHash, \ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), FuncHash)) #undef COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD /* COVMAP_FUNC_RECORD end. */ /*============================================================================*/ #ifndef INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #ifndef INSTR_PROF_DATA_INC_ #define INSTR_PROF_DATA_INC_ #endif /* INSTR_PROF_DATA_INC_ */ #else #undef INSTR_PROF_DATA_DEFINED #endif