# We need to execute this script at installation time because the # DESTDIR environment variable may be unset at configuration time. # See PR8397. function(install_symlink name target) if(UNIX) set(LINK_OR_COPY create_symlink) set(DESTDIR $ENV{DESTDIR}) else() set(LINK_OR_COPY copy) endif() # CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX is undefined on cmake scripts. See PR9286. if( WIN32 ) set(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX ".exe") else() set(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX "") endif() set(bindir "${DESTDIR}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/") message("Creating ${name}") execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E ${LINK_OR_COPY} "${target}${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}" "${name}${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${bindir}") endfunction()