(*===-- llvm_executionengine.ml - LLVM OCaml Interface --------*- OCaml -*-===* * * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure * * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. * *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*) exception Error of string let () = Callback.register_exception "Llvm_executionengine.Error" (Error "") external initialize : unit -> bool = "llvm_ee_initialize" type llexecutionengine type llcompileroptions = { opt_level: int; code_model: Llvm_target.CodeModel.t; no_framepointer_elim: bool; enable_fast_isel: bool; } let default_compiler_options = { opt_level = 0; code_model = Llvm_target.CodeModel.JITDefault; no_framepointer_elim = false; enable_fast_isel = false } external create : ?options:llcompileroptions -> Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine = "llvm_ee_create" external dispose : llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_dispose" external add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_add_module" external remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_remove_module" external run_static_ctors : llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_ctors" external run_static_dtors : llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_dtors" external data_layout : llexecutionengine -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.t = "llvm_ee_get_data_layout" external add_global_mapping_ : Llvm.llvalue -> nativeint -> llexecutionengine -> unit = "llvm_ee_add_global_mapping" external get_global_value_address_ : string -> llexecutionengine -> nativeint = "llvm_ee_get_global_value_address" external get_function_address_ : string -> llexecutionengine -> nativeint = "llvm_ee_get_function_address" let add_global_mapping llval ptr ee = add_global_mapping_ llval (Ctypes.raw_address_of_ptr (Ctypes.to_voidp ptr)) ee let get_global_value_address name typ ee = let vptr = get_global_value_address_ name ee in if Nativeint.to_int vptr <> 0 then let open Ctypes in !@ (coerce (ptr void) (ptr typ) (ptr_of_raw_address vptr)) else raise (Error ("Value " ^ name ^ " not found")) let get_function_address name typ ee = let fptr = get_function_address_ name ee in if Nativeint.to_int fptr <> 0 then let open Ctypes in coerce (ptr void) typ (ptr_of_raw_address fptr) else raise (Error ("Function " ^ name ^ " not found")) (* The following are not bound. Patches are welcome. target_machine : llexecutionengine -> Llvm_target.TargetMachine.t *)