1) Requires apache2 2) Requires fastcgi (libapache2-mod-fastcgi and libfcgi-dev) Setup on ubuntu 1) Install modules 2) Add .htaccess file in /var/www/html RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / SetHandler cgi-script RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9._]*\.iotcloud/([a-zA-Z0-9._]*))$ /cgi-bin/iotcloud.fcgi/$1 3) Create account directory. For example, create the directory test.iotcloud in /var/www/html -- To password protect, create the following .htaccess file in the account directory: AuthType Basic AuthName "Private" AuthUserFile /var/www/html/foo.iotcloud/.htpasswd Require valid-user 4) In apache2.conf, add to the /var/www directory section: AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig 5) In the sites-enabled/000-default.conf file, add the line: SetEnv IOTCLOUD_ROOT /iotcloud/ 6) Create the /iotcloud directory. 7) Create the account directory in the /iotcloud directory. For example, test.iotcloud and give it permissions that the apache daemon can write to. 8) Compile cloud server by typing make 9) Copy it to the cgi-bin directory. 10) Make sure that the 'rewrite' module is loaded. Run on the command prompt: sudo a2enmod rewrite 11) Make sure that the 'cgid' module is loaded. Run on the command prompt: sudo a2enmod cgid 12) Restart the apache server. Run on the command prompt: sudo service apache2 restart