X-Git-Url: http://plrg.eecs.uci.edu/git/?p=folly.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=CMakeLists.txt;h=2bf5def679b86d837b26d6d5b3ba15bd70b7bf88;hp=c17760a2ed731b3d2c9e21cc81206a24c3d6f9d8;hb=f1450856e1c3d99ca2e2dfe55835b89268dc132c;hpb=b3e7df8220f410398011fea71b280ba8be459fcc diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index c17760a2..2bf5def6 100755 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,20 +1,5 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.0 FATAL_ERROR) -# Unfortunately, CMake doesn't easily provide us a way to merge static -# libraries, which is what we want to do to generate the main folly library, so -# we do a bit of a workaround here to inject a property into the generated -# project files that will only get enabled for the folly target. Ugly, but -# the alternatives are far, far worse. -if ("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 15( 2017)? Win64") - set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET "v141truev141") - set(MSVC_IS_2017 ON) -elseif ("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64") - set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET "v140truev140") - set(MSVC_IS_2017 OFF) -else() - message(FATAL_ERROR "This build script only supports building Folly on 64-bit Windows with Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017.") -endif() - # includes set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) @@ -31,6 +16,14 @@ set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) project(${PACKAGE_NAME} CXX) +if (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1910 OR MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1911) + set(MSVC_IS_2017 ON) +elseif (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1900) + set(MSVC_IS_2017 OFF) +else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "This build script only supports building '${MSVC_VERSION}' Folly on 64-bit Windows with Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017.") +endif() + # Check architecture OS if (NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) message(FATAL_ERROR "Folly requires a 64bit OS") @@ -86,7 +79,9 @@ REMOVE_MATCHES_FROM_LISTS(files hfiles MATCHES "/build/" "/experimental/exception_tracer/" + "/experimental/hazptr/bench/" "/experimental/hazptr/example/" + "/experimental/logging/example/" "/experimental/symbolizer/" "/futures/exercises/" "/test/" @@ -113,7 +108,7 @@ list(REMOVE_ITEM hfiles ${FOLLY_DIR}/experimental/io/AsyncIO.h ) -add_library(folly_base STATIC +add_library(folly_base OBJECT ${files} ${hfiles} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly/folly-config.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly/build/EscapeTables.cpp @@ -132,42 +127,56 @@ source_group("folly\\build" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly/build/GroupVarintTables.cpp ) +set(FOLLY_SHINY_DEPENDENCIES + Boost::chrono + Boost::context + Boost::date_time + Boost::filesystem + Boost::program_options + Boost::regex + Boost::system + OpenSSL::SSL + OpenSSL::Crypto +) + +set(FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES + ${DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY} + ${LIBEVENT_LIB} + ${LIBGFLAGS_LIBRARY} + ${LIBGLOG_LIBRARY} + Ws2_32.lib + + ${FOLLY_SHINY_DEPENDENCIES} +) + target_include_directories(folly_base PUBLIC ${DOUBLE_CONVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LIBGFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LIBGLOG_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR} + $ ) -target_link_libraries(folly_base - PUBLIC - Boost::chrono - Boost::context - Boost::date_time - Boost::filesystem - Boost::program_options - Boost::regex - Boost::system - ${DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY} - ${LIBEVENT_LIB} - ${LIBGFLAGS_LIBRARY} - ${LIBGLOG_LIBRARY} - OpenSSL::SSL - OpenSSL::Crypto - Ws2_32.lib -) + +foreach (LIB ${FOLLY_SHINY_DEPENDENCIES}) + target_include_directories(folly_base PUBLIC $) +endforeach() + if (FOLLY_HAVE_PTHREAD) target_include_directories(folly_base PUBLIC ${LIBPTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - target_link_libraries(folly_base PUBLIC ${LIBPTHREAD_LIBRARIES}) + list(APPEND FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES ${LIBPTHREAD_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Now to generate the fingerprint tables add_executable(GenerateFingerprintTables ${FOLLY_DIR}/build/GenerateFingerprintTables.cpp + $ ) +target_link_libraries(GenerateFingerprintTables PRIVATE ${FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES}) +target_include_directories(GenerateFingerprintTables PRIVATE $) +add_dependencies(GenerateFingerprintTables folly_base) apply_folly_compile_options_to_target(GenerateFingerprintTables) set_property(TARGET GenerateFingerprintTables PROPERTY FOLDER "Build") -target_link_libraries(GenerateFingerprintTables PRIVATE folly_base) source_group("" FILES ${FOLLY_DIR}/build/GenerateFingerprintTables.cpp) # Compile the fingerprint tables. @@ -183,9 +192,12 @@ add_library(folly_fingerprint STATIC ${FOLLY_DIR}/Fingerprint.h ${FOLLY_DIR}/detail/SlowFingerprint.h ${FOLLY_DIR}/detail/FingerprintPolynomial.h + $ ) +target_link_libraries(folly_fingerprint PRIVATE ${FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES}) +target_include_directories(folly_fingerprint PRIVATE $) +add_dependencies(folly_fingerprint folly_base) apply_folly_compile_options_to_target(folly_fingerprint) -target_link_libraries(folly_fingerprint PRIVATE folly_base) # We want to generate a single library and target for folly, but we needed a # two-stage compile for the fingerprint tables, so we create a phony source @@ -195,13 +207,10 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly_dep.cpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly_dep.cpp DEPENDS folly_base folly_fingerprint ) -add_library(folly ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly_dep.cpp) +add_library(folly ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly_dep.cpp $) apply_folly_compile_options_to_target(folly) source_group("" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly_dep.cpp) -# Rather than list the dependencies in two places, we apply them directly on -# the folly_base target and then copy them over to the folly target. -get_target_property(FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES folly_base INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) target_link_libraries(folly PUBLIC ${FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(folly PUBLIC $) @@ -245,6 +254,9 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) ${FOLLY_DIR}/test/SingletonTestStructs.cpp ${FOLLY_DIR}/test/SocketAddressTestHelper.cpp ${FOLLY_DIR}/test/SocketAddressTestHelper.h + ${FOLLY_DIR}/experimental/logging/test/TestLogHandler.h + ${FOLLY_DIR}/futures/test/TestExecutor.cpp + ${FOLLY_DIR}/futures/test/TestExecutor.h ${FOLLY_DIR}/io/async/test/BlockingSocket.h ${FOLLY_DIR}/io/async/test/MockAsyncServerSocket.h ${FOLLY_DIR}/io/async/test/MockAsyncSocket.h @@ -305,46 +317,71 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) #TEST async_io_test SOURCES AsyncIOTest.cpp TEST fs_util_test SOURCES FsUtilTest.cpp + DIRECTORY experimental/logging/test/ + TEST async_file_writer_test SOURCES AsyncFileWriterTest.cpp + TEST glog_formatter_test SOURCES GlogFormatterTest.cpp + TEST immediate_file_writer_test SOURCES ImmediateFileWriterTest.cpp + TEST log_category_test SOURCES LogCategoryTest.cpp + TEST logger_db_test SOURCES LoggerDBTest.cpp + TEST logger_test SOURCES LoggerTest.cpp + TEST log_level_test SOURCES LogLevelTest.cpp + TEST log_message_test SOURCES LogMessageTest.cpp + TEST log_name_test SOURCES LogNameTest.cpp + TEST log_stream_test SOURCES LogStreamTest.cpp + TEST printf_test SOURCES PrintfTest.cpp + TEST rate_limiter_test SOURCES RateLimiterTest.cpp + TEST standard_log_handler_test SOURCES StandardLogHandlerTest.cpp + TEST xlog_test + HEADERS + XlogHeader1.h + XlogHeader2.h + SOURCES + XlogFile1.cpp + XlogFile2.cpp + XlogTest.cpp + DIRECTORY fibers/test/ TEST fibers_test SOURCES FibersTest.cpp DIRECTORY futures/test/ - TEST futures-test + TEST barrier_test SOURCES BarrierTest.cpp + TEST collect_test SOURCES CollectTest.cpp + TEST context_test SOURCES ContextTest.cpp + TEST core_test SOURCES CoreTest.cpp + TEST ensure_test SOURCES EnsureTest.cpp + TEST executor_test SOURCES ExecutorTest.cpp + TEST fsm_test SOURCES FSMTest.cpp + TEST filter_test SOURCES FilterTest.cpp + TEST future_splitter_test SOURCES FutureSplitterTest.cpp + # MSVC SFINAE bug + #TEST future_test SOURCES FutureTest.cpp + TEST header_compile_test SOURCES HeaderCompileTest.cpp + TEST interrupt_test SOURCES InterruptTest.cpp + TEST map_test SOURCES MapTest.cpp + TEST non_copyable_lambda_test SOURCES NonCopyableLambdaTest.cpp + TEST poll_test SOURCES PollTest.cpp + TEST promise_test SOURCES PromiseTest.cpp + TEST reduce_test SOURCES ReduceTest.cpp + # MSVC SFINAE bug + #TEST retrying_test SOURCES RetryingTest.cpp + TEST self_destruct_test SOURCES SelfDestructTest.cpp + TEST shared_promise_test SOURCES SharedPromiseTest.cpp + TEST test_executor_test SOURCES TestExecutorTest.cpp + TEST then_compile_test HEADERS ThenCompileTest.h SOURCES - BarrierTest.cpp - CollectTest.cpp - ContextTest.cpp - CoreTest.cpp - EnsureTest.cpp - ExecutorTest.cpp - FSMTest.cpp - FilterTest.cpp - # MSVC SFINAE bug - #FutureTest.cpp - HeaderCompileTest.cpp - InterruptTest.cpp - MapTest.cpp - NonCopyableLambdaTest.cpp - PollTest.cpp - PromiseTest.cpp - ReduceTest.cpp - # MSVC SFINAE bug - #RetryingTest.cpp - SelfDestructTest.cpp - SharedPromiseTest.cpp ThenCompileTest.cpp - ThenTest.cpp - TimekeeperTest.cpp - TimesTest.cpp - UnwrapTest.cpp - ViaTest.cpp - WaitTest.cpp - WhenTest.cpp - WhileDoTest.cpp - WillEqualTest.cpp - WindowTest.cpp + TEST then_test SOURCES ThenTest.cpp + TEST timekeeper_test SOURCES TimekeeperTest.cpp + TEST times_test SOURCES TimesTest.cpp + TEST unwrap_test SOURCES UnwrapTest.cpp + TEST via_test SOURCES ViaTest.cpp + TEST wait_test SOURCES WaitTest.cpp + TEST when_test SOURCES WhenTest.cpp + TEST while_do_test SOURCES WhileDoTest.cpp + TEST will_equal_test SOURCES WillEqualTest.cpp + TEST window_test SOURCES WindowTest.cpp DIRECTORY gen/test/ # MSVC bug can't resolve initializer_list constructor properly @@ -384,6 +421,7 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) TEST AsyncUDPSocketTest SOURCES AsyncUDPSocketTest.cpp TEST DelayedDestructionTest SOURCES DelayedDestructionTest.cpp TEST DelayedDestructionBaseTest SOURCES DelayedDestructionBaseTest.cpp + TEST DestructorCheckTest SOURCES DestructorCheckTest.cpp TEST EventBaseTest SOURCES EventBaseTest.cpp TEST EventBaseLocalTest SOURCES EventBaseLocalTest.cpp TEST HHWheelTimerTest SOURCES HHWheelTimerTest.cpp @@ -406,6 +444,11 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) DIRECTORY ssl/test/ TEST openssl_hash_test SOURCES OpenSSLHashTest.cpp + DIRECTORY stats/test/ + TEST histogram_test SOURCES HistogramTest.cpp + TEST timeseries_histogram_test SOURCES TimeseriesHistogramTest.cpp + TEST timeseries_test SOURCES TimeseriesTest.cpp + DIRECTORY test/ TEST ahm_int_stress_test SOURCES AHMIntStressTest.cpp TEST apply_tuple_test SOURCES ApplyTupleTest.cpp @@ -461,7 +504,6 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) TEST group_varint_test_ssse3 SOURCES GroupVarintTest.cpp TEST has_member_fn_traits_test SOURCES HasMemberFnTraitsTest.cpp TEST hash_test SOURCES HashTest.cpp - TEST histogram_test SOURCES HistogramTest.cpp TEST indestructible_test SOURCES IndestructibleTest.cpp TEST indexed_mem_pool_test SOURCES IndexedMemPoolTest.cpp # MSVC Preprocessor stringizing raw string literals bug @@ -522,11 +564,10 @@ if (BUILD_TESTS) TEST synchronized_test SOURCES SynchronizedTest.cpp TEST thread_cached_arena_test SOURCES ThreadCachedArenaTest.cpp TEST thread_cached_int_test SOURCES ThreadCachedIntTest.cpp + TEST thread_id_test SOURCES ThreadIdTest.cpp TEST thread_local_test SOURCES ThreadLocalTest.cpp TEST thread_name_test SOURCES ThreadNameTest.cpp TEST timeout_queue_test SOURCES TimeoutQueueTest.cpp - TEST timeseries_histogram_test SOURCES TimeseriesHistogramTest.cpp - TEST timeseries_test SOURCES TimeseriesTest.cpp TEST token_bucket_test SOURCES TokenBucketTest.cpp TEST traits_test SOURCES TraitsTest.cpp TEST try_test SOURCES TryTest.cpp