add clang flags so that libcds will be compiled with llvm pass
[c11concurrency-benchmarks.git] / gdax-orderbook-hpp / demo / dependencies / libcds-2.3.2 / conanfile.txt
1 [requires]
2 gtest/1.8.0@lasote/stable
3 Boost/1.60.0@lasote/stable
5 [options]
6 Boost:shared=True
7 Boost:without_atomic=False
8 Boost:without_system=False
9 Boost:without_thread=False
10 Boost:without_chrono=True
11 Boost:without_container=True
12 Boost:without_context=True
13 Boost:without_coroutine=True
14 Boost:without_coroutine2=True
15 Boost:without_date_time=True
16 Boost:without_exception=True
17 Boost:without_filesystem=True
18 Boost:without_graph=True
19 Boost:without_graph_parallel=True
20 Boost:without_iostreams=True
21 Boost:without_locale=True
22 Boost:without_log=True
23 Boost:without_math=True
24 Boost:without_mpi=True
25 Boost:without_program_options=True
26 Boost:without_random=True
27 Boost:without_regex=True
28 Boost:without_serialization=True
29 Boost:without_signals=True
30 Boost:without_test=True
31 Boost:without_timer=True
32 Boost:without_type_erasure=True
33 Boost:without_wave=True
35 # We copy the builded files in order to refer to them when calling cmake.
36 # cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="build_dir/deps"
37 [imports]
38 include, * -> ./deps/include # Copies files
39 lib, * -> ./deps/lib # Copies files