public class BankDatabase { flag DatabaseInit; BankAccount[] database; int numOfAccounts; public BankDatabase() { //6 pre-created accounts numOfAccounts = 6; //10 account limit database = new BankAccount[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { database[i] = new BankAccount(); } //some hardcoded values database[0].modifyAccount("123456789", "John@@@@@@", "Q@@@@@@@@@", "Public@@@@", "1", "256000001@", "2007"); database[1].modifyAccount("987654321", "Nancy@@@@@", "H@@@@@@@@@", "Private@@@", "2", "166@@@@@@@", "1234"); database[2].modifyAccount("000111000", "Paul@@@@@@", "Wellington", "Franks@@@@", "1", "454225@@@@", "0000"); database[3].modifyAccount("211411911", "Felix@@@@@", "the@@@@@@@", "Cat@@@@@@@", "3", "0@@@@@@@@@", "9999"); database[4].modifyAccount("111000111", "Paul@@@@@@", "Wellington", "Franks@@@@", "2", "1128989@@@", "0000"); //empty database[5].modifyAccount("@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@"); database[6].modifyAccount("@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@"); database[7].modifyAccount("@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@"); database[8].modifyAccount("@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@"); database[9].modifyAccount("@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@", "@@@@@@@@@@", "@@@@"); //test read into database[5] ReadFile(5); //test write from database[5] WriteFile(database[5].AccountNumber, database[5].FirstName, database[5].MiddleName, database[5].LastName, database[5].AccountType, database[5].Balance, database[5].PIN); } /* what, no destructor? public ~BankDatabase() { //test write from database[5] }*/ public void ReadFile(int index) { //need to check if read/write works the way I think it does String filename="BankAppRead.dat"; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); byte account[] = new byte[9]; byte first[] = new byte[10]; byte middle[] = new byte[10]; byte last[] = new byte[10]; byte type[] = new byte[1]; byte balance[] = new byte[10]; byte pin[] = new byte[4]; //read one account for now;;;;;;; fis.close(); String S1 = new String(account); //System.printString(S1); String S2 = new String(first); //System.printString(S2); String S3 = new String(middle); //System.printString(S3); String S4 = new String(last); //System.printString(S4); String S5 = new String(type); //System.printString(S5); String S6 = new String(balance); //System.printString(S6); String S7 = new String(pin); //System.printString(S7); //read into one account for now database[index].modifyAccount(S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7); } public void WriteFile(String account, String first, String middle, String last, String type, String balance, String pin) { String filename="BankAppWrite.dat"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); //write one account for now fos.write(account.getBytes()); fos.write(first.getBytes()); fos.write(middle.getBytes()); fos.write(last.getBytes()); fos.write(type.getBytes()); fos.write(balance.getBytes()); fos.write(pin.getBytes()); fos.close(); } }