set(MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR "$ENV{VSINSTALLDIR}DIA SDK") # Due to a bug in MSVC 2013's installation software, it is possible # for MSVC 2013 to write the DIA SDK into the Visual Studio 2012 # install directory. If this happens, the installation is corrupt # and there's nothing we can do. It happens with enough frequency # though that we should handle it. We do so by simply checking that # the DIA SDK folder exists. Should this happen you will need to # uninstall VS 2012 and then re-install VS 2013. if (IS_DIRECTORY ${MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR}) set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS Support ) include_directories(${MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR}/include) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) link_directories(${MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR}/lib/amd64) else() link_directories(${MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR}/lib) endif() add_llvm_tool(llvm-pdbdump llvm-pdbdump.cpp DIAExtras.cpp DIASymbol.cpp ) target_link_libraries(llvm-pdbdump diaguids) endif()