# Make sure we don't try to combine counters with the same function # name and a matching hash if the number of counters differs # RUN: llvm-profdata merge %s -o %t.profdata 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=MERGE_ERRS %s # RUN: llvm-profdata show %t.profdata -all-functions -counts > %t.out # RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file %t.out foo 1024 4 1 2 4 8 # The hash matches, but we can't combine these because the number of # counters differs. # MERGE_ERRS: count-mismatch.proftext: foo: Function basic block count change detected (counter mismatch) # MERGE_ERRS: Make sure that all profile data to be merged is generated from the same binary. foo 1024 3 2 4 8 # This one does match, so it should combine with the first just fine. # CHECK: Hash: 0x{{0+}}400 # CHECK-NEXT: Counters: 4 # CHECK-NEXT: Function count: 5 # CHECK-NEXT: Block counts: [10, 20, 40] foo 1024 4 4 8 16 32 # CHECK: Total functions: 1 # CHECK: Maximum function count: 5 # CHECK: Maximum internal block count: 40