; RUN: opt -safe-stack -S -mtriple=i386-pc-linux-gnu < %s -o - | FileCheck %s ; RUN: opt -safe-stack -S -mtriple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu < %s -o - | FileCheck %s %struct.small = type { i8 } @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"%s\0A\00", align 1 ; Address-of a structure taken in a function with a loop where ; the alloca is an incoming value to a PHI node and a use of that PHI ; node is also an incoming value. ; Verify that the address-of analysis does not get stuck in infinite ; recursion when chasing the alloca through the PHI nodes. ; Requires protector. define i32 @foo(i32 %arg) nounwind uwtable safestack { bb: ; CHECK: __safestack_unsafe_stack_ptr %tmp = alloca %struct.small*, align 8 %tmp1 = call i32 (...) @dummy(%struct.small** %tmp) nounwind %tmp2 = load %struct.small*, %struct.small** %tmp, align 8 %tmp3 = ptrtoint %struct.small* %tmp2 to i64 %tmp4 = trunc i64 %tmp3 to i32 %tmp5 = icmp sgt i32 %tmp4, 0 br i1 %tmp5, label %bb6, label %bb21 bb6: ; preds = %bb17, %bb %tmp7 = phi %struct.small* [ %tmp19, %bb17 ], [ %tmp2, %bb ] %tmp8 = phi i64 [ %tmp20, %bb17 ], [ 1, %bb ] %tmp9 = phi i32 [ %tmp14, %bb17 ], [ %tmp1, %bb ] %tmp10 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.small, %struct.small* %tmp7, i64 0, i32 0 %tmp11 = load i8, i8* %tmp10, align 1 %tmp12 = icmp eq i8 %tmp11, 1 %tmp13 = add nsw i32 %tmp9, 8 %tmp14 = select i1 %tmp12, i32 %tmp13, i32 %tmp9 %tmp15 = trunc i64 %tmp8 to i32 %tmp16 = icmp eq i32 %tmp15, %tmp4 br i1 %tmp16, label %bb21, label %bb17 bb17: ; preds = %bb6 %tmp18 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.small*, %struct.small** %tmp, i64 %tmp8 %tmp19 = load %struct.small*, %struct.small** %tmp18, align 8 %tmp20 = add i64 %tmp8, 1 br label %bb6 bb21: ; preds = %bb6, %bb %tmp22 = phi i32 [ %tmp1, %bb ], [ %tmp14, %bb6 ] %tmp23 = call i32 (...) @dummy(i32 %tmp22) nounwind ret i32 undef } declare i32 @dummy(...)