; RUN: opt %s -S -place-safepoints | FileCheck %s declare void @foo() "gc-leaf-function" declare void @bar() ; Calls of functions with the "gc-leaf-function" attribute shouldn't be turned ; into a safepoint. An entry safepoint should get inserted, though. define void @test_leaf_function() gc "statepoint-example" { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_leaf_function ; CHECK: gc.statepoint.p0f_isVoidf ; CHECK-NOT: statepoint ; CHECK-NOT: gc.result entry: call void @foo() ret void } define void @test_leaf_function_call() gc "statepoint-example" { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_leaf_function_call ; CHECK: gc.statepoint.p0f_isVoidf ; CHECK-NOT: statepoint ; CHECK-NOT: gc.result entry: call void @bar() "gc-leaf-function" ret void } ; This function is inlined when inserting a poll. declare void @do_safepoint() define void @gc.safepoint_poll() { ; CHECK-LABEL: gc.safepoint_poll entry: call void @do_safepoint() ret void }