; RUN: opt < %s -instsimplify -S | FileCheck %s ; fsub 0, (fsub 0, X) ==> X ; CHECK-LABEL: @fsub_0_0_x( define float @fsub_0_0_x(float %a) { %t1 = fsub float -0.0, %a %ret = fsub float -0.0, %t1 ; CHECK: ret float %a ret float %ret } ; fsub X, 0 ==> X ; CHECK-LABEL: @fsub_x_0( define float @fsub_x_0(float %a) { %ret = fsub float %a, 0.0 ; CHECK: ret float %a ret float %ret } ; fadd X, -0 ==> X ; CHECK-LABEL: @fadd_x_n0( define float @fadd_x_n0(float %a) { %ret = fadd float %a, -0.0 ; CHECK: ret float %a ret float %ret } ; fmul X, 1.0 ==> X ; CHECK-LABEL: @fmul_X_1( define double @fmul_X_1(double %a) { %b = fmul double 1.000000e+00, %a ; [#uses=1] ; CHECK: ret double %a ret double %b } ; We can't optimize away the fadd in this test because the input ; value to the function and subsequently to the fadd may be -0.0. ; In that one special case, the result of the fadd should be +0.0 ; rather than the first parameter of the fadd. ; Fragile test warning: We need 6 sqrt calls to trigger the bug ; because the internal logic has a magic recursion limit of 6. ; This is presented without any explanation or ability to customize. declare float @sqrtf(float) define float @PR22688(float %x) { %1 = call float @sqrtf(float %x) %2 = call float @sqrtf(float %1) %3 = call float @sqrtf(float %2) %4 = call float @sqrtf(float %3) %5 = call float @sqrtf(float %4) %6 = call float @sqrtf(float %5) %7 = fadd float %6, 0.0 ret float %7 ; CHECK-LABEL: @PR22688( ; CHECK: fadd float %6, 0.0 }