; This test makes sure that these instructions are properly eliminated. ; ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s ; CHECK-NOT: xor define i32 @test1(i32 %A) { %B = xor i32 %A, -1 %C = xor i32 %B, -1 ret i32 %C } define i1 @test2(i32 %A, i32 %B) { ; Can change into setge %cond = icmp sle i32 %A, %B %Ret = xor i1 %cond, true ret i1 %Ret } ; Test that De Morgan's law can be instcombined. define i32 @test3(i32 %A, i32 %B) { %a = xor i32 %A, -1 %b = xor i32 %B, -1 %c = and i32 %a, %b %d = xor i32 %c, -1 ret i32 %d } ; Test that De Morgan's law can work with constants. define i32 @test4(i32 %A, i32 %B) { %a = xor i32 %A, -1 %c = and i32 %a, 5 %d = xor i32 %c, -1 ret i32 %d } ; Test the mirror of De Morgan's law. define i32 @test5(i32 %A, i32 %B) { %a = xor i32 %A, -1 %b = xor i32 %B, -1 %c = or i32 %a, %b %d = xor i32 %c, -1 ret i32 %d } ; PR2298 define zeroext i8 @test6(i32 %a, i32 %b) { entry: %tmp1not = xor i32 %a, -1 %tmp2not = xor i32 %b, -1 %tmp3 = icmp slt i32 %tmp1not, %tmp2not %retval67 = zext i1 %tmp3 to i8 ret i8 %retval67 } define <2 x i1> @test7(<2 x i32> %A, <2 x i32> %B) { %cond = icmp sle <2 x i32> %A, %B %Ret = xor <2 x i1> %cond, ret <2 x i1> %Ret }