; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s ; testing-case "float fold(float a) { return 1.2f * a * 2.3f; }" ; 1.2f and 2.3f is supposed to be fold. define float @fold(float %a) { %mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000 %mul1 = fmul fast float %mul, 0x4002666660000000 ret float %mul1 ; CHECK: @fold ; CHECK: fmul float %a, 0x4006147AE0000000 } ; Same testing-case as the one used in fold() except that the operators have ; fixed FP mode. define float @notfold(float %a) { ; CHECK: @notfold ; CHECK: %mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000 %mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000 %mul1 = fmul float %mul, 0x4002666660000000 ret float %mul1 } define float @fold2(float %a) { ; CHECK: @fold2 ; CHECK: fmul float %a, 0x4006147AE0000000 %mul = fmul float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000 %mul1 = fmul fast float %mul, 0x4002666660000000 ret float %mul1 } ; C * f1 + f1 = (C+1) * f1 define double @fold3(double %f1) { %t1 = fmul fast double 2.000000e+00, %f1 %t2 = fadd fast double %f1, %t1 ret double %t2 ; CHECK: @fold3 ; CHECK: fmul fast double %f1, 3.000000e+00 } ; (C1 - X) + (C2 - Y) => (C1+C2) - (X + Y) define float @fold4(float %f1, float %f2) { %sub = fsub float 4.000000e+00, %f1 %sub1 = fsub float 5.000000e+00, %f2 %add = fadd fast float %sub, %sub1 ret float %add ; CHECK: @fold4 ; CHECK: %1 = fadd fast float %f1, %f2 ; CHECK: fsub fast float 9.000000e+00, %1 } ; (X + C1) + C2 => X + (C1 + C2) define float @fold5(float %f1, float %f2) { %add = fadd float %f1, 4.000000e+00 %add1 = fadd fast float %add, 5.000000e+00 ret float %add1 ; CHECK: @fold5 ; CHECK: fadd float %f1, 9.000000e+00 } ; (X + X) + X => 3.0 * X define float @fold6(float %f1) { %t1 = fadd fast float %f1, %f1 %t2 = fadd fast float %f1, %t1 ret float %t2 ; CHECK: @fold6 ; CHECK: fmul fast float %f1, 3.000000e+00 } ; C1 * X + (X + X) = (C1 + 2) * X define float @fold7(float %f1) { %t1 = fmul fast float %f1, 5.000000e+00 %t2 = fadd fast float %f1, %f1 %t3 = fadd fast float %t1, %t2 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fold7 ; CHECK: fmul fast float %f1, 7.000000e+00 } ; (X + X) + (X + X) => 4.0 * X define float @fold8(float %f1) { %t1 = fadd fast float %f1, %f1 %t2 = fadd fast float %f1, %f1 %t3 = fadd fast float %t1, %t2 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: fold8 ; CHECK: fmul fast float %f1, 4.000000e+00 } ; X - (X + Y) => 0 - Y define float @fold9(float %f1, float %f2) { %t1 = fadd float %f1, %f2 %t3 = fsub fast float %f1, %t1 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fold9 ; CHECK: fsub fast float 0.000000e+00, %f2 } ; Let C3 = C1 + C2. (f1 + C1) + (f2 + C2) => (f1 + f2) + C3 instead of ; "(f1 + C3) + f2" or "(f2 + C3) + f1". Placing constant-addend at the ; top of resulting simplified expression tree may potentially reveal some ; optimization opportunities in the super-expression trees. ; define float @fold10(float %f1, float %f2) { %t1 = fadd fast float 2.000000e+00, %f1 %t2 = fsub fast float %f2, 3.000000e+00 %t3 = fadd fast float %t1, %t2 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fold10 ; CHECK: %t3 = fadd float %t2, -1.000000e+00 ; CHECK: ret float %t3 } ; once cause Crash/miscompilation define float @fail1(float %f1, float %f2) { %conv3 = fadd fast float %f1, -1.000000e+00 %add = fadd fast float %conv3, %conv3 %add2 = fadd fast float %add, %conv3 ret float %add2 ; CHECK: @fail1 ; CHECK: ret } define double @fail2(double %f1, double %f2) { %t1 = fsub fast double %f1, %f2 %t2 = fadd fast double %f1, %f2 %t3 = fsub fast double %t1, %t2 ret double %t3 ; CHECK: @fail2 ; CHECK: ret } ; rdar://12753946: x * cond ? 1.0 : 0.0 => cond ? x : 0.0 define double @select1(i32 %cond, double %x, double %y) { %tobool = icmp ne i32 %cond, 0 %cond1 = select i1 %tobool, double 1.000000e+00, double 0.000000e+00 %mul = fmul nnan nsz double %cond1, %x %add = fadd double %mul, %y ret double %add ; CHECK: @select1 ; CHECK: select i1 %tobool, double %x, double 0.000000e+00 } define double @select2(i32 %cond, double %x, double %y) { %tobool = icmp ne i32 %cond, 0 %cond1 = select i1 %tobool, double 0.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00 %mul = fmul nnan nsz double %cond1, %x %add = fadd double %mul, %y ret double %add ; CHECK: @select2 ; CHECK: select i1 %tobool, double 0.000000e+00, double %x } define double @select3(i32 %cond, double %x, double %y) { %tobool = icmp ne i32 %cond, 0 %cond1 = select i1 %tobool, double 0.000000e+00, double 2.000000e+00 %mul = fmul nnan nsz double %cond1, %x %add = fadd double %mul, %y ret double %add ; CHECK: @select3 ; CHECK: fmul nnan nsz double %cond1, %x } ; ========================================================================= ; ; Testing-cases about fmul begin ; ; ========================================================================= ; ((X*C1) + C2) * C3 => (X * (C1*C3)) + (C2*C3) (i.e. distribution) define float @fmul_distribute1(float %f1) { %t1 = fmul float %f1, 6.0e+3 %t2 = fadd float %t1, 2.0e+3 %t3 = fmul fast float %t2, 5.0e+3 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul_distribute1 ; CHECK: %1 = fmul fast float %f1, 3.000000e+07 ; CHECK: %t3 = fadd fast float %1, 1.000000e+07 } ; (X/C1 + C2) * C3 => X/(C1/C3) + C2*C3 define double @fmul_distribute2(double %f1, double %f2) { %t1 = fdiv double %f1, 3.0e+0 %t2 = fadd double %t1, 5.0e+1 ; 0x10000000000000 = DBL_MIN %t3 = fmul fast double %t2, 0x10000000000000 ret double %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul_distribute2 ; CHECK: %1 = fdiv fast double %f1, 0x7FE8000000000000 ; CHECK: fadd fast double %1, 0x69000000000000 } ; 5.0e-1 * DBL_MIN yields denormal, so "(f1*3.0 + 5.0e-1) * DBL_MIN" cannot ; be simplified into f1 * (3.0*DBL_MIN) + (5.0e-1*DBL_MIN) define double @fmul_distribute3(double %f1) { %t1 = fdiv double %f1, 3.0e+0 %t2 = fadd double %t1, 5.0e-1 %t3 = fmul fast double %t2, 0x10000000000000 ret double %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul_distribute3 ; CHECK: fmul fast double %t2, 0x10000000000000 } ; C1/X * C2 => (C1*C2) / X define float @fmul2(float %f1) { %t1 = fdiv float 2.0e+3, %f1 %t3 = fmul fast float %t1, 6.0e+3 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul2 ; CHECK: fdiv fast float 1.200000e+07, %f1 } ; X/C1 * C2 => X * (C2/C1) (if C2/C1 is normal Fp) define float @fmul3(float %f1, float %f2) { %t1 = fdiv float %f1, 2.0e+3 %t3 = fmul fast float %t1, 6.0e+3 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul3 ; CHECK: fmul fast float %f1, 3.000000e+00 } ; Rule "X/C1 * C2 => X * (C2/C1) is not applicable if C2/C1 is either a special ; value of a denormal. The 0x3810000000000000 here take value FLT_MIN ; define float @fmul4(float %f1, float %f2) { %t1 = fdiv float %f1, 2.0e+3 %t3 = fmul fast float %t1, 0x3810000000000000 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul4 ; CHECK: fmul fast float %t1, 0x3810000000000000 } ; X / C1 * C2 => X / (C2/C1) if C1/C2 is either a special value of a denormal, ; and C2/C1 is a normal value. ; define float @fmul5(float %f1, float %f2) { %t1 = fdiv float %f1, 3.0e+0 %t3 = fmul fast float %t1, 0x3810000000000000 ret float %t3 ; CHECK: @fmul5 ; CHECK: fdiv fast float %f1, 0x47E8000000000000 } ; ========================================================================= ; ; Testing-cases about negation ; ; ========================================================================= define float @fneg1(float %f1, float %f2) { %sub = fsub float -0.000000e+00, %f1 %sub1 = fsub nsz float 0.000000e+00, %f2 %mul = fmul float %sub, %sub1 ret float %mul ; CHECK: @fneg1 ; CHECK: fmul float %f1, %f2 }