; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s ; PR22723: Recognize De Morgan's Laws when obfuscated by zexts. define i32 @demorgan_or(i1 %X, i1 %Y) { %zextX = zext i1 %X to i32 %zextY = zext i1 %Y to i32 %notX = xor i32 %zextX, 1 %notY = xor i32 %zextY, 1 %or = or i32 %notX, %notY ret i32 %or ; CHECK-LABEL: demorgan_or( ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[AND:.*]] = and i1 %X, %Y ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[ZEXT:.*]] = zext i1 %[[AND]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[XOR:.*]] = xor i32 %[[ZEXT]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %[[XOR]] } define i32 @demorgan_and(i1 %X, i1 %Y) { %zextX = zext i1 %X to i32 %zextY = zext i1 %Y to i32 %notX = xor i32 %zextX, 1 %notY = xor i32 %zextY, 1 %and = and i32 %notX, %notY ret i32 %and ; CHECK-LABEL: demorgan_and( ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[OR:.*]] = or i1 %X, %Y ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[ZEXT:.*]] = zext i1 %[[OR]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: %[[XOR:.*]] = xor i32 %[[ZEXT]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %[[XOR]] }