; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s define i64 @test1(i64 %A, i32 %B) { %tmp12 = zext i32 %B to i64 %tmp3 = shl i64 %tmp12, 32 %tmp5 = add i64 %tmp3, %A %tmp6 = and i64 %tmp5, 123 ret i64 %tmp6 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1( ; CHECK-NEXT: and i64 %A, 123 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 } define i32 @test2(i32 %A) { %B = and i32 %A, 7 %C = and i32 %A, 32 %F = add i32 %B, %C ret i32 %F ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2( ; CHECK-NEXT: and i32 %A, 39 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 } define i32 @test3(i32 %A) { %B = and i32 %A, 128 %C = lshr i32 %A, 30 %F = add i32 %B, %C ret i32 %F ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3( ; CHECK-NEXT: and ; CHECK-NEXT: lshr ; CHECK-NEXT: or i32 %B, %C ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 } define i32 @test4(i32 %A) { %B = add nuw i32 %A, %A ret i32 %B ; CHECK-LABEL: @test4( ; CHECK-NEXT: %B = shl nuw i32 %A, 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %B } define <2 x i1> @test5(<2 x i1> %A, <2 x i1> %B) { %add = add <2 x i1> %A, %B ret <2 x i1> %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @test5( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = xor <2 x i1> %A, %B ; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i1> %add } define <2 x i64> @test6(<2 x i64> %A) { %shl = shl <2 x i64> %A, %add = add <2 x i64> %shl, %A ret <2 x i64> %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul <2 x i64> %A, ; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i64> %add } define <2 x i64> @test7(<2 x i64> %A) { %shl = shl <2 x i64> %A, %mul = mul <2 x i64> %A, %add = add <2 x i64> %shl, %mul ret <2 x i64> %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @test7( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul <2 x i64> %A, ; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i64> %add } define <2 x i64> @test8(<2 x i64> %A) { %xor = xor <2 x i64> %A, %add = add <2 x i64> %xor, ret <2 x i64> %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @test8( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = sub <2 x i64> , %A ; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i64> %add } define i16 @test9(i16 %a) { %b = mul i16 %a, 2 %c = mul i16 %a, 32767 %d = add i16 %b, %c ret i16 %d ; CHECK-LABEL: @test9( ; CHECK-NEXT: %d = mul i16 %a, -32767 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %d } define i32 @test10(i32 %x) { %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655766 %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655765 %add = add i32 %x, 1 %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg ret i32 %add1 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test10( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, -1431655766 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[AND]] } define i32 @test11(i32 %x, i32 %y) { %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655766 %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655765 %add = add i32 %y, 1 %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg ret i32 %add1 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test11( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655765 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]] } define i32 @test12(i32 %x, i32 %y) { %shr = ashr i32 %x, 3 %shr.not = or i32 %shr, -1431655766 %neg = xor i32 %shr.not, 1431655765 %add = add i32 %y, 1 %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg ret i32 %add1 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test12( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = ashr i32 %x, 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 [[SHR]], 1431655765 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]] } define i32 @test13(i32 %x, i32 %y) { %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655767 %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655766 %add = add i32 %y, 1 %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg ret i32 %add1 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test13( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655766 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]] } define i32 @test14(i32 %x, i32 %y) { %shr = ashr i32 %x, 3 %shr.not = or i32 %shr, -1431655767 %neg = xor i32 %shr.not, 1431655766 %add = add i32 %y, 1 %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg ret i32 %add1 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test14( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = ashr i32 %x, 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 [[SHR]], 1431655766 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]] } define i16 @add_nsw_mul_nsw(i16 %x) { %add1 = add nsw i16 %x, %x %add2 = add nsw i16 %add1, %x ret i16 %add2 ; CHECK-LABEL: @add_nsw_mul_nsw( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2 } define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_1(i16 %x) { %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %x, 8 %add2 = add nsw i16 %x, %mul1 ret i16 %add2 ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_1( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 9 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2 } define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_2(i16 %x) { %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %x, 8 %add2 = add nsw i16 %mul1, %x ret i16 %add2 ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_2( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 9 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2 } define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_3(i16 %a) { %mul1 = mul i16 %a, 2 %mul2 = mul i16 %a, 3 %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2 ret i16 %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_3( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul i16 %a, 5 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add } define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_4(i16 %a) { %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %a, 2 %mul2 = mul nsw i16 %a, 7 %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2 ret i16 %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_4( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i16 %a, 9 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add } define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_5(i16 %a) { %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %a, 3 %mul2 = mul nsw i16 %a, 7 %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2 ret i16 %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_5( ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i16 %a, 10 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add } define i32 @mul_add_to_mul_6(i32 %x, i32 %y) { %mul1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %y %mul2 = mul nsw i32 %mul1, 5 %add = add nsw i32 %mul1, %mul2 ret i32 %add ; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_6( ; CHECK-NEXT: %mul1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %y ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i32 %mul1, 6 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %add } ; This test and the next test verify that when a range metadata is attached to ; llvm.cttz, ValueTracking correctly intersects the range specified by the ; metadata and the range implied by the intrinsic. ; ; In this test, the range specified by the metadata is more strict. Therefore, ; ValueTracking uses that range. define i16 @add_cttz(i16 %a) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @add_cttz( ; llvm.cttz.i16(..., /*is_zero_undefined=*/true) implies the value returned ; is in [0, 16). The range metadata indicates the value returned is in [0, 8). ; Intersecting these ranges, we know the value returned is in [0, 8). ; Therefore, InstCombine will transform ; add %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 1000 ; decimal -8 ; to ; or %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 1000 %cttz = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %a, i1 true), !range !0 %b = add i16 %cttz, -8 ; CHECK: or i16 %cttz, -8 ret i16 %b } declare i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16, i1) !0 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 8} ; Similar to @add_cttz, but in this test, the range implied by the ; intrinsic is more strict. Therefore, ValueTracking uses that range. define i16 @add_cttz_2(i16 %a) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @add_cttz_2( ; llvm.cttz.i16(..., /*is_zero_undefined=*/true) implies the value returned ; is in [0, 16). The range metadata indicates the value returned is in ; [0, 32). Intersecting these ranges, we know the value returned is in ; [0, 16). Therefore, InstCombine will transform ; add %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 0000 ; decimal -16 ; to ; or %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 0000 %cttz = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %a, i1 true), !range !1 %b = add i16 %cttz, -16 ; CHECK: or i16 %cttz, -16 ret i16 %b } !1 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 32}