; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -instcombine -disable-output target endian = big target pointersize = 32 target triple = "powerpc-apple-darwin8" implementation ; Functions: void %test() { entry: %tmp = getelementptr { long, long, long, long }* null, int 0, uint 3 %tmp = load long* %tmp ; [#uses=1] %tmp8 = load ulong* null ; [#uses=1] %tmp8 = cast ulong %tmp8 to long ; [#uses=1] %tmp9 = and long %tmp8, %tmp ; [#uses=1] %sext = cast long %tmp9 to int ; [#uses=1] %tmp27.i = cast int %sext to long ; [#uses=1] tail call void %foo( uint 0, long %tmp27.i ) unreachable } declare void %foo(uint, long)