; Tests that check our handling of volatile instructions encountered ; when scanning for dependencies ; RUN: opt -basicaa -gvn -S < %s | FileCheck %s ; Check that we can bypass a volatile load when searching ; for dependencies of a non-volatile load define i32 @test1(i32* nocapture %p, i32* nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test1 ; CHECK: %0 = load volatile i32* %q ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 0 entry: %x = load i32* %p load volatile i32* %q %y = load i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } ; We can not value forward if the query instruction is ; volatile, this would be (in effect) removing the volatile load define i32 @test2(i32* nocapture %p, i32* nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test2 ; CHECK: %x = load i32* %p ; CHECK-NEXT: %y = load volatile i32* %p ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = sub i32 %y, %x entry: %x = load i32* %p %y = load volatile i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } ; If the query instruction is itself volatile, we *cannot* ; reorder it even if p and q are noalias define i32 @test3(i32* noalias nocapture %p, i32* noalias nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test3 ; CHECK: %x = load i32* %p ; CHECK-NEXT: %0 = load volatile i32* %q ; CHECK-NEXT: %y = load volatile i32* %p entry: %x = load i32* %p load volatile i32* %q %y = load volatile i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } ; If an encountered instruction is both volatile and ordered, ; we need to use the strictest ordering of either. In this ; case, the ordering prevents forwarding. define i32 @test4(i32* noalias nocapture %p, i32* noalias nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test4 ; CHECK: %x = load i32* %p ; CHECK-NEXT: %0 = load atomic volatile i32* %q seq_cst ; CHECK-NEXT: %y = load atomic i32* %p seq_cst entry: %x = load i32* %p load atomic volatile i32* %q seq_cst, align 4 %y = load atomic i32* %p seq_cst, align 4 %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } ; Value forwarding from a volatile load is perfectly legal define i32 @test5(i32* nocapture %p, i32* nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test5 ; CHECK: %x = load volatile i32* %p ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 0 entry: %x = load volatile i32* %p %y = load i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } ; Does cross block redundancy elimination work with volatiles? define i32 @test6(i32* noalias nocapture %p, i32* noalias nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test6 ; CHECK: %y1 = load i32* %p ; CHECK-LABEL: header ; CHECK: %x = load volatile i32* %q ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = sub i32 %y1, %x entry: %y1 = load i32* %p call void @use(i32 %y1) br label %header header: %x = load volatile i32* %q %y = load i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x %cnd = icmp eq i32 %add, 0 br i1 %cnd, label %exit, label %header exit: ret i32 %add } ; Does cross block PRE work with volatiles? define i32 @test7(i1 %c, i32* noalias nocapture %p, i32* noalias nocapture %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test7 ; CHECK-LABEL: entry.header_crit_edge: ; CHECK: %y.pre = load i32* %p ; CHECK-LABEL: skip: ; CHECK: %y1 = load i32* %p ; CHECK-LABEL: header: ; CHECK: %y = phi i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = load volatile i32* %q ; CHECK-NEXT: %add = sub i32 %y, %x entry: br i1 %c, label %header, label %skip skip: %y1 = load i32* %p call void @use(i32 %y1) br label %header header: %x = load volatile i32* %q %y = load i32* %p %add = sub i32 %y, %x %cnd = icmp eq i32 %add, 0 br i1 %cnd, label %exit, label %header exit: ret i32 %add } ; Another volatile PRE case - two paths through a loop ; load in preheader, one path read only, one not define i32 @test8(i1 %b, i1 %c, i32* noalias %p, i32* noalias %q) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test8 ; CHECK-LABEL: entry ; CHECK: %y1 = load i32* %p ; CHECK-LABEL: header: ; CHECK: %y = phi i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = load volatile i32* %q ; CHECK-NOT: load ; CHECK-LABEL: skip.header_crit_edge: ; CHECK: %y.pre = load i32* %p entry: %y1 = load i32* %p call void @use(i32 %y1) br label %header header: %x = load volatile i32* %q %y = load i32* %p call void @use(i32 %y) br i1 %b, label %skip, label %header skip: ; escaping the arguments is explicitly required since we marked ; them noalias call void @clobber(i32* %p, i32* %q) br i1 %c, label %header, label %exit exit: %add = sub i32 %y, %x ret i32 %add } declare void @use(i32) readonly declare void @clobber(i32* %p, i32* %q)