; RUN: opt -constprop -S < %s | FileCheck %s ; Verify that we don't crash with an assertion failure when constant folding ; a call to intrinsic 'convert.from.fp16' if the return type is not 'float'. define float @fold_from_fp16_to_fp32() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp32 ; CHECK: ret float 0.000000e+00 entry: %0 = call float @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f32(i16 0) ret float %0 } define double @fold_from_fp16_to_fp64() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp64 ; CHECK: ret double 0.000000e+00 entry: %0 = call double @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f64(i16 0) ret double %0 } define x86_fp80 @fold_from_fp16_to_fp80() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp80 ; CHECK: ret x86_fp80 0xK00000000000000000000 entry: %0 = call x86_fp80 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f80(i16 0) ret x86_fp80 %0 } define fp128 @fold_from_fp16_to_fp128() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp128 ; CHECK: ret fp128 0xL00000000000000000000000000000000 entry: %0 = call fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f128(i16 0) ret fp128 %0 } define ppc_fp128 @fold_from_fp16_to_ppcfp128() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_ppcfp128 ; CHECK: ret ppc_fp128 0xM00000000000000000000000000000000 entry: %0 = call ppc_fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.ppcf128(i16 0) ret ppc_fp128 %0 } define float @fold_from_fp16_to_fp32_b() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp32_b ; CHECK: ret float 4.000000e+00 entry: %0 = call i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double 4.0) %1 = call float @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f32(i16 %0) ret float %1 } define double @fold_from_fp16_to_fp64_b() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp64_b ; CHECK: ret double 4.000000e+00 entry: %0 = call i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double 4.0) %1 = call double @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f64(i16 %0) ret double %1 } define x86_fp80 @fold_from_fp16_to_fp80_b() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp80_b ; CHECK: ret x86_fp80 0xK40018000000000000000 entry: %0 = call i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double 4.0) %1 = call x86_fp80 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f80(i16 %0) ret x86_fp80 %1 } define fp128 @fold_from_fp16_to_fp128_b() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_fp128_b ; CHECK: ret fp128 0xL00000000000000004001000000000000 entry: %0 = call i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double 4.0) %1 = call fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f128(i16 %0) ret fp128 %1 } define ppc_fp128 @fold_from_fp16_to_ppcfp128_b() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fold_from_fp16_to_ppcfp128_b ; CHECK: ret ppc_fp128 0xM40100000000000000000000000000000 entry: %0 = call i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double 4.0) %1 = call ppc_fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.ppcf128(i16 %0) ret ppc_fp128 %1 } declare i16 @llvm.convert.to.fp16.f64(double) declare float @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f32(i16) declare double @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f64(i16) declare x86_fp80 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f80(i16) declare fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.f128(i16) declare ppc_fp128 @llvm.convert.from.fp16.ppcf128(i16)