# RUN: not llvm-mc %s -triple=mipsel-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips1 2>%t1 # RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1 # FIXME: At the moment we emit the wrong error message if we try to assemble the # ll instruction using an unsupported architecture so we just check for "error" # and ignore the rest of the message. .text .set noreorder .set mips1 ll $2,-2($2) # CHECK: error: .set mips2 dadd $2,$2,$2 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips3 ldxc1 $f8,$2($4) # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips4 luxc1 $f19,$2($4) # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips5 clo $2,$2 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips32 rotr $2,15 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips32r2 mod $2, $4, $6 # CHECK: error:instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips32r6 daddi $2, $2, 10 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips64 drotr32 $1,$14,15 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled .set mips64r2 mod $2, $4, $6 # CHECK: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled