; RUN: llvm-as %S/only-needed-named-metadata.ll -o %t.bc ; RUN: llvm-as %S/Inputs/only-needed-named-metadata.ll -o %t2.bc ; Without -only-needed we should lazy link linkonce globals, and the ; metadata reference should not cause them to be linked. ; RUN: llvm-link -S %t2.bc %t.bc | FileCheck %s ; CHECK-NOT:@U_linkonce ; CHECK-NOT:@unused_linkonce() ; With -only-needed the metadata references should not cause any of the ; otherwise unreferenced globals to be linked. This also ensures that the ; metadata references don't provoke the module linker to create declarations, ; which are illegal for aliases and globals in comdats. ; Note that doing -only-needed with the comdat shown below leads to a only ; part of the comdat group being linked, which is not technically correct. ; RUN: llvm-link -S -only-needed %t2.bc %t.bc | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ONLYNEEDED ; RUN: llvm-link -S -internalize -only-needed %t2.bc %t.bc | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ONLYNEEDED ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@U ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@U_linkonce ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@unused() ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@unused_linkonce() ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@linkoncealias ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@linkoncefunc2() ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@weakalias ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@globalfunc1() ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@analias ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@globalfunc2() ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@c1_c ; ONLYNEEDED-NOT:@c1() $c1 = comdat any @c1_c = global i32 0, comdat($c1) define void @c1() comdat { ret void } define void @c1_a() comdat($c1) { ret void } @X = global i32 5 @U = global i32 6 @U_linkonce = linkonce_odr hidden global i32 6 define i32 @foo() { ret i32 7 } define i32 @unused() { ret i32 8 } define linkonce_odr hidden i32 @unused_linkonce() { ret i32 8 } @linkoncealias = alias void (...), bitcast (void ()* @linkoncefunc2 to void (...)*) @weakalias = weak alias void (...), bitcast (void ()* @globalfunc1 to void (...)*) @analias = alias void (...), bitcast (void ()* @globalfunc2 to void (...)*) define void @globalfunc1() #0 { entry: ret void } define void @globalfunc2() #0 { entry: ret void } $linkoncefunc2 = comdat any define linkonce_odr void @linkoncefunc2() #0 comdat { entry: ret void } !llvm.named = !{!0, !1, !2, !3, !4, !5, !6, !7} !0 = !{i32 ()* @unused} !1 = !{i32* @U} !2 = !{i32 ()* @unused_linkonce} !3 = !{i32* @U_linkonce} !4 = !{void (...)* @weakalias} !5 = !{void (...)* @analias} !6 = !{void (...)* @linkoncealias} !7 = !{void ()* @c1}