; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=i686-apple-darwin | not grep IMPLICIT_DEF %struct.__sbuf = type { i8*, i32 } %struct.ggBRDF = type { i32 (...)** } %"struct.ggBST" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, i32 } %"struct.ggBST" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, i32 } %"struct.ggBST" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, i32 } %"struct.ggBST" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, i32 } %"struct.ggBST" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, i32 } %"struct.ggBSTNode" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString, %struct.ggMaterial* } %"struct.ggBSTNode" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString, %struct.ggRasterSurfaceTexture* } %"struct.ggBSTNode" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString, %struct.ggBRDF* } %"struct.ggBSTNode" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString, %struct.ggSpectrum* } %"struct.ggBSTNode" = type { %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString, %struct.mrObjectRecord* } %"struct.ggDictionary" = type { %"struct.ggBST" } %"struct.ggDictionary" = type { %"struct.ggBST" } %"struct.ggDictionary" = type { %"struct.ggBST" } %"struct.ggDictionary" = type { %"struct.ggBST" } %"struct.ggDictionary" = type { %"struct.ggBST" } %struct.ggHAffineMatrix3 = type { %struct.ggHMatrix3 } %struct.ggHBoxMatrix3 = type { %struct.ggHAffineMatrix3 } %struct.ggHMatrix3 = type { [4 x [4 x double]] } %struct.ggMaterial = type { i32 (...)**, %struct.ggBRDF* } %struct.ggPoint3 = type { [3 x double] } %"struct.ggRGBPixel" = type { [3 x i8], i8 } %"struct.ggRaster >" = type { i32, i32, %"struct.ggRGBPixel"* } %struct.ggRasterSurfaceTexture = type { %"struct.ggRaster >"* } %struct.ggSolidNoise3 = type { i32, [256 x %struct.ggPoint3], [256 x i32] } %struct.ggSpectrum = type { [8 x float] } %struct.ggString = type { %"struct.ggString::StringRep"* } %"struct.ggString::StringRep" = type { i32, i32, [1 x i8] } %"struct.ggTrain" = type { %struct.ggBRDF**, i32, i32 } %struct.mrObjectRecord = type { %struct.ggHBoxMatrix3, %struct.ggHBoxMatrix3, %struct.mrSurfaceList, %struct.ggMaterial*, i32, %struct.ggRasterSurfaceTexture*, %struct.ggBRDF*, i32, i32 } %struct.mrScene = type { %struct.ggSpectrum, %struct.ggSpectrum, %struct.ggBRDF*, %struct.ggBRDF*, %struct.ggBRDF*, i32, double, %"struct.ggDictionary", %"struct.ggDictionary", %"struct.ggDictionary", %"struct.ggDictionary", %"struct.ggDictionary" } %struct.mrSurfaceList = type { %struct.ggBRDF, %"struct.ggTrain" } %"struct.std::__codecvt_abstract_base" = type { %"struct.std::locale::facet" } %"struct.std::basic_ios >" = type { %"struct.std::ios_base", %"struct.std::basic_ostream >"*, i8, i8, %"struct.std::basic_streambuf >"*, %"struct.std::ctype"*, %"struct.std::__codecvt_abstract_base"*, %"struct.std::__codecvt_abstract_base"* } %"struct.std::basic_istream >" = type { i32 (...)**, i32, %"struct.std::basic_ios >" } %"struct.std::basic_ostream >" = type { i32 (...)**, %"struct.std::basic_ios >" } %"struct.std::basic_streambuf >" = type { i32 (...)**, i8*, i8*, i8*, i8*, i8*, i8*, %"struct.std::locale" } %"struct.std::ctype" = type { %"struct.std::locale::facet", i32*, i8, i32*, i32*, i32*, i8, [256 x i8], [256 x i8], i8 } %"struct.std::ios_base" = type { i32 (...)**, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, %"struct.std::ios_base::_Callback_list"*, %struct.__sbuf, [8 x %struct.__sbuf], i32, %struct.__sbuf*, %"struct.std::locale" } %"struct.std::ios_base::_Callback_list" = type { %"struct.std::ios_base::_Callback_list"*, void (i32, %"struct.std::ios_base"*, i32)*, i32, i32 } %"struct.std::locale" = type { %"struct.std::locale::_Impl"* } %"struct.std::locale::_Impl" = type { i32, %"struct.std::locale::facet"**, i32, %"struct.std::locale::facet"**, i8** } %"struct.std::locale::facet" = type { i32 (...)**, i32 } @.str80 = external constant [7 x i8] ; <[7 x i8]*> [#uses=1] @.str81 = external constant [11 x i8] ; <[11 x i8]*> [#uses=1] define fastcc void @_ZN7mrScene4ReadERSi(%struct.mrScene* %this, %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces) { entry: %tmp6.i.i8288 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit unwind label %lpad ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit: ; preds = %entry %tmp6.i.i8995 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit96 unwind label %lpad3825 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit96: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit %tmp6.i.i97103 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit104 unwind label %lpad3829 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit104: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit96 %tmp6.i.i105111 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit112 unwind label %lpad3833 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit112: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit104 %tmp6.i.i122128 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit129 unwind label %lpad3837 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit129: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit112 %tmp6.i.i132138 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit139 unwind label %lpad3841 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit139: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit129 %tmp295 = invoke i8* @_Znwm( i32 16 ) to label %invcont294 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont294: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit139 %tmp10.i.i141 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 16 ) to label %_ZN13mrSurfaceListC1Ev.exit unwind label %lpad3849 ; [#uses=0] _ZN13mrSurfaceListC1Ev.exit: ; preds = %invcont294 %tmp3.i148 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i.noexc: ; preds = %_ZN13mrSurfaceListC1Ev.exit %tmp15.i149 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i.noexc br i1 false, label %bb308, label %bb.i bb.i: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc ret void bb308: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc br i1 false, label %bb3743.preheader, label %bb315 bb3743.preheader: ; preds = %bb308 %tmp16.i3862 = getelementptr %struct.ggPoint3* null, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 ; [#uses=1] %tmp16.i3859 = getelementptr %struct.ggPoint3* null, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 ; [#uses=3] br label %bb3743 bb315: ; preds = %bb308 ret void bb333: ; preds = %invcont3758, %invcont335 %tmp3.i167180 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i167.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i167.noexc: ; preds = %bb333 %tmp15.i182 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i.noexc181 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i.noexc181: ; preds = %tmp3.i167.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont335, label %bb.i178 bb.i178: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc181 ret void invcont335: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc181 br i1 false, label %bb3743, label %bb333 bb345: ; preds = %invcont3758 br i1 false, label %bb353, label %bb360 bb353: ; preds = %bb345 %tmp356 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] bb360: ; preds = %bb345 br i1 false, label %bb368, label %bb374 bb368: ; preds = %bb360 %tmp373 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] bb374: ; preds = %bb360 br i1 false, label %bb396, label %bb421 bb396: ; preds = %bb374 ret void bb421: ; preds = %bb374 br i1 false, label %bb429, label %bb530 bb429: ; preds = %bb421 ret void bb530: ; preds = %bb421 br i1 false, label %bb538, label %bb673 bb538: ; preds = %bb530 ret void bb673: ; preds = %bb530 br i1 false, label %bb681, label %bb778 bb681: ; preds = %bb673 ret void bb778: ; preds = %bb673 br i1 false, label %bb786, label %bb891 bb786: ; preds = %bb778 ret void bb891: ; preds = %bb778 br i1 false, label %bb899, label %bb998 bb899: ; preds = %bb891 ret void bb998: ; preds = %bb891 br i1 false, label %bb1168, label %bb1190 bb1168: ; preds = %bb998 ret void bb1190: ; preds = %bb998 br i1 false, label %bb1198, label %bb1220 bb1198: ; preds = %bb1190 ret void bb1220: ; preds = %bb1190 br i1 false, label %bb1228, label %bb1250 bb1228: ; preds = %bb1220 ret void bb1250: ; preds = %bb1220 br i1 false, label %bb1258, label %bb1303 bb1258: ; preds = %bb1250 ret void bb1303: ; preds = %bb1250 br i1 false, label %bb1311, label %bb1366 bb1311: ; preds = %bb1303 ret void bb1366: ; preds = %bb1303 br i1 false, label %bb1374, label %bb1432 bb1374: ; preds = %bb1366 ret void bb1432: ; preds = %bb1366 br i1 false, label %bb1440, label %bb1495 bb1440: ; preds = %bb1432 ret void bb1495: ; preds = %bb1432 br i1 false, label %bb1503, label %bb1561 bb1503: ; preds = %bb1495 ret void bb1561: ; preds = %bb1495 br i1 false, label %bb1569, label %bb1624 bb1569: ; preds = %bb1561 ret void bb1624: ; preds = %bb1561 br i1 false, label %bb1632, label %bb1654 bb1632: ; preds = %bb1624 store double 0.000000e+00, double* %tmp16.i3859, align 8 %tmp3.i38383852 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3838.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3838.noexc: ; preds = %bb1632 %tmp15.i38473853 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3847.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3847.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3838.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont1634, label %bb.i3850 bb.i3850: ; preds = %tmp15.i3847.noexc ret void invcont1634: ; preds = %tmp15.i3847.noexc %tmp3.i38173831 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3817.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3817.noexc: ; preds = %invcont1634 %tmp15.i38263832 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3826.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3826.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3817.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont1636, label %bb.i3829 bb.i3829: ; preds = %tmp15.i3826.noexc ret void invcont1636: ; preds = %tmp15.i3826.noexc %tmp8.i38083811 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* %tmp16.i3862 ) to label %tmp8.i3808.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp8.i3808.noexc: ; preds = %invcont1636 %tmp9.i38093812 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp8.i38083811, double* null ) to label %tmp9.i3809.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp9.i3809.noexc: ; preds = %tmp8.i3808.noexc %tmp10.i38103813 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp9.i38093812, double* null ) to label %invcont1638 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont1638: ; preds = %tmp9.i3809.noexc %tmp8.i37983801 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* %tmp16.i3859 ) to label %tmp8.i3798.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp8.i3798.noexc: ; preds = %invcont1638 %tmp9.i37993802 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp8.i37983801, double* null ) to label %tmp9.i3799.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp9.i3799.noexc: ; preds = %tmp8.i3798.noexc %tmp10.i38003803 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp9.i37993802, double* null ) to label %invcont1640 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont1640: ; preds = %tmp9.i3799.noexc %tmp3.i3778 = load double* %tmp16.i3859, align 8 ; [#uses=1] %tmp1643 = invoke i8* @_Znwm( i32 76 ) to label %invcont1642 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont1642: ; preds = %invcont1640 %tmp18.i3770 = sub double %tmp3.i3778, 0.000000e+00 ; [#uses=0] invoke fastcc void @_ZN7mrScene9AddObjectEP9mrSurfaceRK8ggStringS4_i( %struct.mrScene* %this, %struct.ggBRDF* null, %struct.ggString* null, %struct.ggString* null, i32 0 ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 bb1654: ; preds = %bb1624 br i1 false, label %bb1662, label %bb1693 bb1662: ; preds = %bb1654 %tmp3.i37143728 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3714.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3714.noexc: ; preds = %bb1662 %tmp15.i37233729 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3723.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3723.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3714.noexc ret void bb1693: ; preds = %bb1654 br i1 false, label %bb1701, label %bb1745 bb1701: ; preds = %bb1693 %tmp3.i36493663 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3649.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3649.noexc: ; preds = %bb1701 ret void bb1745: ; preds = %bb1693 br i1 false, label %bb1753, label %bb1797 bb1753: ; preds = %bb1745 ret void bb1797: ; preds = %bb1745 br i1 false, label %bb1805, label %bb1847 bb1805: ; preds = %bb1797 ret void bb1847: ; preds = %bb1797 br i1 false, label %bb1855, label %bb1897 bb1855: ; preds = %bb1847 %tmp3.i34633477 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3463.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3463.noexc: ; preds = %bb1855 %tmp15.i34723478 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3472.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3472.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3463.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont1857, label %bb.i3475 bb.i3475: ; preds = %tmp15.i3472.noexc invoke fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringaSEPKc( %struct.ggString* null, i8* null ) to label %invcont1857 unwind label %lpad3845 invcont1857: ; preds = %bb.i3475, %tmp15.i3472.noexc %tmp1860 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %invcont1859 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont1859: ; preds = %invcont1857 %tmp1862 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp1860, double* null ) to label %invcont1861 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont1861: ; preds = %invcont1859 %tmp1864 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp1862, double* null ) to label %invcont1863 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont1863: ; preds = %invcont1861 %tmp1866 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp1864, double* null ) to label %invcont1865 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont1865: ; preds = %invcont1863 %tmp1868 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp1866, double* null ) to label %invcont1867 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont1867: ; preds = %invcont1865 %tmp1881 = invoke i8 @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4goodEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) zeroext to label %invcont1880 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont1880: ; preds = %invcont1867 %tmp1883 = invoke i8* @_Znwm( i32 24 ) to label %invcont1882 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont1882: ; preds = %invcont1880 invoke fastcc void @_ZN7mrScene9AddObjectEP9mrSurfaceRK8ggStringS4_i( %struct.mrScene* %this, %struct.ggBRDF* null, %struct.ggString* null, %struct.ggString* null, i32 0 ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 bb1897: ; preds = %bb1847 br i1 false, label %bb1905, label %bb1947 bb1905: ; preds = %bb1897 ret void bb1947: ; preds = %bb1897 br i1 false, label %bb1955, label %bb2000 bb1955: ; preds = %bb1947 ret void bb2000: ; preds = %bb1947 br i1 false, label %bb2008, label %bb2053 bb2008: ; preds = %bb2000 ret void bb2053: ; preds = %bb2000 br i1 false, label %bb2061, label %bb2106 bb2061: ; preds = %bb2053 %tmp3.i32433257 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3243.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3243.noexc: ; preds = %bb2061 %tmp15.i32523258 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %bb.i3255 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] bb.i3255: ; preds = %tmp3.i3243.noexc invoke fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringaSEPKc( %struct.ggString* null, i8* null ) to label %invcont2063 unwind label %lpad3845 invcont2063: ; preds = %bb.i3255 ret void bb2106: ; preds = %bb2053 %tmp7.i3214 = call i32 @strcmp( i8* %tmp5.i161, i8* getelementptr ([7 x i8]* @.str80, i32 0, i32 0) ) nounwind readonly ; [#uses=0] br i1 false, label %bb2114, label %bb2136 bb2114: ; preds = %bb2106 %tmp3.i31923206 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3192.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3192.noexc: ; preds = %bb2114 %tmp15.i32013207 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3201.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3201.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3192.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont2116, label %bb.i3204 bb.i3204: ; preds = %tmp15.i3201.noexc ret void invcont2116: ; preds = %tmp15.i3201.noexc %tmp3.i31713185 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3171.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3171.noexc: ; preds = %invcont2116 %tmp15.i31803186 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3180.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3180.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3171.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont2118, label %bb.i3183 bb.i3183: ; preds = %tmp15.i3180.noexc ret void invcont2118: ; preds = %tmp15.i3180.noexc %tmp8.i31623165 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %tmp8.i3162.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp8.i3162.noexc: ; preds = %invcont2118 %tmp9.i31633166 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp8.i31623165, double* null ) to label %tmp9.i3163.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] tmp9.i3163.noexc: ; preds = %tmp8.i3162.noexc %tmp10.i31643167 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp9.i31633166, double* null ) to label %invcont2120 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont2120: ; preds = %tmp9.i3163.noexc %tmp2123 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %invcont2122 unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont2122: ; preds = %invcont2120 %tmp2125 = invoke i8* @_Znwm( i32 36 ) to label %invcont2124 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont2124: ; preds = %invcont2122 invoke fastcc void @_ZN7mrScene9AddObjectEP9mrSurfaceRK8ggStringS4_i( %struct.mrScene* %this, %struct.ggBRDF* null, %struct.ggString* null, %struct.ggString* null, i32 0 ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 bb2136: ; preds = %bb2106 %tmp7.i3128 = call i32 @strcmp( i8* %tmp5.i161, i8* getelementptr ([11 x i8]* @.str81, i32 0, i32 0) ) nounwind readonly ; [#uses=0] br i1 false, label %bb2144, label %bb3336 bb2144: ; preds = %bb2136 %tmp6.i.i31173123 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit3124 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit3124: ; preds = %bb2144 %tmp3.i30983112 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i3098.noexc unwind label %lpad3921 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i3098.noexc: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit3124 %tmp15.i31073113 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i3107.noexc unwind label %lpad3921 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i3107.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i3098.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont2147, label %bb.i3110 bb.i3110: ; preds = %tmp15.i3107.noexc ret void invcont2147: ; preds = %tmp15.i3107.noexc %tmp2161 = invoke i8 @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4goodEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) zeroext to label %invcont2160 unwind label %lpad3921 ; [#uses=0] invcont2160: ; preds = %invcont2147 %tmp4.i30933094 = invoke fastcc %struct.ggSpectrum* @_ZN5ggBSTI10ggSpectrumE4findERK8ggString3( %"struct.ggBSTNode"* null, %struct.ggString* null ) to label %invcont2164 unwind label %lpad3921 ; <%struct.ggSpectrum*> [#uses=0] invcont2164: ; preds = %invcont2160 br i1 false, label %bb2170, label %bb2181 bb2170: ; preds = %invcont2164 ret void bb2181: ; preds = %invcont2164 invoke fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringD1Ev( %struct.ggString* null ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 bb3336: ; preds = %bb2136 br i1 false, label %bb3344, label %bb3734 bb3344: ; preds = %bb3336 %tmp6.i.i773779 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit780 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit780: ; preds = %bb3344 %tmp6.i.i765771 = invoke i8* @_Znam( i32 12 ) to label %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit772 unwind label %lpad4025 ; [#uses=0] _ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit772: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit780 %tmp3.i746760 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i746.noexc unwind label %lpad4029 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i746.noexc: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit772 %tmp15.i755761 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i755.noexc unwind label %lpad4029 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i755.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i746.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont3348, label %bb.i758 bb.i758: ; preds = %tmp15.i755.noexc ret void invcont3348: ; preds = %tmp15.i755.noexc %tmp3.i726740 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i726.noexc unwind label %lpad4029 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i726.noexc: ; preds = %invcont3348 %tmp15.i735741 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i735.noexc unwind label %lpad4029 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i735.noexc: ; preds = %tmp3.i726.noexc br i1 false, label %bb3458, label %bb.i738 bb.i738: ; preds = %tmp15.i735.noexc ret void bb3458: ; preds = %tmp15.i735.noexc br i1 false, label %bb3466, label %bb3491 bb3466: ; preds = %bb3458 %tmp3469 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, double* null ) to label %invcont3468 unwind label %lpad4029 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont3468: ; preds = %bb3466 %tmp3471 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp3469, double* null ) to label %invcont3470 unwind label %lpad4029 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=1] invcont3470: ; preds = %invcont3468 %tmp3473 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERi( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %tmp3471, i32* null ) to label %invcont3472 unwind label %lpad4029 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] invcont3472: ; preds = %invcont3470 %tmp3475 = invoke i8* @_Znwm( i32 7196 ) to label %invcont3474 unwind label %lpad4029 ; [#uses=1] invcont3474: ; preds = %invcont3472 invoke fastcc void @_ZN13ggSolidNoise3C1Ev( %struct.ggSolidNoise3* null ) to label %_ZN22ggCoverageSolidTextureC1Eddi.exit unwind label %lpad4045 _ZN22ggCoverageSolidTextureC1Eddi.exit: ; preds = %invcont3474 %tmp34823483 = bitcast i8* %tmp3475 to %struct.ggBRDF* ; <%struct.ggBRDF*> [#uses=2] invoke fastcc void @_ZN5ggBSTI14ggSolidTextureE17InsertIntoSubtreeERK8ggStringPS0_RP9ggBSTNodeIS0_E( %"struct.ggBST"* null, %struct.ggString* null, %struct.ggBRDF* %tmp34823483, %"struct.ggBSTNode"** null ) to label %bb3662 unwind label %lpad4029 bb3491: ; preds = %bb3458 ret void bb3662: ; preds = %_ZN22ggCoverageSolidTextureC1Eddi.exit invoke fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringD1Ev( %struct.ggString* null ) to label %invcont3663 unwind label %lpad4025 invcont3663: ; preds = %bb3662 invoke fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringD1Ev( %struct.ggString* null ) to label %bb3743 unwind label %lpad3845 bb3734: ; preds = %bb3336 ret void bb3743: ; preds = %invcont3663, %bb2181, %invcont2124, %invcont1882, %invcont1642, %bb368, %bb353, %invcont335, %bb3743.preheader %tex1.3 = phi %struct.ggBRDF* [ undef, %bb3743.preheader ], [ %tex1.3, %bb368 ], [ %tex1.3, %invcont1642 ], [ %tex1.3, %invcont1882 ], [ %tex1.3, %invcont2124 ], [ %tex1.3, %bb2181 ], [ %tex1.3, %invcont335 ], [ %tmp34823483, %invcont3663 ], [ %tex1.3, %bb353 ] ; <%struct.ggBRDF*> [#uses=7] %tmp3.i312325 = invoke %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_( %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* %surfaces, i8* null ) to label %tmp3.i312.noexc unwind label %lpad3845 ; <%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*> [#uses=0] tmp3.i312.noexc: ; preds = %bb3743 %tmp15.i327 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %tmp15.i.noexc326 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] tmp15.i.noexc326: ; preds = %tmp3.i312.noexc br i1 false, label %invcont3745, label %bb.i323 bb.i323: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc326 ret void invcont3745: ; preds = %tmp15.i.noexc326 %tmp3759 = invoke i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv( %"struct.std::basic_ios >"* null ) to label %invcont3758 unwind label %lpad3845 ; [#uses=0] invcont3758: ; preds = %invcont3745 %tmp5.i161 = getelementptr %"struct.ggString::StringRep"* null, i32 0, i32 2, i32 0 ; [#uses=2] br i1 false, label %bb333, label %bb345 lpad: ; preds = %entry ret void lpad3825: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit ret void lpad3829: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit96 ret void lpad3833: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit104 ret void lpad3837: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit112 ret void lpad3841: ; preds = %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit129 ret void lpad3845: ; preds = %invcont3745, %tmp3.i312.noexc, %bb3743, %invcont3663, %bb3344, %bb2181, %bb2144, %invcont2124, %invcont2122, %invcont2120, %tmp9.i3163.noexc, %tmp8.i3162.noexc, %invcont2118, %tmp3.i3171.noexc, %invcont2116, %tmp3.i3192.noexc, %bb2114, %bb.i3255, %tmp3.i3243.noexc, %bb2061, %invcont1882, %invcont1880, %invcont1867, %invcont1865, %invcont1863, %invcont1861, %invcont1859, %invcont1857, %bb.i3475, %tmp3.i3463.noexc, %bb1855, %bb1701, %tmp3.i3714.noexc, %bb1662, %invcont1642, %invcont1640, %tmp9.i3799.noexc, %tmp8.i3798.noexc, %invcont1638, %tmp9.i3809.noexc, %tmp8.i3808.noexc, %invcont1636, %tmp3.i3817.noexc, %invcont1634, %tmp3.i3838.noexc, %bb1632, %bb368, %bb353, %tmp3.i167.noexc, %bb333, %tmp3.i.noexc, %_ZN13mrSurfaceListC1Ev.exit, %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit139 ret void lpad3849: ; preds = %invcont294 ret void lpad3921: ; preds = %invcont2160, %invcont2147, %tmp3.i3098.noexc, %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit3124 ret void lpad4025: ; preds = %bb3662, %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit780 ret void lpad4029: ; preds = %_ZN22ggCoverageSolidTextureC1Eddi.exit, %invcont3472, %invcont3470, %invcont3468, %bb3466, %tmp3.i726.noexc, %invcont3348, %tmp3.i746.noexc, %_ZN8ggStringC1Ei.exit772 ret void lpad4045: ; preds = %invcont3474 ret void } declare fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringD1Ev(%struct.ggString*) declare i8* @_Znam(i32) declare fastcc void @_ZN8ggStringaSEPKc(%struct.ggString*, i8*) declare i32 @strcmp(i8*, i8*) nounwind readonly declare %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERi(%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*, i32*) declare i8* @_Znwm(i32) declare i8* @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEEcvPvEv(%"struct.std::basic_ios >"*) declare %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZNSirsERd(%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*, double*) declare %"struct.std::basic_istream >"* @_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_PS3_(%"struct.std::basic_istream >"*, i8*) declare fastcc void @_ZN13ggSolidNoise3C1Ev(%struct.ggSolidNoise3*) declare i8 @_ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4goodEv(%"struct.std::basic_ios >"*) zeroext declare fastcc %struct.ggSpectrum* @_ZN5ggBSTI10ggSpectrumE4findERK8ggString3(%"struct.ggBSTNode"*, %struct.ggString*) declare fastcc void @_ZN5ggBSTI14ggSolidTextureE17InsertIntoSubtreeERK8ggStringPS0_RP9ggBSTNodeIS0_E(%"struct.ggBST"*, %struct.ggString*, %struct.ggBRDF*, %"struct.ggBSTNode"**) declare fastcc void @_ZN7mrScene9AddObjectEP9mrSurfaceRK8ggStringS4_i(%struct.mrScene*, %struct.ggBRDF*, %struct.ggString*, %struct.ggString*, i32)