; RUN: opt -mtriple=x86_x64-pc-windows-msvc -S -winehprepare < %s | FileCheck %s declare i32 @__CxxFrameHandler3(...) declare void @f() declare i32 @g() declare void @h(i32) declare i1 @b() define void @test1() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: ; %x def colors: {entry} subset of use colors; must spill %x = call i32 @g() invoke void @f() to label %noreturn unwind label %catch catch: catchpad [] to label %noreturn unwind label %endcatch noreturn: ; %x use colors: {entry, cleanup} call void @h(i32 %x) unreachable endcatch: catchendpad unwind to caller } ; Need two copies of the call to @h, one under entry and one under catch. ; Currently we generate a load for each, though we shouldn't need one ; for the use in entry's copy. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1( ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK: store i32 %x, i32* [[Slot:%[^ ]+]] ; CHECK: invoke void @f() ; CHECK: to label %[[EntryCopy:[^ ]+]] unwind label %catch ; CHECK: catch: ; CHECK: catchpad [] ; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[CatchCopy:[^ ]+]] unwind ; CHECK: [[CatchCopy]]: ; CHECK: [[LoadX2:%[^ ]+]] = load i32, i32* [[Slot]] ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[LoadX2]] ; CHECK: [[EntryCopy]]: ; CHECK: [[LoadX1:%[^ ]+]] = load i32, i32* [[Slot]] ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[LoadX1]] define void @test2() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %cleanup cleanup: cleanuppad [] br label %exit exit: call void @f() ret void } ; Need two copies of %exit's call to @f -- the subsequent ret is only ; valid when coming from %entry, but on the path from %cleanup, this ; might be a valid call to @f which might dynamically not return. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2( ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK: invoke void @f() ; CHECK: to label %[[exit:[^ ]+]] unwind label %cleanup ; CHECK: cleanup: ; CHECK: cleanuppad [] ; CHECK: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable ; CHECK: [[exit]]: ; CHECK: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void define void @test3() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %invoke.cont unwind label %catch invoke.cont: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %cleanup catch: catchpad [] to label %shared unwind label %endcatch endcatch: catchendpad unwind to caller cleanup: cleanuppad [] br label %shared shared: call void @f() br label %exit exit: ret void } ; Need two copies of %shared's call to @f (similar to @test2 but ; the two regions here are siblings, not parent-child). ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test3( ; CHECK: invoke void @f() ; CHECK: invoke void @f() ; CHECK: to label %[[exit:[^ ]+]] unwind ; CHECK: catch: ; CHECK: catchpad [] ; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[shared:[^ ]+]] unwind ; CHECK: cleanup: ; CHECK: cleanuppad [] ; CHECK: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable ; CHECK: [[shared]]: ; CHECK: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable ; CHECK: [[exit]]: ; CHECK: ret void define void @test4() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %shared unwind label %catch catch: catchpad [] to label %shared unwind label %endcatch endcatch: catchendpad unwind to caller shared: %x = call i32 @g() %i = call i32 @g() %zero.trip = icmp eq i32 %i, 0 br i1 %zero.trip, label %exit, label %loop loop: %i.loop = phi i32 [ %i, %shared ], [ %i.dec, %loop.tail ] %b = call i1 @b() br i1 %b, label %left, label %right left: %y = call i32 @g() br label %loop.tail right: call void @h(i32 %x) br label %loop.tail loop.tail: %i.dec = sub i32 %i.loop, 1 %done = icmp eq i32 %i.dec, 0 br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop exit: call void @h(i32 %x) unreachable } ; Make sure we can clone regions that have internal control ; flow and SSA values. Here we need two copies of everything ; from %shared to %exit. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test4( ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK: to label %[[shared_E:[^ ]+]] unwind label %catch ; CHECK: catch: ; CHECK: to label %[[shared_C:[^ ]+]] unwind label %endcatch ; CHECK: [[shared_C]]: ; CHECK: [[x_C:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: [[i_C:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: [[zt_C:%[^ ]+]] = icmp eq i32 [[i_C]], 0 ; CHECK: br i1 [[zt_C]], label %[[exit_C:[^ ]+]], label %[[loop_C:[^ ]+]] ; CHECK: [[shared_E]]: ; CHECK: [[x_E:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: [[i_E:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: [[zt_E:%[^ ]+]] = icmp eq i32 [[i_E]], 0 ; CHECK: br i1 [[zt_E]], label %[[exit_E:[^ ]+]], label %[[loop_E:[^ ]+]] ; CHECK: [[loop_C]]: ; CHECK: [[iloop_C:%[^ ]+]] = phi i32 [ [[i_C]], %[[shared_C]] ], [ [[idec_C:%[^ ]+]], %[[looptail_C:[^ ]+]] ] ; CHECK: [[b_C:%[^ ]+]] = call i1 @b() ; CHECK: br i1 [[b_C]], label %[[left_C:[^ ]+]], label %[[right_C:[^ ]+]] ; CHECK: [[loop_E]]: ; CHECK: [[iloop_E:%[^ ]+]] = phi i32 [ [[i_E]], %[[shared_E]] ], [ [[idec_E:%[^ ]+]], %[[looptail_E:[^ ]+]] ] ; CHECK: [[b_E:%[^ ]+]] = call i1 @b() ; CHECK: br i1 [[b_E]], label %[[left_E:[^ ]+]], label %[[right_E:[^ ]+]] ; CHECK: [[left_C]]: ; CHECK: [[y_C:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: br label %[[looptail_C]] ; CHECK: [[left_E]]: ; CHECK: [[y_E:%[^ ]+]] = call i32 @g() ; CHECK: br label %[[looptail_E]] ; CHECK: [[right_C]]: ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[x_C]]) ; CHECK: br label %[[looptail_C]] ; CHECK: [[right_E]]: ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[x_E]]) ; CHECK: br label %[[looptail_E]] ; CHECK: [[looptail_C]]: ; CHECK: [[idec_C]] = sub i32 [[iloop_C]], 1 ; CHECK: [[done_C:%[^ ]+]] = icmp eq i32 [[idec_C]], 0 ; CHECK: br i1 [[done_C]], label %[[exit_C]], label %[[loop_C]] ; CHECK: [[looptail_E]]: ; CHECK: [[idec_E]] = sub i32 [[iloop_E]], 1 ; CHECK: [[done_E:%[^ ]+]] = icmp eq i32 [[idec_E]], 0 ; CHECK: br i1 [[done_E]], label %[[exit_E]], label %[[loop_E]] ; CHECK: [[exit_C]]: ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[x_C]]) ; CHECK: unreachable ; CHECK: [[exit_E]]: ; CHECK: call void @h(i32 [[x_E]]) ; CHECK: unreachable define void @test5() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %outer outer: %o = cleanuppad [] %x = call i32 @g() invoke void @f() to label %outer.ret unwind label %inner inner: %i = catchpad [] to label %inner.catch unwind label %inner.endcatch inner.catch: catchret %i to label %outer.post-inner inner.endcatch: catchendpad unwind to caller outer.post-inner: call void @h(i32 %x) br label %outer.ret outer.ret: cleanupret %o unwind to caller exit: ret void } ; Simple nested case (catch-inside-cleanup). Nothing needs ; to be cloned. The def and use of %x are both in %outer ; and so don't need to be spilled. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test5( ; CHECK: outer: ; CHECK: %x = call i32 @g() ; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: to label %outer.ret unwind label %inner ; CHECK: inner: ; CHECK: to label %inner.catch unwind label %inner.endcatch ; CHECK: inner.catch: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchret %i to label %outer.post-inner ; CHECK: outer.post-inner: ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @h(i32 %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %outer.ret define void @test6() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %invoke.cont unwind label %left invoke.cont: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %right left: cleanuppad [] br label %shared right: catchpad [] to label %right.catch unwind label %right.end right.catch: br label %shared right.end: catchendpad unwind to caller shared: %x = call i32 @g() invoke void @f() to label %shared.cont unwind label %inner shared.cont: unreachable inner: %i = cleanuppad [] call void @h(i32 %x) cleanupret %i unwind label %right.end exit: ret void } ; %inner is a cleanup which appears both as a child of ; %left and as a child of %right. Since statically we ; need each funclet to have a single parent, we need to ; clone the entire %inner funclet so we can have one ; copy under each parent. The cleanupret in %inner ; unwinds to the catchendpad for %right, so the copy ; of %inner under %right should include it; the copy ; of %inner under %left should instead have an ; `unreachable` inserted there, but the copy under ; %left still needs to be created because it's possible ; the dynamic path enters %left, then enters %inner, ; then calls @h, and that the call to @h doesn't return. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test6( ; TODO: CHECKs define void @test7() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %invoke.cont unwind label %left invoke.cont: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %right left: cleanuppad [] invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %inner right: catchpad [] to label %right.catch unwind label %right.end right.catch: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %inner right.end: catchendpad unwind to caller inner: %i = cleanuppad [] %x = call i32 @g() call void @h(i32 %x) cleanupret %i unwind label %right.end unreachable: unreachable } ; Another case of a two-parent child (like @test6), this time ; with the join at the entry itself instead of following a ; non-pad join. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test7( ; TODO: CHECKs define void @test8() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %invoke.cont unwind label %left invoke.cont: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %right left: cleanuppad [] br label %shared right: catchpad [] to label %right.catch unwind label %right.end right.catch: br label %shared right.end: catchendpad unwind to caller shared: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %inner inner: cleanuppad [] invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %inner.child inner.child: cleanuppad [] %x = call i32 @g() call void @h(i32 %x) unreachable unreachable: unreachable } ; %inner is a two-parent child which itself has a child; need ; to make two copies of both the %inner and %inner.child. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test8( ; TODO: CHECKs define void @test9() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %invoke.cont unwind label %left invoke.cont: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %right left: cleanuppad [] call void @h(i32 1) invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %right right: cleanuppad [] call void @h(i32 2) invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %left unreachable: unreachable } ; This is an irreducible loop with two funclets that enter each other; ; need to make two copies of each funclet (one a child of root, the ; other a child of the opposite funclet), but also make sure not to ; clone self-descendants (if we tried to do that we'd need to make an ; infinite number of them). Presumably if optimizations ever generated ; such a thing it would mean that one of the two cleanups was originally ; the parent of the other, but that we'd somehow lost track in the CFG ; of which was which along the way; generating each possibility lets ; whichever case was correct execute correctly. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test9( ; TODO: CHECKs define void @test10() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %inner inner: %cleanup = cleanuppad [] ; make sure we don't overlook this cleanupret and try to process ; successor %outer as a child of inner. cleanupret %cleanup unwind label %outer outer: %catch = catchpad [] to label %catch.body unwind label %endpad catch.body: catchret %catch to label %exit endpad: catchendpad unwind to caller exit: ret void unreachable: unreachable } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test10( ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: ; CHECK-NEXT: invoke ; CHECK-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %inner ; CHECK: inner: ; CHECK-NEXT: %cleanup = cleanuppad ; CHECK-NEXT: cleanupret %cleanup unwind label %outer ; CHECK: outer: ; CHECK-NEXT: %catch = catchpad [] ; CHECK-NEXT: to label %catch.body unwind label %endpad ; CHECK: catch.body: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchret %catch to label %exit ; CHECK: endpad: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchendpad unwind to caller ; CHECK: exit: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void define void @test11() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %cleanup.outer cleanup.outer: %outer = cleanuppad [] invoke void @f() to label %outer.cont unwind label %cleanup.inner outer.cont: br label %merge cleanup.inner: %inner = cleanuppad [] br label %merge merge: invoke void @f() to label %unreachable unwind label %merge.end unreachable: unreachable merge.end: cleanupendpad %outer unwind to caller exit: ret void } ; merge.end will get cloned for outer and inner, but is implausible ; from inner, so the invoke @f() in inner's copy of merge should be ; rewritten to call @f() ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test11() ; CHECK: %inner = cleanuppad [] ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable define void @test12() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %cont unwind label %left, !dbg !8 cont: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %right left: cleanuppad [] br label %join right: cleanuppad [] br label %join join: ; This call will get cloned; make sure we can handle cloning ; instructions with debug metadata attached. call void @f(), !dbg !9 unreachable exit: ret void } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test13() ; CHECK: ret void define void @test13() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: ret void unreachable: cleanuppad [] unreachable } define void @test14() personality i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %catch1.pad catch1.pad: %catch1 = catchpad [i32 1] to label %catch1.body unwind label %catch2.pad catch1.body: invoke void @h(i32 1) to label %catch1.body2 unwind label %catch.end catch1.body2: invoke void @f() to label %catch1.ret unwind label %cleanup1.pad cleanup1.pad: %cleanup1 = cleanuppad [] call void @f() cleanupret %cleanup1 unwind label %catch.end catch1.ret: catchret %catch1 to label %exit catch2.pad: %catch2 = catchpad [i32 2] to label %catch2.body unwind label %catch.end catch2.body: invoke void @h(i32 2) to label %catch2.body2 unwind label %catch.end catch2.body2: invoke void @f() to label %catch2.ret unwind label %cleanup2.pad cleanup2.pad: %cleanup2 = cleanuppad [] call void @f() cleanupret %cleanup2 unwind label %catch.end catch2.ret: catchret %catch2 to label %exit catch.end: catchendpad unwind to caller exit: ret void } ; Make sure we don't clone the catchendpad even though the ; cleanupendpads targeting it would naively imply that it ; should get their respective parent colors (catch1 and catch2), ; as well as its properly getting the root function color. The ; references from the invokes ensure that if we did make clones ; for each catch, they'd be reachable, as those invokes would get ; rewritten ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test14() ; CHECK-NOT: catchendpad ; CHECK: invoke void @h(i32 1) ; CHECK-NEXT: unwind label %catch.end ; CHECK-NOT: catchendpad ; CHECK: invoke void @h(i32 2) ; CHECK-NEXT: unwind label %catch.end ; CHECK-NOT: catchendpad ; CHECK: catch.end: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchendpad ; CHECK-NOT: catchendpad ;; Debug info (from test12) ; Make sure the DISubprogram doesn't get cloned ; CHECK-LABEL: !llvm.module.flags ; CHECK-NOT: !DISubprogram ; CHECK: !{{[0-9]+}} = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "test12" ; CHECK-NOT: !DISubprogram !llvm.module.flags = !{!0} !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!1} !0 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3} !1 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C_plus_plus, file: !2, producer: "compiler", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: 1, enums: !3, subprograms: !4) !2 = !DIFile(filename: "test.cpp", directory: ".") !3 = !{} !4 = !{!5} !5 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "test12", scope: !2, file: !2, type: !6, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, scopeLine: 3, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, isOptimized: true, function: void ()* @test12, variables: !3) !6 = !DISubroutineType(types: !7) !7 = !{null} !8 = !DILocation(line: 1, scope: !5) !9 = !DILocation(line: 2, scope: !5)